Auriok Salvagers

Creature — Human Soldier

: Return target artifact card with converted mana cost 1 or less from your graveyard to your hand.

PrestonShilling on Make Me A Drink (Ashnod’s Coupon Combo)*Retired

2 years ago

How important is Thrasios?

I used to have a modern version of Ashnod's Coupon and I relied heavily on white for recursion with Auriok Salvagers, Sanctum Gargoyle, and Leonin Squire. I used Trinket Mage and Tolaria West to Tutor for the coupon, and used blink effects like Restoration Angel to re-use all of the ETB abilities.

Hope that helps!

BOXES_O_MOXES on Raptor Hatchling [Pauper EDH]

2 years ago


Thanks for the recommendation! I'm still poking around D&D AFR cards seeing if there is anything viable for each of my pauper EDH decks. I'll be updating all of my decks soon. So far the only card that I saw a enough potential in was Spiked Pit Trap for my Auriok Salvagers PDH build. Lots of stuff to at least test out though.

StopShot on I need help choosing another …

3 years ago

@Raging_Squiggle, the cards you suggested removing have benefitted me countless times in cEDH though. Personally, I'd rather remove Terminate first. Holding up less mana every turn to address multiple threats is better as it gives me more flexibility. If you want to advance your boardstate it's better to hold up two 1's and a 2 than two 2's and a 3. Finding ways to do things cheaper without need for ramp is in a way card advantage as I see it and it mitigates how severe a discard cost is when you build your deck around flexibility than tempo. As I said I like playing more reactively than proactively. As for my experiences Lightning Axe 's removal capabilities in commander I find to be on par with Lightning Bolt 's capability in 60 card formats - not capable of removing everything but efficient enough to not get in the way of doing two things at once. Sinister Concoction is telegraphed removal which is incredibly undervalued in multiplayer settings as no one willingly wants to have it proc on their best card in hand, and having that kind of chilling effect on a whole table for one mana is pretty strong. And then there's Molten Vortex which is probably the best thing on earth for removing hatebear after hatebear and bypassing counter spells in blue combo decks. Losing lands to it may seem steep, but the cost is nothing when your opposition is locking you down and locking you out in the first place and if its a dead card I pitch it to the Lightning Axe or Sinister Concoction anyway.

Personally I've grown to loathe "non-black" removal spells. It's not just this combo but its also The Gitrog Monster and Kaalia of the Vast and Nekusar, the Mindrazer and Opposition Agent . I acknowledge there are a lot of non-black targets I can use it on instead, but picking between a Doom Blade and a Murder when Lightning Axe / Dismember takes out more of them for less mana sums up my approach to this. And I do run Chaos Warp , Anguished Unmaking and Generous Gift along with a slew of boardwipes for anything bigger - I just didn't mention I ran them here when the focus of my thread is on small and early game threats where the heavier removal isn't as apt at addressing these problems.

Still, even without the mana ramp the combo can come down on turn three by casting the cards on consecutive turns or on turn four by playing them all at once, and we are talking about competitive black which has plenty of tutors. In the early game holding up 2 or 3 mana for only one answer every turn I find to be a waste. It's not just this combo either as I'm in the company of decks that are looking to end or lock the game before turn six if left in a vacuum. At the same time I still want to acknowledge other non-aggressive strategies do exist and striking the balance is difficult when one set of cards is too slow for my current meta and another set don't go far enough for everything outside of that meta. Personally, I think the small spells still have some merit in all cases whereas the larger spells become an annoying liability when you're put on the clock. It's another reason why I value being reactive than proactive, to value flexibility over tempo, because I'd need to pick a different commander entirely if I want to match the speed my competitors play at. However, my opponents lose much more value than I do when they go headfirst into certain strategies only for them to be thwarted such as with the Witherbloom Apprentice + Chain of Smog combo or with the Auriok Salvagers + Lion's Eye Diamond combo or the Worldgorger Dragon + Animate Dead combo or anything that relies on Doomsday . My deck is built to address this kind of madness, but when I make card decisions I still want to keep more normal metas in mind when picking cards. Cards like Magma Spray and Fatal Push are incredibly narrow, I know that, but what I need to know is which card of that set is the best for taking on problems outside of my own meta.

FreyTheMagicPlayer on Thrasios/Tymna cEDH Decklist

3 years ago


Hey! So there are actually various ways that this deck can win, and a lot of them don't require a whole lot of setup, just good tutoring and keeping the right cards. All 4 of the combos (Angel's Draw, Bomberman, Dramatic Scepter, and Thassa's Consultation), are win conditions. With Angel's Draw, you cast Angel's Grace first and just draw whatever you want with Ad Nauseam . Bomberman is an infinite mana combo because Auriok Salvagers lets you return Lion's Eye Diamond . Dramatic Scepter is also infinite mana as long as you have 3 mana in the form of mana rocks and mana dorks, you simply exile Dramatic Reversal with Isochron Scepter . Thassa's Consultation is (arguably) the easiest way to win the game, cause it only costs 3 mana and it's pretty hard to stop unless they have counterspells. Simply play Demonic Consultation and name a card that isn't in your deck, you'll exile your entire deck, and then play Thassa's Oracle and you win the game. Of course usually with infinite mana you'll just be drawing your entire deck out with Thrasios, Triton Hero and you'll usually be putting that infinite mana towards Walking Ballista .

Usually if you're wanting to win you'll be looking for 1-2 tutors in your hand, and a piece of a combo, that way you know how you're gonna do it. Aetherflux Reservoir isn't so much a win condition as it is a great way to bypass decks that eat at your life total, because you also tend to hurt yourself a lot. It just gives you some insurance so when you do finally cast that something big, if it gets stopped you at least have a backup.

As for ways to get to the combos, you'll be looking at any tutor of course, and Birthing Pod is an excellent choice for getting out a creature that you really don't wanna be countered. Usually before you win the game you'll want some form of insurance out on the battlefield, so if you have a win con in hand, the pod, and a one drop mana dork, I recommend using pod to get Grand Abolisher out, cause then they can't stop you from winning the game.

Finally, if you're in a situation where ballista isn't gonna win you the game and next turn you'll lose, or if you simply don't have a way to get oracle out or win by damage, there are ways to simply take over the game with things like Memory's Journey , Noxious Revival , and Windfall , or Timetwister . This is simply a combo that if you have infinite mana and Thrasios out, you'll be able to have infinite of every card in the deck, cause you get to shuffle your graveyard over and over again, and don't forget that if they destroy your infinite mana source at some point you can use Hullbreacher to generate some treasure tokens with this. All you have to do is use either Windfall or Timetwister, shuffle everything basically, draw your cards, use Noxious Revival to put it back on top of your library, draw it, use it again, then Memory's Journey to put Noxious and your card of choice back into the deck.

If you have any other questions, just let me know!

temeref on

3 years ago

princeharperman hey! glad you enjoy it. admittedly I haven't touched this list in a while, and personally feel like it isn't "up to snuff" with modern day cEDH due to all of the strong recent cards that have come out. if that doesn't bother you, carry on!

Auriok Salvagers and Lion's Eye Diamond together creates infinite mana -- with Auriok Salvagers in play, play/activate Lion's Eye Diamond, then use Auriok Salvagers's effect to return Lion's Eye Diamond to the hand. play LED again, activate it, repeat. each time you use LED this way, you'll net 1 white mana, so you'll want to repeat until you have infinite mana. from there, you can use Auriok Salvagers to infinitely play & return Chromatic Sphere. since you already have infinite mana by this point, you don't have to worry about playing LED, so any cards drawn with Chromatic Sphere are safe in your hand. you can keep going until your deck is in your hand, and then win through something like Heliod, Sun-Crowned & Walking Ballista.

StopShot on Commander Legends card is going …

3 years ago

@hejtmane I'd say Jeweled Lotus is much more splashable.

Lion's Eye Diamond makes a powerful combo piece when paired with Underworld Breach and Auriok Salvagers, but its discard hand clause keeps it relegated only for combo shenanigans that directly involve it.

Jeweled Lotus is the opposite. The mana it produces can only be used for commanders which keeps it from becoming a combo piece, however; in its place it becomes an extreme ramp card that can go into any deck whereas LED only works in decks built around it.

TheSlowestBro on Breya, Comboless Queen

3 years ago

Hey! Great list you have and I see a few cards I hadn't considered, especially Artificer's Intuition is intriguing. How does Auriok Salvagers perform for you? I want to include it in my own list but it seems pretty mana intensive.

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