
Creature — Atog

Sacrifice an enchantment: Auratog gets +2/+2 until end of turn.

Squee_Spirit_Guide on Budget Enchantress

1 year ago

Making a deck from cards you have laying around is always the best! If you're looking to pick up anything additional, how about Sterling Grove and Gaea's Touch? And Auratog could be a fun finisher!

VolrathsPurse on Endless Wurm & The Rancor Kid

2 years ago

Understood. You mention maybe taking it into green/white in the description. If you do, the power and consistency goes way up. Things can go really crazy when you add Auratog, Femeref Enchantress, Spirit Loop, and or Satyr Enchanter. Just thoughts. I love fun casual decks like this.

Necrosis24 on Looking for enchantment graveyard synergy

2 years ago

Besides the cards already mentioned none come to mind but here are some other cards worth considering:

Gift of Immortality gives you repeatable use out of your commander.

Pattern of Rebirth and Angelic Renewal could be pretty good as well.

If you want to sacrifice your enchantments prior you could use cards like Auratog although I think there are only a couple.

Evolution Sage also fits quite well.

ghostfire86 on Enchant and Draw

3 years ago

Working on the card draw and acquisition:

Sram, Senior Edificer

Kor Spiritdancer

Argothian Enchantress

Season of Growth

Setessan Champion

Armored Skyhunter

Siona, Captain of the Pyleas

End game requires consideration of going going long or wide:

If wide, switch commander to Siona, Captain of the Pyleas and include cards like Shielded by Faith, Gift of Immortality, Flickering Ward, Spirit Loop, Rancor, Fortitude, Whip Silk,Auratog, Thaumatog.

If long, add better protection enchantments. Suggestions include, Holy Mantle, Alseid of Life's Bounty, Spirit Mantle, Gift of Immortality, Umbra Mystic, Unquestioned Authority, Spectra Ward.

Siona would be my push because she adds combo lethality. Sythis is just a great 99 imo.

Shouldn’t forget, All That Glitters, Shield of the Oversoul, Gryff's Boon, Helm of the Gods, and Ancestral Mask

CamraMaan on Vampirism on an opponent's creature

3 years ago

Follow up question... say I put Vampirism on an opponent's creature, then I realize that was stupid, can I then choose to use Auratog to sacrifice Vampirism ? Can I sacrifice it even though it's not on my creature...? I'm now assuming I can, but I wouldn't have assumed so before... but it sounds like I control the aura in every way, so I should be able to sacrifice it too, no?

smack80 on

4 years ago

I'm keeping all these suggestions on low budget

For this commander, I like prison-type auras. You have a few but here are some others: Prison Term , Spectral Grasp . Faith's Fetters , Darksteel Mutation

To recycle your auras using your commander you could use a janky fun sac outlet: Auratog

Gift of Immortality can keep your guys coming back and is cheap.

Sun Titan can bring back almost everything in your deck and is pretty on-budget. Sun titan with a totem armor such as Hyena Umbra and Felidar Umbra is hard to deal with.

Eidolon of Countless Battles seems good for this deck.

Frd123 on Temptsu Call the Spirits

4 years ago

I have a Daxos deck, and I do think that it works better as a group slug archtype.

I would recommend cards like Rule of Law to slow down your opponents. Or some discard packages like Oppression , Necrogen Mists . Depending of your build I would recommend Call to the Grave since Daxos is a zombie itself.

If you dont want to change your archtype, I would recommend using Divine Visitation as a "second copy" of Anointed Procession . I would use Etchings of the Chosen as anthem and Daxos protector. Other option to protect your table is Cloudstone Curio , it sometimes works as a second copy of Skybind and in other moments it protects your enchantments from removal.

Another way of increasing your experience counters and triggers, is to use Auratog , or others enchantment sacrificers together with graveyard returning enchantments such as Brilliant Halo . This is reinforced by the new Starfield Mystic .

I would recommend using mana rocks such as Gilded Lotus for an option in blinking it with Skybind and generating extra tokens every turn. A card that seems bad, but really compliment this strategy is Victory Chimes .

If you want to check my deck out, go here Daxos, Police of Fun

bushido_man96 on Tatyova, Land-Matters

5 years ago

Thanks, EPICSpider23, for all the comments, help, and the links. I do look forward to comparing brews in the future!

Rona, Disciple of Gix is intriguing. I may have to look over EDHRec for some ideas. Tetsuko Umezawa, Fugitive can just be a pain in the but, and run with cards like Coastal Piracy can really rack up value.

I'm going to run a little combo/recursion action with Tiana, Ship's Caretaker , running Auratog , Krark-Clan Ironworks , and a ton of equipment. It may be janky, but I think she'll be fun.

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