Blast Zone

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Blast Zone


Blast Zone enters the battlefield with a charge counter on it.

: Add .

, : Put X charge counters on Blast Zone.

, , Sacrifice Blast Zone: Destroy each nonland permanent with converted mana cost/mana value equal to the number of charge counters on Blast Zone.

sergiodelrio on Eldrazi Seasons

1 week ago

That's exactly my point tho... any land other than Deserted Temple would provide you with 3 mana total from all land sources on turn 2 as well (*if you play a tap2 land on T1)...

I guess what I'm saying is you could look for replacements of Deserted Temple which add maybe utility or sth else without actually sacrificing anything important here imho. Maybe even go with a split: 1x Gemstone Caverns 2x Cavern of Souls 1x Blast Zone you have many great options actually ... Inventors' Fair, Mutavault.

Sorry if I'm being annoying, that's not my intention, I just feel you're overselling the role of Deserted Temple in this particular deck imho, which I still think is very nice no matter if you keep deserted temple or not.


Niko9 on Skrelv's Toxic Masculinity

3 weeks ago

Deck looks really fun, and as somebody who runs a mono white deck a lot, this list looks awesome : )

I have a few suggestions, just because you were asking about making this as competitive as possible.

You could probably get away with running more utility lands, stuff like War Room or Roadside Reliquary are nice when you just need to draw something, and I like Blast Zone a ton because it's always something you can sink some mana into and when it goes off it's amazing. Treasure Vault can be kinda similar where you can sac a little efficiency and get an amazing turn.

Dowsing Dagger  Flip is a great equip and you have lots of attacking and evasive creatures, so might be awesome.

Concerted Effort could be an absolute bomb, giving all your guys double strike, flying, or protection. Effort and Mother of Runes are so great together.

For max cometitiveness, I think about a Phyrexian Dreadnought and Tocatli Honor Guard or Hushwing Gryff package, just because dreadnaught is such a crazy toxic target, and honor guard can even be tutored off Pyre of Heroes and Mother of Runes or Alaborn Zealot. Zealot also works well with protection because you can pro her from her own destruction, and really, worst case she is just a 1mana protection from attacks. It's a convoluted combo for sure, and I'd only do it because I have a few dreadnaught copies from back in the day, he is way too expensive now : ) Also, things like Hushbringer can just be great stax pieces on their own.

Duelist's Heritage might work well with toxic

And I really like Crashing Drawbridge in any attack focused deck, just for the haste, but sometimes to have a big butt blocker too.

NV_1980 on The Horror ... THE HORROR! *PRIMER*

7 months ago

I can see the appeal of Mind Stone. I'll give it a shot.

With regard to Shadow of the Enemy; I like being able to cast spells from exile opposed to interact with them from the graveyard, as this is generally harder to counter (especially decks that feature lots of graveyard interaction have been able to circumvent my theft sprees with cards like Deathrite Shaman). However, adding Animate Dead/Dance of the Dead/Necromancy would still be a good idea, as these are so cheap to cast and potentially bring such great advantage.

I concur that Blast Zone is slow. Unfortunately Dimir features very little in terms of enchantment/artifact destruction and my meta generally doesn't do much with land-destruction, so my experiences with it (thus far) is that I've been able to use it to good effect.

NV_1980 on Light-Paws' 69

7 months ago

If you take some precautions to keep your opponents from going wide against you, it could be a lot better :) Ghostly Prison/Sphere of Safety/Norn's Annex or anything like that would help. Maybe a Blast Zone to get rid of an opposing token army?

Optimator on Anarchy Burger

8 months ago

Urabrask  Flip - bit more mana and damage, eventually can recast all those great spells from the graveyard. Blocks

Blast Zone - a bit of removal in the land base

Geier Reach Sanitarium - maybe loot away extra lands?

Mikokoro, Center of the Sea - not ideal, but mono-Red

Valakut Awakening  Flip - could take a land slot

Shatterskull Smashing  Flip - take a land slot and add more burn

Song-Mad Treachery  Flip - could take a land slot, could steal a big creature and get across the finish line. Expensive, but synergizes with all your instant- and sorcery-stuff

Imodane, the Pyrohammer - huge force multiplier! A win-con. Probably a must-include

Ojer Axonil, Deepest Might  Flip - another force-multiplier. Might be redundant though

Icbrgr on RDW: Enchantment Removal?

11 months ago

I am wondering what pioneer has to offer for enchantment removal in .

These are the best I came up with but Im not exactly thrilled about them... anybody else have a suggestion?

Nine Lives combo decks with Solemnity... and I just hade no idea what to do...

Niko9 on Are the Original Dual Lands …

11 months ago

On a pure power level I don't think they would be a problem, though they would of course be very strong. Fetchlands would still be maybe better because of the synergy with landfall, lands in the gy, Brainstorm type effects, and even just land thinning. Duals would absolutely take the slot of current mana fixers and do their whole deal better, but the amount of utility you can get from lands now almost breaks lands into two categories, the lands that make mana and the lands that make mana and do things, and the duals wouldn't even really be the best lands to make mana as long as the fetches are around.

I just think that duals were nuts back in the day because it was really hard to run multiple colors a lot of the time, but now they wouldn't be as strong as fetches, channel lands, or niche picks like Mutavault or Blast Zone

Joker4242 on Day's Recasting

11 months ago

Changed my sideboard up a bit. Added a couple more islands against decks that have BloodMoon. It also just helps fix my mana for cards like Archmage's Charm.

Added a couple more Blast Zones. I played against amulet titan. The lands are very good at killing Amulet of Vigor. I'm also keeping Field of Ruin, again because deck's like amulet titan contain many special lands. It also can destroy other cheap cards in other decks, such as Ragavan, Nimble Pilferer.

Subtlety is a response to more creature heavy decks and can replace Force of Negation. Subtlety is good, but it offers several problems in the main deck: for one, it cannot be recast with Snapcaster Mage, for another, it does not deal with a threat permanently. Lastly, it cannot be searched up by cards like Narset, Parter of Veils. The upside of course is that it deals with early threats and has a significant body for dealing damage. Better in the sideboard for this deck, at least for now.

I am still a few cards short. I am happy to receive suggestions. I feel like my deck is pretty good against aggro decks for the time being. It is mostly fast combo decks that can be difficult to deal with.

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