Beetleback Chief

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Beetleback Chief

Creature — Goblin Warrior

When Beetleback Chief enters the battlefield, create two 1/1 red Goblin creature tokens.

Jaathik on Erinis, Machine-Gun Urchin

2 years ago

Update 6/1

I've removed the category "Full-Auto." It makes more sense to just make 3 permanents to sacrifice rather than draw an extra card with 1. Replacing the + costing cards from this category and replacing them with Beetleback Chief, etc. makes the deck slightly better and pumping out tokens. I've also added in Bonder's Ornament and Destructive Digger for more card draw.

Liquidbeaver on Ib Halfheart, Goblin Sac-tician [PRIMER]

2 years ago

Went through and made some minor updates to the primer, as well as some card changes to add some more Christmas spice!

Buried Ruin out for Command Beacon: Really should have done this sooner with how frequently I've had to recast Ib compared to how often I benefit from recurring an artifact, especially at the cost of losing the land. Also allows Ib to be cheated in, which prior to Command Beacon was not possible.

Goblin War Party out for Beetleback Chief: This has been a long time coming as I've slowly made the deck able to take advantage of creatures more than spells. The haste is now less important due to the increased amount of non-combat shenanigans the deck is doing, so it is outclassed by a body that makes tokens. This could be Siege-Gang Commander instead, or in addition if I can find another space.

Jeska's Will out for Tibalt's Trickery: This deck has always been the most fun for me and the rest of the table when it is was at it's most unpredictable, and Jeska's Will is just kinda boring from that perspective.

And for the most controversial swap of the day...

Faithless Looting out for Heat Stroke: (thanks Rasaru for the suggestion, I had never seen it!). Faithless Looting, as much as it was so good in Modern it had to be banned, with my version of Ib I find myself perpetually with a 0-1 card hand, where I can't cast or re-cast Faithless without losing everything I would draw.

As for Heat Stroke, note that it says after each combat, so not only does this "buff" our Ibsplosions (or provide redundancy when Ib isn't out!) to where they kill anything they hit, it only hurts us in the sense that we are incentivized to not block when we get attacked, but it will also destroy any blocked or blockers in any other combat as well. Chaos and disarray over control and planning!

All in all I am very happy with the current list, everything feels good and fun, it's balanced for my playstyle. Other than a couple lands or artifacts I don't feel anything is included just because it's a staple, but because it's the best card for what I want to do.

Liquidbeaver on Ib Halfheart, Goblin Sac-tician [PRIMER]

2 years ago

Went through and made some minor updates to the primer, as well as some card changes to add some more Christmas spice!

Buried Ruin out for Command Beacon: Really should have done this sooner with how frequently I've had to recast Ib compared to how often I benefit from recurring an artifact, especially at the cost of losing the land.

Goblin War Party out for Beetleback Chief: This has been a long time coming as I've slowly made the deck able to take advantage of creatures more than spells. The haste is now less important due to the increased amount of non-combat shenanigans the deck is doing, so it is outclassed by a body that makes tokens. This could be Siege-Gang Commander instead, or in addition if I can find another space.

Jeska's Will out for Tibalt's Trickery: This deck has always been the most fun for me and the rest of the table when it is was at it's most unpredictable, and Jeska's Will is just kinda boring from that perspective.

And for the most controversial swap of the day...

Faithless Looting out for Heat Stroke: (thanks Rasaru for the suggestion, I had never seen it!). Faithless Looting, as much as it was so good in Modern it had to be banned, with my version of Ib I find myself perpetually with a 0-1 card hand, where I can't cast or re-cast Faithless without losing everything I would draw.

As for Heat Stroke, note that it says after each combat, so not only does this "buff" our Ibsplosions (or provide redundancy when Ib isn't out!) to where they kill anything they hit, it only hurts us in the sense that we are incentivized to not block when we get attacked, but it will also destroy any blocked or blockers in any other combat as well. Chaos and disarray over control and planning!

All in all I am very happy with the current list, everything feels good and fun, it's balanced for my playstyle, and other than a couple lands or artifacts I don't feel anything is included because it's the "best red card" of it's type, but that it's the best card for what I want to do.

Gidgetimer on can i get infinite bounce …

3 years ago

Omniscience_is_life: Nothing in the interaction targets.

This interaction doesn't work because you are mixing activated and triggered abilities. Anytime a trigger triggers it is put on the stack before a player receives priority. This means that the second curio trigger will go on the stack before you can activate Cryptic Gateway . So gateway will go on the top of the stack and will have to resolve before you are able to bounce anything. To get infinite bounce/etb/cheat the creature needs to make two tokens, such as Beetleback Chief .

MagicMarc on Best Red Creatures?

3 years ago

I personally really like the Chartooth Cougar that psionictemplar suggested.

But goblins are the way to go!

4x Goblin Matron , 4x Mogg War Marshal , and 2 or more of your Beetleback Chief .

Then add 1 or 2 copies of Sparksmith and Flamewave Invoker . You can tutor for them with your Goblin Matron s. Sparksmith for creature heavy metas and Flamewave Invoker can finish games.

Depending on your meta, another good option is Skirk Marauder .

Goblins kind of win at pauper.

Grubbernaut on Best Red Creatures?

3 years ago

In a land destruction list, Boarding Party will definitely be the best and should be a 4-of.

That being said, you want all your creatures to be win-cons; deny resources until you're ahead, then go for the kill. I don't think Burning Prophet is where you want to be in a list like that; you'll struggle to get more than one trigger in a turn.

Beetleback Chief is okay; you could also consider something like Self-Assembler for card advantage.

With all of that, though, R/G is definitely going to be more powerful if you're chasing wins - but as a terminal brewer, I understand the desire to diverge. :)


Lowenstein on Best Red Creatures?

3 years ago

I am working on a Mono R land destruction list. Just like in Modern, the issue is being able to win. I have 4 Burning Prophet which work pretty well, and 4 Beetleback Chief and 2 Boarding Party . I guess the reason why people run RG land destruction is bc of ramo and better creatures, but I’m enjoying experimenting with mono R.

So that being said, are there any better red creatures in Pauper? Probably ones with cmc 3 or higher that can help finish the game?

Osbert on

3 years ago

Throw in Putrid Goblin so you have another combo piece with Grumgully and Rhythm of the Wild. Mogg War Marshal , Impulsive Pilferer , and Beetleback Chief are other good disposable bodies you can throw in.

You also may want some non-Shattergang Bro ways of sacrificing your goblins. Skullclamp , Shivan Harvest , Goblin Bombardment , Goblin Chirurgeon , & Arms Dealer would be the first options to look at.

I would take out Goblin War Strike and Mob Justice. These damage spells are too board reliant to be consistently good and often can't dal lethal without a Krenko in play.

Both Domri's can come out as well as they are difficult to defend. Goblin can chump block 2/2s all day but suck a blocking flyers or any sizeable trampler.

If you want more cuts I would look at the following: Ferocity of the Wilds, Dralnu's Crusade, Goblin Dark Dweller, Earwig Squad, Renata, Called to the Hunt, Goblin Rabblemaster, Sparksmith.

I run a similar Jund goblins list but mine is helmed by Korvold, Fae-Cursed King who gobbles up goblins and often voltron smacks an opponent to death by accident. Take a look for some ideas.

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