Blade Instructor

Creature — Human Soldier

Mentor (Whenever this creature attacks, put a +1/+1 counter on target attacking creature with lesser power.)

HeadinPants on Avatar: The Last Airbender

11 months ago

I absolutely love the flavor that you put into this deck, it's awesome! My main critique is about Sokka. You're absolutely right that he's a 2/1 (minimally I doubt his total P/T is more than 4), but I feel that your current representation of him sells him short- he earned his reputation in the gaang as the ideas guy, and is a brilliant strategist! You might also consider representing him with something like Blade Instructor or Dueling Coach in book III as a nod to Piandao, or finding a piece of equipment that well represents the sword Sokka makes in that episode. I do see some of the problem with trying to represent him well, though- it's difficult to find a way to both do the character justice and not oversell him as a powerhouse that he isn't. The closest balance to that I've found is Bushi Tenderfoot  Flip, but that really sells him as a combatant rather than a tactician.

Here's the thing though- I think the only way you're going to get a card that has good Sokka art is with a card alter. If you are willing to make that happen, it would open up a lot of options. I've been looking for about 3 hours, and I'm not even done, but here are a few that I think might loosely fit:

Kjartan on Red/White deck

5 years ago

You could probably drop 2x Goblin Gathering , Radiating Lightning , Sandblast , Mad Prophet , Magmatic Chasm , 1x Blade Instructor and Divine Verdict for 4x Lightning Bolt and 4x Oblivion Ring .

Now, I'm about to explain something really weird to you.

Back it the day, you couldn't actually target planeswalkers with things that dealt damage. Instead whenever a player would be dealt damage by a source other than a creature dealing combat damage, that source's controller could choose to redirect it to a planeswalker that player controls instead.

Other than just not being very intuitive, this made for some really weird interactions.

Vexing Devil or Browbeat for example, could be used to kill planeswalkers which definately wasn't what they were intended to do, and if a player had hexproof, their planeswalkers could no longer be damaged by things like Shock , due to technically needing to target the player for that to happen.

So they changed the rules so that Planeswalker had to be targeted like they would be by a removal spell such as Hero's Downfall , opting to errata every old card that used to say "damage to target creature or player" to say any target, so that they would still work the way they were intended.

So Lightning Bolt is the exact same card as Shock it just deals an extra damage, it's just too old to have the opdated text printed on the card.

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