Blessed Sanctuary


Prevent all noncombat damage that would be deal to you and creatures you control.

Whenever a nontoken creature enters the battlefield under your control, create a 2/2 white Unicorn creature token.

legendofa on Why Have There Been So …

4 weeks ago

It's not just you. WotC has been emphasizing active game progression recently, and defensive permanents, especially damage prevention, tend to lead to game stagnation. Generally, people want to be doing useful things instead of not doing useful things, and permanents that prevent them from doing useful things gives the game a perception of being less fun.

They haven't completely gone away. Blessed Sanctuary, Reidane, God of the Worthy  Flip, and Nine Lives are reasonably recent, and stun counters are probably going to fill out this space in the future.

plakjekaas on People's Thoughts on Mommy Norn?

1 year ago

No, she doesn't shut down shocklands. Paying life for your shockland is not a trigger. It does not use the stack, you cannot react to it, just like you can't react to the creature type being named with a Cavern of Souls. Because the oracle text says "As ... enters the battlefield" not "When ... enters the battlefield".

It looks like the people defending her never played with Tocatli Honor Guard, Hushbringer, Torpor Orb or Hushwing Gryff and have no idea what the oracle text actually means. And Norn is worse, since it's every permanent entering the battlefield, not just creatures. Like Strict Proctor.

TypicalTimmy I looked at your Miirym deck, here's the "occasional benefits" Elesh Norn is actually going to shut down or interfere with:

Astral Dragon

Bramble Sovereign

Ganax, Astral Hunter

Nesting Dragon

Patron of the Arts

Purphoros, God of the Forge

Rapacious Dragon

Red Dragon

Scourge of Valkas

Skyline Despot

Swashbuckler Extraordinaire

Terror of the Peaks

Dragon's Hoard

Spinerock Knoll

Dragon Tempest

Flameshadow Conjuring

Garruk's Uprising

Guardian Project

Impact Tremors

Kindred Discovery

Temur Ascendancy

Warstorm Surge

That's a lot of synergy, ramp, carddraw and wincons shut down by a commander. About 1/3rd of all your nonland cards. And that deck is going to have a hard time removing her too, by the looks of it.

Now there are a few cards that get better playing against Norn: bouncelands like Boros Garrison don't return lands to hand anymore, Kroxa, Titan of Death's Hunger doesn't need to sacrifice itself, but effects like those are not enough to catch up with the Norn player.

What's this "no game-winning effects in white" everyone is talking about? Cathars' Crusade will end the game in a hurry, especially if you pair it up with something like Blessed Sanctuary. Double up on every O-ring effect. Stonehorn Dignitary will keep you alive, especially if you play Teleportation Circle and Conjurer's Closet, as one definitely will in this deck. Felidar Retreat and Emeria Shepherd with all your Land Tax effects will snowball into an enormous boardstate easily. Solitude will rule the table. Sun Titan is still one of the most played white creatures for a reason. For carddraw that white wasn't supposed to have, Spirited Companion, Carrier Pigeons, Combat Thresher, Farsight Adept, Inspiring Overseer, Mentor of the Meek, Priest of Ancient Lore, Resistance Squad, Roving Harper, Rumor Gatherer, Search Party Captain, Skyscanner, Thraben Inspector, Wall of Omens all double up with Norn. Because everyone memed that white is a bad colour, nobody seems to know what the color has to offer. It could already hold its own without such a saltmine of a card for the command zone, and if you need this middle finger to half the popular deck archetypes to even consider building it, you do you, but prepare to be avoided.

Max_Hammer on Boros Legion

1 year ago

Hey, that's alright!

There's absolutely nothing wrong with playing budget, despite what WotC and some elitist players would have you think. Besides, a 40-50$ deck is still very much going to perform well.

This is honestly a pretty good list, by the way. If I were you I'd just take what you have and play with it against other people's decks. Depending on your local meta/what your friends like to play, then just change it up a little bit.

Props, by the way, for including Blessed Sanctuary plus Legion's Initiative. I don't remember if I suggested either of these, but that's actually a really clever way to make a bunch of tokens when you lose yours.

If I were you, I'd just take out Fumigate and that's all. Other than that, let me know if there's any specific suggestions you need!

Laith on For Her Majesty, the Queen

1 year ago

A friend of mine who plays Queen Marchesa uses Delaying Shield to pretty nice effect. It completely negates Infect and combat damage triggers, and could combo with Blessed Sanctuary to make you basically immortal until either are removed.

dzanon on Alora Budget Blink

1 year ago

Excalibur478 Thanks! I'm really glad you like the deck, a friend of mine used to play a Brago deck years ago and I remember I hated playing against it, so I really tried to make something more interesting lol

I haven't playtested this one that much yet, but the weakest aspect is definitely closing out the game. Currently the main wincon is token generation with Blessed Sanctuary, Myr Battlesphere, Abdel Adrian, Gorion's Ward, Whirler Rogue, Blade Splicer and Pegasus Guardian, but I found that it's actually pretty slow. Approach of the Second Sun is a good backup wincon, but it paints a huge target on your back so it's better if you can redraw it quickly or lock down the board, and the deck is quite good at both os those things.

The deck can't protect the board very well against wipes, only having Eerie Interlude as protection or maybe a counterspell, but it can rebuild pretty consistently after one given how much card advantage it can generate.

Getting creatures tapped so Far Traveler can blink them isn't really an issue but can be a problem sometimes, so I've been thinking about adding more tap effects, although this can also be solved by breaking the budget a bit and adding more blink enablers like Conjurer's Closet

Thanks again for the comment and the upvote! If you have any more questions or maybe some suggestions, I'm all ears :)

Soulus101 on Emiel The Blessed One [Primer]

1 year ago

Guardian Project and Blessed Sanctuary both seem strong in this deck. Cards like Sakura-Tribe Elder and Burnished Hart seem less effective than say Solemn Simulacrum or Wood Elves in the same function. Teleportation Circle and/or Conjurer's Closet add some redundancy to your blinking. 35 lands seems a little low, but you do seem to have a fair amount of ramp. Polyraptor is a funny card but I'm not sure it has a place in this deck... Gruul or Naya builds might prefer it.

Guerric on [Primer] Helming the Host of Heaven *Update*

2 years ago

Hi all! I'm getting back into the swing of things as I'm back from all of my intense AP Reading stuff and am playing again. I have another gameplay report, some updates, and some other thoughts related to the deck partly inspired by some player comments and questions here. Before I get to that however I want to respond to everyone I hadn't had a chance to yet!


The must-play card from Baldur's gate is Battle Angels of Tyr, which has already replaced Emeria Angel in my deck. Beyond that it's creating a headache for me with my Scion of the Ur-Dragon deck since there are so many more dragons to consider, but I haven't seen a ton more for Giada.


Glad you're enjoying the deck! You can totally write it up and link it here if you'd like! The more resources, the better for us all! As far as protection goes, Commander's Plate is a good choice, as protection is so much better than we think it's going to be. Ephemerate not so much unless we have a blink theme because of the one-off, situational nature of the card. I'd also add that, in my experience, we don't need to worry too much if she dies a couple of times. At 2cmc we can recast her a few times no problem, and smart opponents will not feel it's not worth it when there will be more immediate threats on the board, or will not want to target her when she has already put some massive threats out. They killed her four times the other night, and when they ran out of removal I put out a massive flight of angels to kill them out in almost a single turn! I'd agree on Eye of Vecna being really good draw. Less so on Thorough Investigation; it's rather Dawn of Hope that always manages to be just not that great for me, though time will tell on this all. I'm trying to get Inspiring Overseer back in as it seems good. I have Angel of the Dire Hour in my binder too and just want to warn that it is a trap card. We'll almost never hold open seven mana to use it, so most of the time it will be an otherwise vanilla 5/4 flyer for 7 which is just terrible. If she were 4cmc, then she would definitely be played!


Thanks for the compliment, comment, and upvote! I upvoted your deck too. Feel free to let us know how it goes and share any insights you have from play!


Thanks for the compliment, comment, and upvotes! I am glad you are enjoying the deck, as I have been! As far as cards go, I can definitely see the case for Shadowspear. It does fit the curve and gives us life-link, and if there are Sigarda players or other annoying things like that in your meta it could me a good choice for dealing with that as well. Akroma's Will also probably belongs, for thematic reasons as much as anything. It would be a good replacement for Eerie Interlude, though I have another plan for replacing that card currently. Legion Loyalty does sound like fun and I'd recommend it for more Timmy-minded Giada players. At 8cmc I'm personally not willing to risk it, but that's just me! I can see some ridiculous "I win!" plays with a card like that from time to time! Blessed Sanctuary does sound like fun, and my unicorn/alicorn/pony loving daughters would probably appreciate it very much! That being said, it doesn't do much to help us with life loss combos or infinite attacker/attack step combos, which are pretty common out there, and as such is pretty narrow on those grounds. I play a lot of combo myself in other decks, and my top deck on tappedout is my Inalla, Archmage Ritualist deck which is about the most degenerate combo deck outside of cEDH imaginable. So, my tip from the dark lord about dealing with combos is that the best way to deal with them is to kill the combo player, destroy the combo pieces, or call out the combo pieces so someone else with removal can help us destroy them. That being said, unicorns are fun and flavorful, and if your meta has lots of ping-type infinite combos I could see it as a good meta choice in those circumstances!

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