Baird, Argivian Recruiter

Legendary Creature — Human Soldier

At the beginning of your end step, if you control a creature with power greater than its base power, create a 1/1 white Soldier creature token.

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Tactical Advantage
Keldon Strike Team
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Aeronaut Cavalry
Flowstone Kavu
Heroic Charge

CNG_Stream on Boros Aggro

3 months ago

Interesting Idea you have going here, but I think the deck isn't really focused around Kellan seeing a lack of equipment/auras that can be used to enhance your creatures. Looks like your deck is caught bettween aggro and value and not focusing enough on one or the other.

For aggro you may want to trim:

Baird, Argivian Recruiter - 4 copies too many as it is legendary and the tokens it makes are not really feeding into other strats. If you want to place focus on Boaird, would suggests different deck style.

Spellbook Vendor as the card is kind of a slow value card for a deck that looks like it is trying to be fast aggro

Rabbit Battery while decent, the pump bonus is small, you are lacking threats to really apply this to outside of Kellan

Skrelv, Defector Mite 2 copies at most since the card is bad for you to draw in multiples unless vs control

Cards to add / consider:

Cacophony Scamp - Trades up easily especially with pump and can be a way to push lethal through blockers with death trigger

Monastery Swiftspear - Works well with alot of your current spells and gives you a great 1 drop. You could consider Goblin Tomb Raider if you prefer a static bonus not requiring prowess, but you would need a more artifact focus (see next couple suggestions)

Sword of Once and Future - if you have a copy this can be a great 1 of for deck (or sideboard) as it gives relvant protections that can be added straight to hand (Birthright Boon) and can allow you to setup top of deck and small chance to cast back spells from grave. This would also make Lightning Helix a possible reconsidered spell.

Mirran Banesplitter - Decent pump bonus for 1 maan at flash making a decent combat trick that stays on board even if you lose creature and can be attached again later at a somewhat reasonable cost. Pairs great with Scamp as surprise pump.

Dire Flail  Flip - This equipment would be to just have a cheap +2/0 bonus you can apply to creatures, the craft side not likely relvant. Would likely stick with Banesplitter unless you want cheaper equip cost.

Barbed Batterfist - Its like playing a 2 mana 3/1 that leaves an artifact behind once the tokens gone relevant for cards like Rebel Salvo. Also serves a creature you can search for with Kellen adventure.

Rebel Salvo - If you like the equip idea, then Salvo could be a cheaper alternative to Witchstalker Frenzy.

While I have tinkered with a deck like this in the past, problem is usually it just runs slower then red pump or the boros convoke deck. Hope these suggestions help.

Optimator on Wipe The Floor With Victory

1 year ago

Baird, Argivian Recruiter might be good with all your soldier stuff. Good for Devotion too

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