Blood Tyrant

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Blood Tyrant

Creature — Vampire

Flying, trample

At the beginning of your upkeep, each player loses 1 life. Put a +1/+1 counter on Blood Tyrant for each 1 life lost this way.

Whenever a player loses the game, put five +1/+1 counters on Blood Tyrant.

DemonDragonJ on Diabolical Machinations

4 months ago

I have replaced Blood Tyrant and Garza Zol, Plague Queen with Demon of Loathing and Nicol Bolas, the Ravager  Flip, which reduced this deck's average converted mana cost from 4.42 to 4.37, which is very good, because the newer cards far better fit the theme of this deck than do the older cards; this is the first time that I have put a double-faced card into one of my decks, because I was deliberately avoiding doing so, but that version of Bolas was too excellent to not put into this deck.

SirFowler on "Happy Little Accidental Murders"

1 year ago

I like the deck. I have been wanting to make an Anhelo deck, but I just have so many decks already that I don't know if I'll have room for another. (Not like that's stopped me before though)

You already have Talrand, The Sky Summoner, but more effects like Metallurgic Summonings, Saruman, the White Hand, Chrome Host Seedshark, and Baral and Kari Zev would be handy. I also feel like a couple of magecraft triggers such as Archmage Emeritus, Deekah, Fractal Theorist, or, if you're willing to pay a little more, Storm-Kiln Artist would be good. Role Reversal is nice because it could steal any permanent, not just creatures if you're willing to get rid of some of your stuff. Cryptic Pursuit seems perfect hear since casting instants and sorceries creates a 2/2 for casualty, but also, when you sacrifice it, if it was an instant or sorcery, you get another card! A 3 for 1 seems like a pretty good deal. Also, your mana fixing needs a little work. The signets (Arcane Signet, Rakdos Signet, Dimir Signet, and Izzet Signet) are really cheap, so I would replace those for the 3 mana rocks. Creating colorless mana is pretty detrimental, especially if you're trying to cast spells with multiple mana symbols.

Some stuff I would replace. Blood Tyrant is too bulky since it doesn't benefit from casting/copying spells. Imminent Doom is a little too situational for my liking. There are times when you might not have the right cmc to trigger the doom. Theater of Horrors isn't really that great because it's really mana intensive for the payoff. Prince of Thralls is just too pricey for the curve. Prismari Pledgemage is just a 3/3 for 2, but doesn't do much anything else. Soul Seizer  Flip is too clunky, when you could just do Control Magic for 1 less and is an immediate payoff. Firemind's Foresight. I like this card, but it's just a little pricey for my liking. Elder Mastery. Again, a little too pricey for the payoff. Sedris, the Traitor King is really only good in a more creature heavy build with a mill subtheme. Since you only have 15 creatures, it doesn't seem worth it.

These are just a few of my opinions on the deck. Hope any of this helps.

legendofa on Commander without the Legendary Rule

2 years ago

I'm going to go with, as always, Alara. TypicalTimmy already mentioned Godsire and Maelstrom Archangel, and I'm going to add Prince of Thralls, Hellkite Overlord, Blood Tyrant, and Magister Sphinx.

(For the curious, Empyrial Archangel and Sphinx Sovereign are the other two cards in the MNNO cycle. Either of them would work as well, I just don't find them quite as interesting.)

multimedia on The Undying

2 years ago

Hey, nice casual budget version, but are undying creatures other than Mikaeus and Flayer really worth it?

Consider more enablers to get +1/+1 counters on your creatures?

If you're going for an attacking strategy then consider a few more fliers that have some added value when they die or when they ETB?

Bloodtracker + Sword of Hours is a nice interaction. Some sac outlets are helpful to sac creatures who have counters to get their die or ETB triggers.

You have several high CMC creatures here, more reanimation and enablers could help.

Olivia, Mobilized for War is a +1/+1 counter enabler and an enabler for reanimation.

Some cards to consider cutting:

Good luck with your deck.

plakjekaas on None

3 years ago

A few cards exist already that grant bonuses for killing other players:

Blood Tyrant

Curse of Vengeance

Elbrus, the Binding Blade  Flip

Sengir, the Dark Baron

slashdotdash on 5 color no theme deck

4 years ago

Dear Kronhamilton

Golos, Tireless Pilgrim is my favorite commander, and I've been brewing around him ever since he was teased. Let me just say you've chosen an excellent commander.

(I’ve written quite a lot in an attempt to make a sort of guide for you, so if you want the short version, check out the Suggestions panel)

Golos can be tricky to build around since he can do literally anything pretty well. The easiest way to make an effective Golos deck is to lean into Golos's 7 Mana Rainbow Wheel Of Death. Before getting into that though, we need to cover some EDH deckbuilding basics.

I think the most useful advice I can give someone who is just beginning to explore the deck-building territory of EDH is to structure your deck and mind your Ratios. By this I mean it is useful to categorize the cards in your deck according to the role they fulfill.

We’ll begin by looking at some core categories that you’ll want to make your deck function effectively. Then I’ll present the Ratios (how many of each category of card) you will want to make a generic Golos deck function effectively. Next, I’ll include a detailed (but not totally complete, because I’d be here all day) catalogue of cards within some of those categories. I’ll also offer up some suggestions and input about some of your specific card choices. Lastly, since I’m about to unpack a lot of information, I will include a brief list of suggestions (see the bottom) for a generically good Golos ‘Shell’ that should be able to support most Golos strategies.


  • Draw

  • Ramp

  • Removal

  • Sweepers

  • Threats

  • Support

  • Land

Draw Show

Ramp Show

Removal Show

Sweepers Show

Threats Show

Support Show

Land Show

The art of Ratios is all about determining what combination of cards from each category makes your deck run the most smoothly.

Please note that these Ratios will not total to 99 cards. This is because you will invariably have extra flexibility to choose how your deck behaves even after establishing functional Ratios. Also keep in mind that although these Ratios do recommend you adhere to the minimum number of cards in each category, you still can choose which cards will fill those slots. The point is not to restrict your options, but instead to create a ‘Shell’ that is reliable enough to power your Threats cards, Support cards, and other cards. Whatever you do, make sure you have at least the minimum number of Draw and Ramp cards. THE MOST IMPORTANT CARDS IN THE DECK ARE DRAW AND RAMP!!!

While I ultimately suggest Ratios resembling the Basic Golos Shell, I will lay out the Ratios for several different Shells;

  • Template: a sort of baseline beginner’s guide which is commonly promoted as a place to start.

  • Basic Golos: a modified version of the Template that suites most Golos decks.

  • Control: a version tailored for a slower game with many Sweepers.

  • Aggro: a version designed to act quickly and deploy Threats before the opponents are prepared.

  • Big Mana: a version invested heavily into Ramp with the goal of deploying many end-game Threats.

  • Mega Mana: an even more extreme version of Big Mana with extremely expensive Threats.

Template Show

Basic Golos Show

Control Show

Aggro Show

Big Mana Show

Mega Mana Show

Draw Show

Please remember that any suggestions I make are because I am trying to help. Ultimately, the choices you make with your deck are up to you, and I can only provide constructive criticism based on my own experience and opinions.

Good luck :)

Ratio Fixing

The most effective change to your deck would probably be adjusting the Ratios, especially with regard to your Draw cards. Applying the most basic Template Shell, you want to have at least these three quantities nailed down for a smoother and reasonably powerful deck;

  • Lands – 36 --> You have 40 Lands (Cut 4 Lands)

  • Ramp – 10 --> You have 5 true Ramp cards (Add 5 to 8 Ramp cards)

  • Draw – 10 --> You have 3 true Draw cards (Add 7 to 10 Draw cards)

What I counted in your deck Show


Depending on how strong your Mutate subtheme is, some of your Mutate inclusions may act as engines. However, I must state that Mutate is a VERY risky and even fragile strategy since your Mutate ‘Pile’ of creatures will all be destroyed at once if your opponent uses a Removal spell or a Sweeper. For that reason, I recommend leaning out of the Mutate theme (unless the Mutate card is just straight-up insane, as in the example of Nethroi, Apex of Death).

With that said, playing a Mutate theme is your decision and I totally respect that and if you want to stick to a Mutate theme then by all means do so. I just want to be sure you know that Mutate is a risky strategy that you cannot depend on to fulfill your Ramp and Draw slots (so you’ll just need to supplement it with other cards).

Cut or Include?

At a glance your deck seems like something you have created using just your collection – and that’s great! However, if you want to incrementally upgrade your deck, then I recommend replacing most of the cards in your deck with more powerful options over time.

Here is a list of cards you should probably keep playing: - Barrier Breach (Removal, because exiling 3 enchantments is helpful in some situations)

In my opinion, there are other, better options for all of the other nonland cards in the deck, however it is up to you to decide on how you would like to proceed so I won’t intrude.

I strongly recommend cutting the Planeswalkers though – Calix, Destiny's Hand doesn’t seem to synergize much with the deck and I feel that Lukka, Coppercoat Outcast is not very potent.


Just as a recommendation, I would suggest the following spread of Basic Lands;

  • 8 Basic Forests

  • 3 of each other Basic Land

The remainder of your lands could be either more basics (which is really, really, risky if you don’t have tons of Ramp – think like 15 Ramp cards and about 12 Basic Forests) or Color Fixing Lands (see the Catalogue for more options). It is rough to have your lands enter the battlefield tapped, but unless you want to either lean into Green or spend a lot of money on lands, you will just have to live with it (I play around 5-10 tapped lands in a normal Golos deck and it isn’t really that bad).

In this section, I will list out an example of the Basic Golos Shell complete with the necessary Ratios and some examples of good/fun cards in each category. I’ll try to keep it relatively Budget sensitive and most of these cards will be relatively random – this won’t be based on any particular theme so don’t expect it to be optimal.

As a reminder:

Basic Golos Show

The Shell

Ramp – 12

Draw – 13

Removal – 7

Sweepers – 2

Threats – 12

Support – 7

Land – 36

Good Luck :)


Gidgetimer on Casting and flashing Ignite the …

4 years ago

"This way" always refers only to earlier effects of the same spell or ability. Just as Agent of Masks and Blood Tyrant do not bolster each other's effect, a flashed back Ignite the Future will not modify any other Ignite the Future 's cards.

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