Basilica Screecher

Creature — Bat


Extort (Whenever you cast a spell, you may pay . If you do, each opponent loses one life and you gain that much life.)

TheForsakenOne on K'rrik, Manipulator of Life (Totals)

3 months ago

This deck seems very .... confused. On one hand you have swamp synergies, on the other sacrifice synergies, and then you have weird cards like Elder Brain that don't fit into either. I'd suggest picking one of the two theme's and sticking to it.

Cards I would suggest cutting:

Withercrown (just not a good card)

Crypt Incursion (Too situational, its going to be dead a lot of the time)

Xathrid Gorgon (Too slow)

Visara the Dreadful (Removal magnet + too slow)

Consume Spirit (There are better mana sinks than this)

Corrupt (Needs too many swamps to be worth the mana)

Liliana's Shade (Also just not a good card)

Elder Brain (just a weird card in general and too inconsistent)

Cards I would suggest adding:

Abhorrent Overlord (Makes a buch of creatures for your sacrifice triggers)

Pontiff of Blight, Thrull Parasite, Basilica Screecher (More extort cards that synergize very well with K'rrik)

Exsanguinate (Better mana sink than consume spirit)

Nirkana Revenant (Another mana doubler for swamps)

Vein Ripper (Very good for this kind of deck, but it just came out and is currently pricey so I'd wait to buy this one)

Bitterblossom, Dreadhorde Invasion (make a creature every turn for your sacrifice outlets)

Viscera Seer the classic free sacrifice outlet. Also see Woe Strider

Ayara, First of Locthwain (Free creature with K'rrik out and pings opponents every time a black creature enters which usually happens a lot with sac decks)

SirHipHopHippo on Sivriss of the Snekwild

1 year ago

The deck is saying it’s not legal because of Basilica Screecher. You can’t run Extort in a deck without Black and White sadly.

Lithelain on Everything Has a Price

2 years ago

Hi, passing by to add my two cents as I found these cards that have similar mechanics:

Vengeful Strangler  Flip: I like this one as it is an assured 2 hp each turn unless blocked (thus killed) and therefore attached to potentially some high value creature or planeswalker. Perhaps Basilica Screecher could be replaced/mixed with this.

Combustible Gearhulk: kinda expensive but with a similar mechanic as Sin Prodder.

Creeping Chill: good synergy with Combustible Gearhulk, but otherwise kind of bad imo (perhaps only worth ituseful against milling decks?).

StopShot on 9/13 Commander Banning/Unbanning

2 years ago

Step 1: Cast Worldfire.

Step 2: With Worldfire on the stack, activate ability of either: Blisterspit Gremlin, Brimstone Trebuchet, Lightning-Rig Crew, Lobber Crew, Nettle Drone or Thermo-Alchemist.

Step 3: With ability and Worldfire on the stack, cast either: Dualcaster Mage, Fork, Fury Storm, Increasing Vengeance, Reiterate, Reverberate or Wild Ricochet targeting Worldfire.

Off-color options: Basilica Guards, Basilica Screecher, Blind Obedience, Crypt Ghast, Kingpin's Pet, Syndic of Tithes, Thrull Parasite, Tithe Drinker, Witherbloom Apprentice, Refuse / Cooperate, Insidious Will, Narset's Reversal, Twincast, Naru Meha, Master Wizard.

(This is by no means an exhaustive list, it just happens to be the best mana-cost effective cards I could find.)

carpecanum on - Beledros -

3 years ago

Basilica Screecher and Thrull Parasite are cheap and can provide a lot of life pings (or any of the bigger extort cards, I see you have the Crypt Ghast there already).

Aspect of Mongoose if you need to protect your boss. Dark Ritual to get him out sooner.

Spairut on Baby don't hurt me, no more...

3 years ago

Have you thought about extort cards? Like Basilica Screecher or Tithe Drinker ?

Roo182 on Karlov/Sorin Blessed

4 years ago

Okay fellas LordBlackblade multimedia - I've made another big update. A few followup questions but I think I'm close

Here's what I've decided/sacrificed out for now:

  1. Deathgreeter - Already have blood artist added, decided to cut for now

  2. Divinity of Pride - Left it out as I added Serra & Walking Ballista, also very high CMC

  3. Generous Gift - Better removals in the deck, so did not add

  4. Necropotence - Pure $ call, deck is already getting up there

  5. Extort Cards (i.e. Thrull Parasite, Basilica Screecher, Tithe Drinker) - I want to keep these for now as I like having that as an additional source of LG, especially because I've added more low CMC in this update

  6. Spirit Loop - I think too much value and makes Karlov too scary, the return to hand is delicious.

  7. Swords to Plowshares - Left this out purely to make sure I have enough mana.

I think now what I am gonna do is play test this a LOT to see if it balances well before I cough up the $

P.S. Guys - I can't thank you enough. This has been such a cool experience. You guys have put so much effort into this.

If you'd like to catch a remote game, I have been playing games on the PlayEDH server on Discord, my username is RageRoo182#8105, feel free to add me if you'd like to play a game!

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