Blinding Angel

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Blinding Angel

Creature — Angel

Flying (This creature can't be blocked except by creatures with flying or reach.)

Whenever Blinding Angel deals combat damage to a player, that player skips their next combat phase.

SufferFromEDHD on No blocky

11 months ago

The Jeskai version of Kamiz, Obscura Oculus. I agree with you, human tribal is the wrong direction. Value off unblockability is the way to go. Infect/toxic if you want to be evil :)

Blinding Angel is epic. Glad to see this old rare in your list. Auto include no matter which strategy you chose for Aragon.

Marton Stromgald speeds up the aggro clock similar to infect/toxic.

Battle Angels of Tyr deep value.

Sun Titan or Inferno Titan repeatable value.

Cephalid Constable really fits the theme.

Flamerush Rider similar to Tilonalli's Skinshifter

Orcish Squatters haha

Graceful Antelope the haha continues

the_solitaire on Angels Wrath premodern

3 years ago

Angels Wrath, although it seems to be wiped from MtG history, was a tiered deck, and saw some tournament play back in the Invasion block. With the joy I found recently in playing tabletop Magic, I broke out the old deck and found it greatly inefficient against pretty much anything outside of the Invasion block card set, so I figured I might rebuild it and make it into a pre-modern deck instead.

In that attempt, I ditched most of the defining cards of the deck, but kept a few copies of the name defining cards. Serra Angel ( Blinding Angel went out completely, because it would only work in tandem with Moat ) and Wrath of God.

Most of the deck consisted of denial and removal, but with a tendency to set up for the win by making the opponent draw through his deck faster then you. So that is where I started.

What I ended up with is this"

UW angels Wrath Premodern

I decided to forego Force of Wills in favor of less costly cards to keep the price somewhat moderate. Still, the mana base wasn't exactly cheap, and I left out Strip Mines and Wastelands even.

At this point, I am open to ideas and suggestions on how I could improve on this framework.

multimedia on

3 years ago

Hey, nice start, mono white can be tricky to build and play in Commander. You have Avacyn, Angel of Hope, make her the Commander? This is Angel tribal, but using Elesh Norn as Commander is strange...

No matter the Commander with Angel tribal Angels take up most, if not all, the high CMC spots in the deck because the best Angels have high CMCs. My advice is cut the majority of the other nonAngel high CMC (5 CMC or higher) cards. Ramp and Angels should be priority.

Cards to consider cutting right away because they're not as good as other cards or are redundancy you don't need:

This is 20 cards that doing a quick look over are subpar compared to the rest. The next 10 cards are cut to streamline by choosing the most important cards at different CMCs and cutting the others. Cards to consider cutting:

The last four cards is where it gets difficult to make cuts, but continue to streamline:

Hopefully this info helps and I offer more advice especially if you change to Avacyn, Angel of Hope as Commander since there's several good interactions to take advantage of.

Good luck with your deck.

LunchBox1211 on Heavenly Host

3 years ago

I love it! Angels are my favorite tribe, tribal is my favorite strategy, and I've wanted to see Shalai in a deck for some time (I mostly go mono-white, or boros). Not sure what you play against, but I would recomend running Reya Dawnbringer for reanimation. Also, Blinding Angel can be a pain for combat-centered decks.

Davinoth on

4 years ago

     n3mo17: I actually just cut All That Glitters, but if I find I'm needing a little more closing power it may get added back in. :)

     Epicurus: Awesome suggestions! I too remember the days of getting slammed by Radiant, Archangel and being unable to respond due to Blinding Angel haha! Great list of suggestions, some of which will definitely hit the maybeboard. I had two Moats when I was a kid; definitely wouldn't of traded them if I had've known.. xD

Zerraphon on Avacyn, Angel of "Nope"

4 years ago

interesting deck i'd say, seems a lot like a legacy deck than an EDH one! How has Blinding Angel and Chancellor of the Annex been working out? And If you were to add things like graveyards hate, and cards like Excise , Path to Exile what would be some recommendations? I'm currently making my Kynaios and Tiro of Meletis 4 color Angel themed EDH deck into a 2 color Selesnya Angel tribal! (im only using 7 cards that are not white or green LOL)! So I'm planning to make it into a Sigarda, Host of Herons deck!

Shyachi33 on Andy's Eight-and-a-Half-Tails deck

5 years ago

hi, just watched the Legendary Creature Podcast and as someone that loves mono white AND Eight-and-a-Half Tails, i'd like to put some input in the deck.

first of all, i would cut ALL of the unsynergistic "lose-less" cards like: Dawn Elemental , Blinding Angel , Guardian of the Gateless , Palisade Giant , Platinum Angel , Selfless Squire , Ghostly Prison , Pariah , and Gideon of the Trials . none of these cards advance your game state, or put you closer to a win. If anything these cards only help you durdle around, hoping you can squeeze out a cheeky win. you already run the 3 circle of protection cards that will more or less synergistically do most of that already, and you can also add Idyllic Tutor as redundancy. i would probably replace the lose-less cards for more hatebears, like Aven Mindcensor , Angel of Jubilation , and Containment Priest . you're also running only 2 creatures with an etb effects, so cards like Torpor Orb and Hushwing Gryff can be very back breaking against other more creature based decks.

if you want commander damage to be your wincon, you should run bigger "bombs" or equipments/auras like Eldrazi Conscription and/or Blackblade Reforged on top of the strata scythe and umezawa's jitte.

snow-covered plains are cheap right now. so possibly investing in Extraplanar Lens (which unfortunately isn't cheap) might be something worth while for the deck.

Scuttlemutt is a cute ramp piece that can also paint creatures white. Cloudchaser Kestrel has an etb effect AND can paint things white also

i noticed you ran Steelshaper's Gift in the video, but it's not in your current list. need an update? if you don't already have it, Open the Armory is also a good way to look for those voltron pieces.

you only have 6 cards in your entire deck that can shuffle your making Sensei's Divining Top mostly a waste of time, at that point Crystal Ball would do you better as you can scry away "bad" cards at the top of your library, unlike SDT. if you add the 5 fetchlands, and more tutors then you can reconsider it.

Now onto more spicy tech. Ugin, the Spirit Dragon and All Is Dust both have great synergy with 8.5 since you can paint other people's lands and artifacts white.

adding Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth in the deck can make temple of the false god and maze of ith tap for mana, BUT it also allows you to run some extra spicy cards like Karma and Royal Decree which, with any of the circle of protection cards, for 1 mana you can make it 1 sided.

Illumination a solid counterspell that people won't see coming, and you can stop gross cards like omniscience, and mind over matter.

Renounce the Guilds is also a great way to kill everyone's non-mono color deck commanders.

not sure of the timing of the filming, but Smothering Tithe and Generous Gift should both be auto includes in every white deck.

if you are able to get your hands on the fetchlands, Brought Back can be a really good include, along with Lotus Field .

Cavalier of Dawn is also a strong include.

end notes: try to keep your deck as low to the ground as possible, with a very low mana curve, you want to play cards but also keep as much mana open to do any of your 8.5 shinanigans. if you spend 6+ mana on a spell on your man phase, it really limits what you can and cant do on other people's turns, which you want to mainly be doing with a commander like 8.5 that screams CONTROL.

ZombieCat on Lyra Dawnbringer: Seek & Destroy

5 years ago

Hey Forkbeard,

I've got some suggestions for you that will hopefully help you out..

Blinding Angel - Can help stall decks that are highly aggro if she hits.

Grand Abolisher - Keeps you safe from having your stuff countered on your turn.

Beacon of Immortality - To help out with your two win cons.

Hall of the Bandit Lord - Haste in mono white?!

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