Blade Historian

Creature — Human Cleric

Attacking creatures you control have double strike.

Taida on Orzhov Tokens

4 weeks ago

The deck looks nice. You can make more use of the colors you chose, so adding something like Elas il-Kor, Sadistic Pilgrim or Blood Artist, so you can both gain life when your tokens enter the battlefield and make them more annoying when they die. You could also include one or two copies of Blade Historian for closing the game. I would recommend changing Swords to Plowshares by Path to Exile, Get Lost or Fateful Absence, as it is not legal in Modern. You could also include more anthem effects, like Honor of the Pure, but I think the ones you have already included are very nice. Another plainswalker you could consider is Basri Ket, as you will be attacking with a lot of creatures, and you could create even more of them. Finally, I would recommend adding some copies of Isolated Chapel, but it comes to personal preference regarding la

Crow_Umbra on Isshin, Two Combats as One

10 months ago

Hi there! Have you had a chance to play the deck at all irl yet? I was also wondering what's the general focus you wanted to take your Isshin deck? Given his wording, he can do a lot with attack triggers, and from looking at your deck it looks like you're trying a bit of everything that he's capable of. If you're open to them, I have some suggestions:

  • Your mana curve is pretty top heavy, and without much ramp/mana acceleration beyond Sol Ring, Aracane Signet, Sword of the Animist, Capt Lannery Storm, Chromatic Lantern, Smothering Tithe, & Goldspan Dragon. If you wanted to speed up your play a bit, I'd recommend getting in a few more 2 mana rocks like Orzhov Signet & Talisman of Conviction, & some of the others in Mardu colors.

  • If you wanted to lean more into a token creature generation route, I'd recommend adding in Myrel and Brimaz, which are already in your Maybeboard, & maybed swapping them with Pathrazer of Ulamog & maybe one of your other high CMC creatures. I think trimming some of your higher CMC creatures ties in a bit to my suggestion from my bullet above.

  • Ankle Shanker could be a potential swap for Blade Historian, mostly because the death touch & first strike combo will make your board difficult to block.

  • I'd recommend cutting Cunning Rhetoric and swapping it with Rising of the Day or Fervor. Cunning Rhetoric was a card I cut fairly early on from my Isshin deck, and found the Haste anthems to be a lot more helpful for starting my aggro swings faster. Cunning Rhetoric is also in a kinda awkward spot where you kinda want to dissuade attacks, but it's not really enough of a deterrent; at least it wasn't in my meta.

  • I think you could swap Planar Cleansing for another board protection effect like Clever Concealment. Isshin really benefits from maintaining as much aggro momentum as possible, so it helps to keep your board as intact as possible. Additionally, Planar Cleansing is very single-color heavy for a 3 color deck.

  • On the topic of board protection, I'd highly recommend adding in Reconnaissance, as it's one of the best cards for any Isshin deck. The wording on Reconnaissance acts as a pseudo-Vigilance anthem, and can save your creatures from combat. This article from EDHREC better elaborates on the timing and how it works. This would really round out your board protection you already have with Dolmen Gate & Iroas.

I hope these suggestions are helpful. Would be happy to offer additional suggestions or ideas if you would like them. Best of luck with your deck, Isshin is a lot of fun!

ImNora on Cards Like Grand Cenobite?

1 year ago


I'm building a The Prismatic Bridge  Flip deck to cheat out creatures. I'm trying to pack the deck with creatures that boost the power/toughness of my other creatures. I've found things like Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite, Pathbreaker Ibex, Blossoming Bogbeast, Kamahl, Heart of Krosa, Zopandrel, Hunger Dominus, Thunderfoot Baloth, Gisela, Blade of Goldnight, Fiendish Duo, Angrath's Marauders and Necropolis Regent. I also have Blade Historian and Blast-Furnace Hellkite for double strike since it effectively boosts power.

What cards can you think of that I missed?

Thanks, Nora

Kashai on Kytheon, Hero of Akros

1 year ago

Depending on how aggro you want to be, maybe check out cards with Batalion eg. Boros Elite

If you are not opposed expanding the color base, I would consider adding . Boros has some great soldier tribal cards like Assemble the Legion, Swiftblade Vindicator, Skyknight Vanguard and Blade Historian. Plus Tajic is badass

However sticking here are some cards that might be worth a spot, Field Marshal, Commander Eesha, Endless Horizons, Valiant Veteran, Mentor of the Meek, Crusader of Odric, Myrel, Shield of Argive, Siege Veteran, or Preeminent Captain

Optimator on FIGHT ME COWARD!

1 year ago

Conventional wisdom is 36-38 lands is where you wanna be. I almost always do 36.

I would cut Reckless Crew, Rune of Sustenance and Rune of Speed.

One thing I thought of, when putting my list together, is that creatures with doublestrike are extra good because of the damage bonus Bruenor gives. Reyav, Master Smith helps with that, but it's only one card. In the maybeboard of my deck I listed a bunch of doublestrikers. I think Mirran Crusader, Aven Sunstriker, Zetalpa, Primal Dawn, Blade Historian, Bruse Tarl, Boorish Herder, Boros Swiftblade, Heavenly Blademaster, Kalemne, Disciple of Iroas, Skyhunter Skirmisher, and Oketra the True are some stand-outs. It's hard to fit them all in but a few might be good.

I really like your selection of creatures though! Got all the good ones. Nice and cheap, too. Swiftblade Vindicator is an excellent inclusion.

Well I'll be a Bearded Gnome is my deck

DreadKhan on Iroas Said, "The Lannisters Send Their Regards."

1 year ago

Tenza, Godo's Maul is an equipment that you might want to check whenever you have a Red Commander, with Iroas I think you gain plenty to justify it. Inquisitor's Flail is good for your Commander at least, but you don't have Trample built in, so it might not actually work unless you can count on having Vigilance. Maybe Brave the Sands would help? Drumbellower also exists.

True Conviction, Berserkers' Onslaught, and Blade Historian are Double Strike sources that seem decent and global. I find Gisela, Blade of Goldnight is a great damage doubler since she also halves it vs your stuff.

lagotripha on Party! Party! Party!

2 years ago

Party is such a neat mechanic. I feel like its so close to becoming a changeling/human tribal setup, but a lot of the key cards just don't quite mesh - the lack of synergy between Mirror Entity and archpriest, the lack of a great Shapesharer combo - its all so close to meshing.

I feel like this list is pretty close to optimal from a creatures standpoint, but the spells can likely be tweaked.

Coveted Prize's Bring to Light impression means you could have a really powerful 'search cmc4 nuke', but the low to the ground creature style means that whatever spell you're looking for has to not brick. Grabbing a Blade Historian or Yawgmoth, Thran Physician sounds great, but ideally it'd be something with a mode that helps keep the party on the battlefield the rest of the time. There are a lot of cmc4 wizards, warriors and clerics and general good stuff spells out there to try, so best of luck with the brew.

Idoneity on Will there Ever be Creature …

2 years ago

Blade Historian strikes mighty close.

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