Baneful Omen


At the beginning of your end step, you may reveal the top card of your library. If you do, each opponent loses life equal to that card's converted mana cost.

wozislightning on Yennett, Cryptic Sovereign

10 months ago

I currently run Yennett as well. A few cards that have overperformed for me: Crystal Ball Aminatou, the Fateshifter Haunted Crossroads Baneful Omen and Telling Time. Good luck and happy brewing!

Bafanuga on Power Trip

3 years ago

I think you can do without bladewing. I think a better 7 drop would be Baneful Omen .

LegaciLeaver on Nekusar & Obosh

3 years ago

Psychosis Crawler and Seizan, Perverter of Truth do not get doubled by Obosh, the Prey Piercer, as they cause loss of life instead of dealing damage. Same for Baneful Omen, Angrath, the Flame-Chained, and Ob Nixilis Reignited.

PurePazaak on Herewego, the Tiger's Sideshow

3 years ago

Have you considered Baneful Omen?

Inlifesend on Mono Black Problems

3 years ago

Grind, Thrashing Wumpus and Crypt Rats were an auto include, I had no idea that this card even existed so thank you for the idea! And I do like Liliana Vess She does bring a lot of hate but if I can get 2 searches out of her then I feel she is very well worth it and has turned games around for me, and at the worst you are right she is just a worse Diabolic Tutor. I have Oblivion Strike in because my play group likes to play eldrazi at times and it is the one spell I can hit ulamog, the ceasless hunger with. And I chose to run Baneful Omen because another player in the group likes to pillow fort with Avacyn, Angel of Hope, Sigarda, Host of Herons, and Archetype of Endurance and it gives me a way to deal some damage even though I can’t swing through, it also is kind of like a time bomb if played kind of early like turn 4 or 5 with Dark Ritual if it isn’t dealt with. I also cut 1 land for Bubbling Muck, that may not have been the smartest decision over taking out dark ritual but, it has been working wonderfully. I also added Imp's Mischief to the deck. Thank you again for all of your ideas!!

Grind on Mono Black Problems

4 years ago

cool deck!
Crypt Rats and Thrashing Wumpus are lower CMC ways to get your Pestilence Demon effect.
how do you like Liliana Vess? i always felt like she was a 5 mana vampiric tutor that just drew hate. maybe she is good late game if you can protect her. but i found i usually preferred a regular Diabolic Tutor.
any thoughts about Bubbling Muck over Dark Ritual?
also maybe Hero's Downfall over Oblivion Strike? i mean exile is better but instant speed is definitely a plus over sorcery speed.
and there is always Imp's Mischief if you want to run a counterspell...
and your 7 drop Baneful Omen seems like it might not always hit that hard. what about Behold the Beyond?

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