Big Game Hunter

Creature — Human Rebel Assassin

When Big Game Hunter enters the battlefield, destroy target creature with power 4 or greater. It can't be regenerated.

Madness (If you discard this card, you may cast it for its madness cost instead of putting it into your graveyard.)

Barbarian_Sun_Pope on

1 year ago

Yeah Cemetery Gatekeeper is definitely the odd one out here since he doesn't enable anything. Big Game Hunter or Shambling Ghast could be a decent replacement. The hunter is additional removal for anything that might be bigger than your bigger creatures and the Ghast could offset the land lost from the second room in the Tomb.

Strangelove on The Black Rose Grand Theft

1 year ago

Heyo happy to chime in! +1 m8

-allThreaten effects in favor of payoffs like Mob Rule, etc... or sticks like Big Game Hunter, Evil Twin, etc. Once you hit any of these you'll be doing the same thing (from your opponents' POV): soft-locking the board.

-1 Primordial Mist

+1 Sultai Emissary

+6-10 Dusk Legion Zealot, draw, ETC ...I feel like these are MVP and lend to an aristocrats style.

-1 Curse of Stalked Prey... too conditional in the late game

-1 Captivating Crew... too much mana

+1 Vigean Graftmage, or anything that can put counters on Marchesa

+1 Plaguecrafter, etc... these are oppressive engines

With a lot more draw + lower cmc removal/ removal-sticks this will slap!

ClockworkSwordfish on

1 year ago

Very cool build! I always found Nethroi to be the most interest of the big Mutate critters, and I hadn't thought of the combo with Scourge of the Skyclaves - very clever!

A while back I made a deck around Grenzo, Dungeon Warden that was also concerned with featuring lots of nasty critters with 2 or less power, particularly if they actually had a lot higher power than that once they were in play. Some other bruisers you can reanimate for free include Arcbound Overseer, Nighthowler, Noosegraf Mob and Sewer Nemesis - they might be worth considering! Archfiend's Vessel also feels like a shoo-in, only using up one point of power but leaving you with a huge flyer.

I found it was also handy to have little creatures who could impact the board upon arrival, namely via some handy removal. Bone Shredder, Big Game Hunter and Duplicant feel like superior choices, though there are plenty out there.

There are a couple other nasty low-power critters I'd recommend - Herald of Leshrac can really rule the board (though he draws a lot of fire) and Doom Weaver seems like a great opportunity to draw a lot of cards. I hope some of these ideas help!

Grind on Meren

1 year ago

cool deck!!! it looks great.
a couple comments:
I prefer Caustic Caterpillar and Reclamation Sage over acidic slime because of lower mana cost. the caterpillar is great because you can recur him and he sacs himself.
i prefer Regrowth to restock as 2 mana is much easier to pay than 5.
having sac outlets is very important to meren, High Market is decent, as is Viscera Seer.
having recurrable creatures that double as removal is great for controlling the board. some options are: Big Game Hunter, Nekrataal, Bone Shredder, Plaguecrafter, Demon's Disciple.
creatures with innate recursion are useful, i like Reassembling Skeleton.
some great low mana value enchantments: Phyrexian Reclamation, Animate Dead.
it's good to pack draw spells, some to consider, Life's Legacy, Momentous Fall, Rishkar's Expertise, Skullclamp.
last comment, more ramp is good, and boardwipes might be helpful. Decree of Pain is solid because it can draw you a ton of cards. and lots of good ramp in green out there, i like to run 10 ramp cards. Wood Elves can fetch you Haunted Mire, 2 mana ramp like three visits and nature's lore are good, or cultivate and kodama's reach are solid performers. when deciding what to cut, i look at the top of the mana curve. having fewer 5, 6, and 7 drops will help make your early game more consistent and will make your deck more competitive.
anyway just some thoughts, hope it helps and keep on having fun!!!

PaulMuadDib on Grenzo, Power 2 Tribal

1 year ago

Never knew Fortune Thief existed, thanks!

How often are you forced to hit your own bit stuff with Big Game Hunter?

I would highly recommend Coffin Queen in this type of deck, even just to reanimate your own creatures that have died. Being able to snipe and exile opponent's value creatures is great, my favorite trick I learned was responding to an opponent's Eldrazi Titan's shuffle trigger to snip their Ulamog. First time I slotted her in I won by reanimating my own Dualcaster Mage at the right moment to mess up my opponent's combat plan and survived to my next turn.

PuddinWing on

3 years ago

You could splash and run Basking Rootwalla . Also, Anje Falkenrath is a great madness enabler. More so for combo but…

You could also run Terminal Agony in place of Big Game Hunter for more consistent removal.

seshiro_of_the_orochi on

3 years ago

"The queen's dragon form": Wrong fairytail, but whatever, I like the deck. Xantcha is a pretty good fit for snow white, great job.

Maybe consider Mirage Mirror as the queen's magic mirror? Also, Big Game Hunter is a great Huntsman.

LitchOubliette on Commander Staples Cube

3 years ago

Changelog (22/11/2020)








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