Azor, the Lawbringer

Legendary Creature — Sphinx


When Azor, the Lawbringer enters the battlefield, each opponent can't cast instant or sorcery spells during that player's next turn.

Whenever Azor attacks, you may pay . If you do, you gain X life and draw X cards.

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DemonDragonJ on Mind Over Matter

10 months ago

I have replaced Archon of the Triumvirate, Drogskol Reaver, and Nemesis of Reason with Azor, the Lawbringer, Duskmantle Seer, and Queza, Augur of Agonies, which reduced this deck's average converted mana cost from 4.02 to 3.94, which is very nice, as the previous creatures were simply too expensive.

DemonDragonJ on Patriotic Pride

10 months ago

I have replaced Archon of the Triumvirate and Drogskol Reaver with Azor, the Lawbringer and Zurgo and Ojutai, which reduced this deck's average converted mana cost from 3.76 to 3.71, which is very nice, since the former two creatures were too expensive, and Zurgo and Ojutai have nice synergy with Numot, as well.

DemonDragonJ on Mind Over Matter

10 months ago

ClockworkSwordfish, what cards would you recommend to replace those expensive creatures? I was contemplating Azor, the Lawbringer, Queza, Augur of Agonies and/or Duskmantle Seer, so what do you think about those creatures?

DemonDragonJ on Sphinx's Revelation or Azor, the …

2 years ago

I have Sphinx's Revelation in several of my EDH decks, because I believe that it is an awesome card that can greatly improve a player's situation in the game, but I am wondering if I should replace it with Azor, the Lawbringer in my decks.

Azor has as triggered ability that is the same as Sphinx's Revelation, and, while the ability can be used only under certain circumstances, it is repeatable, which is very nice, and Azor also has a control ability, in addition to being able to attack and block. My only concern is that Azor is much more expensive and requires a far greater investment of mana to fully gain his benefits, which is certainly something worth considering.

What does everyone else say about this? Should I replace Sphinx's Revelation with Azor, the Lawbringer, or leave the former card in my decks?

Niko9 on Which tribes do you think …

2 years ago

Sphinxes are such a good one. I kind of like Isperia, Supreme Judge with effects like Siren's Call or Bident of Thassa. I had tried it for a while, and it wasn't amazing, but it did make some big swings sometimes and it does feel good to punish players who are playing, disengage and wait to combo, decks. Blink effects really helped the deck with sphinxes. Blinking a blocker to gain cards off Isperia and then double up on Etb effects was pretty fun. You can even blink Azor, the Lawbringer off Eldrazi Displacer if you want to be mean about it : )

Also, Siren's Call absolutely loves Isochron Scepter and Unwinding Clock if you have creatures to punish with it.

Chasedrk1 on

3 years ago

This is a pretty great build. Azor, the Lawbringer was a fantastic game lock, closing out the game really relied on scoops instead of a solid win con against somewhat established board states. I don't think Kaya was needed. I ran a copy of Solitude instead. Approach of the Second Sun or Laboratory Maniac may be good as a finisher if the game needs to play out.

Well done here. +1

Gidgetimer on Interaction between Teferi, Time Raveler …

3 years ago

"Any time they could cast a sorcery" is shorthand for "on their main phase when the stack is empty". It doesn't matter whether or not they could actually cast a sorcery. Vedalken Orrery does not negate Teferi, Time Raveler 's ability and Azor, the Lawbringer will not lock them out of artifacts, creatures, and enchantments when paired with Teferi.

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