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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal



Destroy target land or nonblack creature. It can't be regenerated.

Metroid_Hybrid on Fool, this isn't even my …

2 years ago

Fair enough.. So does anything else off of my 'Maybeboard' fit, or is there something else that would be better?

At the moment I'm leaning towards Befoul, since I realized my deck is a little light on interaction..

It may seem insane trying to cut Gary, but I'm also trying to get the legimate pre-(8ED) count up to 80..

Kazierts on Algae Blanket Budget

2 years ago

Love the idea, but I don't think the leeches are particularly good. I think it would be better to include proper land destruction such as Icequake, Rain of Tears and Rancid Earth. I'd say even Befoul would be better, since it can also kill a creature.

Aside from this small criticism, I loved the idea. It's unfortunate Blanket of Night isn't Modern legal :(((

taylorfisdboss on U.S.S. Deathstar: NCC-1701-FU (Paunza)

2 years ago

Gattison The pay offs you just mentioned for black actually synergize with the Cleansing Wildfire and Geomancer's Gambit in that by helping our opponent search up lands we leave them with less lands and make both Destroy the Evidence and Balustrade Spy mill our opponents for more. Black also has the diverse Befoul for land or nonblack creature removal. Another cool idea is to lean into your Psychic Venom and also run Contaminated Ground so that you can really make their spells cost them.

I totally get what you're saying about playtesting in a vaccum and not wanting to make people play against it a bunch XD - that makes building ponza all the more difficult! love what you'v

Narkro555 on Dragon go Om Nom Nom

3 years ago

Replaced Feast of Succession with Befoul. It's much rarer I'll want to get rid of indestructible tokens, instead of giant creatures or disguise lands like Arixmethes, Slumbering Isle.

Balaam__ on

3 years ago

There’s not much targeted land distraction here, surprisingly. Both black and red have access to a plethora of spells that specifically target lands; you may want to focus more on these in particular. Crack the Earth could be satisfied by any permanent, and is giving your opponent the choice. Consider cards like Rain of Tears, Befoul, Molten Rain, Roiling Terrain or Boom / Bust—-they give you the advantage of choosing which land to sunder.

Edzew on Discard - Specter

5 years ago

you could add in some land destruction as well to help off set the other player not having a hand. Pooling Venom , Rain of Tears , Befoul , Brink of Disaster , Drain the Well , Poison the Well

you could also add in a Howling Mine it might help ya or it might hurt ya... just depends on what the other guy is playing, may also want to have a Tormod's Crypt at least as part of a sideboard as well.

greySynapse on wurm land destruction

6 years ago

Adding onto additional swamps giving access to land destruction like Icequake there's also, all of which are Mono-Black Land Destruction pauper staple cards:

Novablast Wurm is super tough to get out onto the battlefield no matter what corners you cut with ramp. I actually suggest trying just Green/Black and not worrying about White so much. I'd also suggest some dual lands to smooth out the mana needed for spells:

Some other Wurms worth considering are:

With the Wurm theme less feels like more. I don't think Greater Sandwurm is particularly mean or scary or overly useful (since you can play a cheap green tutor rather than the 2 mana cycle cost to help thin your deck).

If there's ever a time you feel like splurging, Wurmcoil Engine is hands down my favorite Wurm card and probably one of, if not my favorite Artifact Creature in Magic. Super scary and good at all points of the game.

Hope some of this was useful!

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