Beneath the Sands


Search your library for a basic land card, put it onto the battlefield tapped, then shuffle your library. Cycling 2 (2, Discard this card: Draw a card.)

Peperone666 on Trash Man

2 years ago

Thanks for the feedback! I appreciate it very much. Honestly, between Greater Tanuki, Beneath the Sands and all the cycling that goes around in the deck, I've never had a game where I was short a color for now, but I'll definitely consider Ash Barrens.

keizerbuns on Jurassicycle Park

2 years ago

Thanks ClockworkSwordfish!

I thought about using the Krosan Tusker over Shefet Monitor but I like that Monitor can grab deserts as well as basic lands and that's really handy to grab the Hashep Oasis so I can buff my Yidaro when it comes in. However I am still in the testing stages of this deck so I could swap them out and see which one I like better, and I like your idea of swapping out Beneath the Sands for Krosan Tusker so I will give that a test too.

Somehow I didn't actually see Drannith Healer when I was putting this deck together but you're right, that is a way better card for early-game survivability so I think I'll put Drannith Stinger in the side board and put that in its place.

I did also think about putting in more ETB creatures to combo with the Astral Drift but I would have to remove some cards with cycling to fit them in and I don't wanna lose the cycling synergy the deck has, otherwise I would.

Thanks for all the suggestions, I really appreciate them! :D

TheVectornaut on Red Green Dinos

3 years ago

It's worth noting that when transitioning from standard to modern, a lot of cards that seem like powerful contributors to a tribe end up being worse than non-tribal counterparts. For instance, Thunderherd Migration is probably better than the standard alternative Beneath the Sands , but it's probably worse than Rampant Growth , Cultivate , or maybe Sylvan Scrying with the right nonbasic to fetch. Drover of the Mighty is another that seems strong as a 3/3, but if you're tapping it for mana most of the time anyway, something like Birds of Paradise , Arbor Elf , Joraga Treespeaker , Incubation Druid , Whisperer of the Wilds , or Ilysian Caryatid might be more efficient. The only other suggestion I have is to consider adding ways to recurrently trigger enrage. Forerunner of the Empire is a pretty common option, but I can also see Pyrohemia , Harbinger of the Hunt , Raging Regisaur , Spikeshot Elder , or Power of Fire being used with varying pros and cons. Some enrage lists I see also make use of damage trigger shenanigans on cards like Arcbond and Rite of Passage . A possible cut could be Shifting Ceratops since it's generally more of a sideboard card. Otherwise, I'd cut any enrage trigger that isn't either repeatable or very cheap. Reckless Rage is great, but Tilonalli's Crown could just as easily be Dual Shot or something to that effect. A final note I'd make is that you may be able to take advantage of some of the bigger enrage dinos like Snapping Sailback and Silverclad Ferocidons . I wouldn't normally recommend them, however, Etali and a lot of ramp go a long way toward making them viable.

GoblinElectromancer on Cycling maniac

4 years ago

Beneath the Sands is kinda a dud because this deck has no basic lands

bushido_man96 on A Gruuling Experience

4 years ago

Ok, Profet93, here we go on some card evaluation.

Bag of Holding : I've had this card actually do good work for me. Having the mana up to activate it usually isn't a problem, and it's easy to dump a bunch of lands in a turn, get the back, and dump them again. It's fun, and I like it, so I'll probably be keeping it. That, and getting as many effects to return chunks of discarded lands to my hand is good for this deck.

Grafted Exoskeleton : I could live without it. I thought that it would help provide another quick win condition towards the end of a game, but I think a better fit would be something like Illusionist's Bracers , which would double up the activations.

Horizon Spellbomb : Most likely was put in there as a low-budget option in the original list, and could probably be upgraded. It's low CMC, gets ammo into the hand, and can draw a card to replace itself. But it's easy to live without.

Wayfarer's Bauble : Budget ramp. Could be a Sol Ring , or something else. Open to suggestions, but it's good budget ramp.

Summer Bloom : This one stays. Running this many lands, it doesn't whiff.

Rites of Spring : Open to suggestions.

Mulch : It's ok. I usually hit at least 2 lands with it, but I admit I could replace it.

Beneath the Sands : Gets one land, or draws a card, so it's never dead. But it could be better. Open to suggestions.

I do have some thoughts on adding some more draw/ramp, but I'm staying budget here, so no Exploration , Burgeoning , Oracles or that other stupid expensive elf. I'm thinking along the lines of Mina and Denn, Wildborn , Font of Mythos , Llanowar Scout , Sakura-Tribe Scout , and things like this. I do believe I will splurge for a copy of Life from the Loam .

As for card draw spells, I want to shy away from sacrificing BoBo to get the effect, since his CMC is so high to start with. Return of the Wildspeaker will be good, but more is needed. May have to get another copy of Rishkar's Expertise , and also Keen Sense . I plan on adding Creeping Renaissance , too.

These are my thoughts so far, and I'm open to other suggestions, too. Thanks for all the help!

pokey, those are good points, and worth considering, but I don't know how much I'll net land cards through his damage trigger. Wheel effects might be worth considering, though, so thank you for those suggestions!

Soara on Gishath Jurassic Park

4 years ago

Looks like a good draft of the deck if anything I would do 2 things to improve the consistency.

  1. Not counting the artifact ramp, I counted 15 cards that ramp you. Increase this to 20 cards, and that will give you a 75% chance of summoning Gishath on turn 6 game after game.

  2. Get rid of the artifact ramp for more cultivate effects, cards I didn't see in your list Beneath the Sands , Deep Reconnaissance , Far Wanderings . There are many more of those effects in magic and all can be had for less than a buck each.

By doing these 2 things you can cut the lands down to 37, and you'll open up 5 slots for cards in your maybe board.

mattrogers31 on Nike, Just Does It

4 years ago

Thanks lil_cheez!

I knew that those two sorcery spells were useless if Nikya is out, but still good before casting her again. I really like the Beneath the Sands and Edge of Autumn ideas.

Planning on getting those updated! Thanks!

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