Battle at the Bridge


Improvise (Your artifacts can help cast this spell. Each artifact you tap after you're done activating mana abilities pays for .)

Target creature gets -X/-X until end of turn. You gain X life.

legendofa on How Do You Feel About …

3 months ago

plakjekaas That's possible. But to me, Battle - Duel or Battle - Riot or Battle - Skirmish or whatever seem more like instants or sorceries, or maybe enchantments. Alpha Brawl, Spectacular Showdown, Massive Raid, these all share that flavor space (and I wish I could come up with some non-red examples off the top of my head). All of these could potentially be reprinted as story spotlights in some future set, like Renewed Faith from Onslaught to Amonkhet.

Conflict is everywhere in a game about conflict, and I'm sure I'm thinking too small, and biased by what we have now instead of what could be coming in the future. Looking at current story spotlight cards, some that I would consider as flavorfully battles are Battle at the Bridge, Battle for Bretagard (these even have Battle in the name), Eiganjo Uprising, Hostile Takeover, Hour of Glory, Mage Hunters' Onslaught, Rampage of the Clans, Storm the Citadel, and The Fall of Kroog. These can easily be thematically redesigned as battle cards.

So I'm not saying you're wrong, but those types of events just don't fit my current mental picture of a battle. That's why I said battles probably aren't a strictly necessary addition to the game--they're mechanically new and interesting, but what flavor space can they carve out for themselves? Or will they simply take over this flavor space, and we're going to see less major-combat-themed cards of other types?

Maaloufler on King Macar Tap Down

1 year ago

I like the deck. However, I think Erebos's Intervention would be better than Battle at the Bridge.

Darb_the_Bard on A fistful of Myr [Urtet, Remnant of Memnarch]

1 year ago

My favorite part of Urtet is untapping all the Myrs and finding ways to take advantage of that. To that end, I think Improvise is a great mechanic in this deck (Kappa Cannoneer and Organic Extinction are great examples already in the decklist). Since the artifacts are also creatures, Convoke can be similarly powerful. Both are even more powerful in your list since you are also running cards like Drumbellower and Unwinding Clock.

I mentioned some good Improvise cards in a previous comment, but here are some more fun possibilities:

  • Whir of Invention - 3 blue pips is tough, but perhaps worth it if leaning into blue and you like tutors
  • Saheeli's Directive - 3 red pips this time, but perhaps the upside is worth it?
  • Battle at the Bridge - likely just one black mana to get rid of a creature, even if it has indestructible

And here are some possible Convoke cards:

  • Obelisk of Urd - often "free" while pumping all your Myrs, which can still untap after the Convoke and attack with the pump that same turn thanks to Urtet
  • Return to the Ranks - get back a bunch of 2-mana creatures (I would likely want to pack a few more in the deck to make it worth it, but something to consider)
  • Endless Obedience - recursion from anyone's graveyard
  • Unmake the Graves - more recursion
  • Ephemeral Shields - protection for Urtet
  • Overwhelm - the creatures you tap for the Convoke will get the buff and can still attack thanks to Urtet
  • Lethal Scheme - destroy a creature or planeswalker while improving your hand with Connive
  • Mob - cheap creature removal
  • Sundering Vitae - cheap artifact/enchantment removal
  • Sprouting Renewal - more cheap artifact/enchantment removal (maybe you want the token sometimes?)
  • Venerated Loxodon - a 4/4 body that gives a +1/+1 counter to every creature that Convokes it; seems especially decent since you are also running cards like Hardened Scales and Doubling Season

Queesh on

1 year ago

Lolipop87 Thank you for your response and help. I considered Battle at the Bridge in the sideboard for larger creature removal, and Soul-Guide Lantern for graveyard hate. Do you have any other suggestions for the sideboard? As for Karn, Karn, Living Legacy is interesting because while the powerstone tokens can't be used for non-artifact spells we can use them to Improvise. His -1 seems good if we're hunting for Herald or Revolution and his ultimate would probably win us the game in a couple of turns. Might be worth including, but what would we cut?

Max_Hammer on Mardu Treasures

1 year ago

Hello friend! I have some suggestions! I had way too much time today, so here you go.

Relatively cheap, potent, and just perfect upgrades.

This bit is, of course, focused on making as many treasures as your board can bear.

Great, now you have all of these treasures, now what are you going to do with them?

  • Frogmite, Lens Flare, Scale of Chiss-Goria, Tooth of Chiss-Goria, Mycosynth Golem, Slag Strider, Furnace Dragon, and Myr Enforcer are all notable cards you could add, since they pretty much become free after a while, though mostly pretty useless.

  • Forsworn Paladin is pretty good token generation early game, but really shines with the second ability where it can instantly punish anyone blocking or attacking you recklessly.

  • Marionette Master is going to pack a punch.

  • Dargo, the Shipwrecker is super cheap for a 7/5 with trample.

  • Enraged Giant, Freejam Regent, Battle at the Bridge, Saheeli's Directive, Herald of Anguish, and Organic Extinction are all pretty solid additions, since they don’t make you sacrifice anything in exchange for it.

  • Ruthless Technomancer has a million combos with (like Dockside Extortionist+sac outlet) and is just pretty good on its own.

  • Leonin Elder is just one life, but when you’re playing a treasure deck, that one life will definitely add up.

  • Underhanded Designs is a murder or a poke engine, which is very snazzy.

  • Glaze Fiend is pretty scary, considering that it has trample.

  • Dragonspark Reactor could be a bit of removal in your back pocket or your wincon.

  • Arcbound Crusher’s design team didn’t anticipate just how many artifacts I was planning on throwing onto the field.

  • Professional Face-Breaker is just like Grim Hireling, in that it makes treasure tokens, but more importantly, it gives you something else. You get a load of impulse draw, which is really nice when you have loads of mana.

  • Magda, Brazen Outlaw is just an artifact tutor, really. Though, there are plenty of treasure loving dragons you could also fish for. (:

  • Kalain, Reclusive Painter loves treasures, giving everyone big buffs.

  • Swashbuckler Extraordinaire can give anything that might be sensitive to dying double strike for a big final push. That, or just give one big boy double strike.

  • Their Number is Legion gets you lots of life and lots of tokens.

  • Necron Overlord is just a worse Ghirapur, but it’s still gonna hurt.

  • Street Urchin is the same idea as the above.

  • Armix, Filigree Thrasher could be some annoying removal, especially early game.

  • Hellkite Igniter is a big boy that, if left unblocked, could be a one hit kill.

  • Feedback Bolt is a big, powerful spell. To put it simply: ouch.

  • Fain, the Broker can make treasures, can make +1/+1’s, and can make little spooky boys. The best type of boys. Great utility and variety overall.

  • Rain of Riches is big. One cascading spell a turn, whichever one you want? Imagine dropping Feedback Bolt and cascading into Hellkite Igniter.

  • Captain Lannery Storm is innocent… Until you leave her unblocked like a dummy.

  • Concussive Bolt can be an easy kill, letting you get as much damage as you want through.

  • Dispense Justice is just like saying “Fuck your voltron.”

  • It seems you also like having and sacrificing constructs, so here’s a bit to let you do more of that, if you’d prefer to have a construct deck over a treasure token deck.

    • Shared Animosity will give constructs a boost, but there really isn’t a specific theme across creature types aside from that, and your constructs are better used for chump blocking or just turning them into scrap. Ignore this if you’re going for more of a construct tribal sort of thing.

    • Fable of the Mirror-Breaker  Flip is a good card, don’t get me wrong, but I don’t think it’s really necessary.

    • Rakdos Charm could be replaced with something better as far as artifact removal or graveyard hate. Nihil Spellbomb would be good graveyard hate and Generous Gift is just a good white staple.

    • Comet Storm is fun, but Crackle with Power is more fun.

    multimedia on Rotcleaver’s Revenge

    1 year ago

    Hey, well done so far upgrading the precon, nice Phyrexian Altar.

    Some cards from the precon to consider adding:

    Talisman of Dominance ETB untapped to make either color. Another mana rock upgrade is Dimir Signet replacing Charcoal Diamond. Dreadhorde Invasion is a repeatable source of Zombie and Eternal Skylord is a much worse Hordewing Skaab. Curse of the Restless Dead is a more reliable repeatable source of Zombies than Undead Alchemist.

    Pact of the Serpent is powerful tribal card for Zombies. Battle at the Bridge needs lots more artifacts to be playable. Zombie Apocalypse is powerful tribal card for Zombies especially when your Commander sacs Zombies to draw. Patriarch's Bidding is another mass reanimation tribal Zombie card. Dread Summons needs a ton of mana paid into it to be decent since you have no control over milling your own or opponent creatures.

    Gisa and Geralf can be repeatable cast of Zombies from your graveyard which can do more than Ebondeath, Dracolich. Feed the Swarm is helpful to have enchantment removal in Dimir. Liliana, Death's Majesty can be repeatable Zombies and her other abilities are good too. She does more than Liliana's Mastery, but honestly you don't need either one of these cards since there's better five drops here or could add.

    The more basic Islands you can replace with Dimir dual lands the better the manabase will be because black mana is much important than blue. Lots of basic Islands makes it more difficult to cast heavy black spells. Tainted Isle and Choked Estuary are playable lands in the precon that care about Swamps and you have a lot of Swamps.

    Good luck with your deck.

    BeeZak on Zaxara's Infinite Death

    3 years ago

    All aboard the Selvala, Heart of the Wilds / Kinnan, Bonder Prodigy train! Choo choo!

    Seriously though, this looks sweet as hell. The infinite mana angle seems nasty, but not overly pushed, which should lead to good gameplay. Freed from the Real tends to be a surprisingly loud threat and my guess is that it's likely going to be a bit too greedy, especially considering you have fairly limited protection. Pemmin's Aura is good enough because the protection is built-in, and the added evasion will help you close some games. I've also found that cards like this tend to suffer quite a bit to the Chaos Orb s in our meta but YMMV.

    The first thing that stood out to me was that you have significantly less interaction than you typically play, and I'd bet that it'll feel a bit uncomfortable having to be so selective with your answers. I'd recommend adding Windgrace's Judgment and Assassin's Trophy to improve your flexible removal, and some number of Erebos's Intervention , Battle at the Bridge , Profane Command , and Black Sun's Zenith to up your creature removal and creature count (Hydra tokens) at the same time. Also, these do really well against indestructible threats (cough Blightsteel Colossus + Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger cough) like gods and such.

    You could probably also use another counterspell or two, but if you don't want to lean too hard that direction, that's understandable.

    The second main thing I noticed is your mana ramp package—I'd look at it fairly critically and consider your goals. For example, I'd keep all creatures that tap for 2 or more mana ( Bloom Tender , Incubation Druid , Selvala, Heart of the Wilds ) as they give you more paths to going infinite. I'd cut the ones that only make 1 mana ( Birds of Paradise , Manaweft Sliver , Leyline Prowler ) as they tend to be a bit of a liability compared to land fetch spells and you aren't inherently taking advantage of the fact that they are creatures.

    I'd also focus on the curve of your mana ramp. I think you should prioritize 2 cost spells like the three on-color signets, and the land fetch spells Nature's Lore , Farseek , Rampant Growth , and Sakura-Tribe Elder . Swapping these for your 3-5 cost mana ramp will give you more chances to cast Zaxara on turn 3 and get the ball rolling on both bigger mana and generating hydras. The way I see it, you could have a signet + Zaxara to use on turn 5 or spend that same turn casting a Gilded Lotus which is the same mana output but a turn slower. Basalt Monolith is the exception here as it goes infinite.

    The final thing I'd encourage is to play more land. You really need to always hit Zaxara early for your deck to do it's thing, and maximizing your potential to consistently hit 4 mana on curve is going to pay dividends. At 34 I'd say you're 2-3 short of what I'd recommend for a mana-hungry deck like this, and you're actually at 33 right now because Winged Temple of Orazca starts as a Hadana's Climb  Flip and likely shouldn't be counted as a land.

    Here are the baseline swaps I'd recommend:

    Out - Birds of Paradise - Manaweft Sliver - Leyline Prowler - Yavimaya Elder - Freed from the Real - Capricopian - Seedborn Muse - Chromatic Lantern - Darksteel Ingot - Replicating Ring - Gilded Lotus - Opulent Palace

    In + 2 Forest + 1 Island + 1 Swamp + Farseek + Nature's Lore + Sakura-Tribe Elder + Golgari Signet + Simic Signet + Dimir Signet + Profane Command / Erebos's Intervention + Windgrace's Judgment / Assassin's Trophy

    These aren't super exciting changes but they'll massively help your initial consistency. I'd play the deck a buch before deciding what swaps would be best beyond this.

    Stoked to see the deck in action!

    PolarBearSoup on Zaxara, the Exemplary: Hydra Infestation

    4 years ago

    I have a Saheeli X spell deck, but Zaxara really piqued my interest when I saw it. Everyone loves hyrdas, and getting board presence of big X spells feels great.

    Astral Cornucopia will help your mana and give you a token - It's a steep cost but does fit the theme.

    Mass Manipulation has been a powerhouse for me in Saheeli. I appreciate the might be harder for tri-colour, but Zaxara helps with that a lot.

    Hangarback Walker and Walking Ballista are again big X artifact spells, the latter able to win you the game with the infinite mana combo.

    Bloom Tender - If you are running Freed from the Real and Pemmin's, then he is a backup inclusion for the infinite mana route.

    Chimeric Mass is a nice way to protect your creature based board from sorcery speed sweeps.

    Battle at the Bridge, Death Wind, Disembowel, or Erebos's Intervention offer X based spot removal to compliment your X based counterspells which I like the inclusion of here!

    Dark Salvation works as smaller creature (depending on your mana) removal and generates you some additional tokens

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