Assemble the Legion

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Assemble the Legion


At the beginning of your upkeep, put a muster counter on Assemble the Legion enchantment. Then create a 1/1 red and white Soldier creature token with haste for each muster counter on Assemble the Legion.

brolio on Date a Caesar quello che e' di Caesar - LA LEGIONE

3 months ago

Nice decklist, we had the same idea !

It's awfully close to mine if you omit some lands : Indomitus.

If I can give you some comments/advice, I think you should replace Stroke of Midnight with Generous Gift, the 3/3 is almost always irrelevant and the ability to hit a key land is not the be underestimated.

Assemble the Legion is good on paper, but it's terribly slow, your're better off with another creature like Goblin Rabblemaster or the Jadar, Ghoulcaller of Nephalia already in your Maybeboard.

Otherwise, awesome list, keep it up !


Jimmithee on Token Legion

4 months ago

Assemble the Legion takes a couple of turns to get going, but gives you fodder for your commander and triggers ETB effects like Warleader's Call like crazy.

Granular_Quality on Zapp Brannigan

10 months ago

Love this concept, I would recommend Assemble the Legion so you can send wave after wave of your own men after those pesky killbots.

Krenko_fan on Goblin Soldiers

11 months ago

I love this theme too. It would be a dream to have a goblin-soldier token EDH deck.

I think this could use a slight adjustment to make it more effective. Consider:

x2 Assemble the Legion

x2 Anointed Procession

xX Over the Top

x1 Unbreakable Formation

x1 Goblin Barrage

ZVCKK on Guild Tribal Superfriends

11 months ago

Udpate 18-07-2023: Trying to lean into more two colour for the theme. also d=trying to lower curve, focus on protecting PWs to actually get ultimates off, as the deck struggles to close games. Idea before was almost that any of the good stuff I find can run away with the game (assemble the legion and narset), but I don't think winning that way will be as satisfying. I think it would be good if I can get a PW out, get them to ult, and if that fails, niv to refresh hand and then give it another go.

TypicalTimmy on Card creation challenge

1 year ago

Iroas, Battle-Hardened

Legendary Enchantment Creature - God


As long as your devotion to red and / or white is less than seven, Iroas isn't a creature.

Iroas costs less to cast for each creature you control.

Creatures you control get +1/+1 for each other creature you control that shares a subtype with it.


Oh fuck yeah man that's stupidly powerful. Assemble the Legion approves.

Make a card that pairs very nicely with Necromancer's Covenant

Sleepysherlock on Spell-Slinging Mardu Copies

1 year ago

Lot of my suggestions are leaning into tokens because Blood Avatar clearly wants that, and if i can find a spell that makes tokens than Extus will be happy too. Thats my idea.

Big Score, Unexpected Windfall, Blood for Bones, Rakdos Charm, Fiery Confluence, Crackle with Power, Storm King's Thunder, Bonus Round, Sram's Expertise, Electrodominance, Jaya Ballard, Liliana, Dreadhorde General, Elspeth, Sun's Champion, Assemble the Legion, Secure the Wastes, Call the Coppercoats, Fury Storm, Ashnod's Altar, Prosperous Partnership, Divine Visitation

Let's take a short break here, because you need better creatures. Creatures that have VALUE as you recast them over and over, maybe even discard outlets. I hate to say it (and i'm not going to list them) but Aristocrat creatures are ideal here because they are cheap, and gain life which can then be used to cast wild stuff like Bolas's Citadel.

Dragonmaster Outcast, Viscera Seer, Cathar Commando, Leonin Relic-Warder, Mondrak, Glory Dominus, Lagomos, Hand of Hatred, Pitiless Plunderer, Mahadi, Emporium Master, Woe Strider, Ophiomancer, Mayhem Devil, Children of Korlis, Insolent Neonate, Elenda, the Dusk Rose, Sengir Autocrat, Syr Konrad, the Grim, Sun Titan

Also if this just ins't the direction you wanna go thats ight

slasherturtle on Equip Me Daddy

1 year ago

This will be long, probably.

The first thing I notice is your land base. It's pretty important for this deck to reliably get Jor out on turn 2 consistently, and you may be a bit short on lands for that. To that point, you also want to limit lands that tap for colorless or enter tapped to only the ones you absolutely need. While the lands that tap for both and enter tapped (like Alpine Meadow or Sacred Peaks) are nice for fixing, they are slow and ultimately it's up to you whether to run those or not. The biggest one that pokes out to me is Reliquary Tower. Not only does it only tap for colorless, I'm also not sure you're going to be drawing enough cards for it to be any better than a basic Plains or Mountain. I'd keep an eye out for Slayers' Stronghold and Sandstone Bridge in playtesting, depending on how often they go off they might also be worse than a basic. All in all though, land base is pretty good, you just need more. Maybe 2-3 more of each basic to get started and tweak from there.

I really like the amount of nonland cards that grab you lands you have (like Wayfarer's Bauble and Navigation Orb). They're better than Evolving Wilds and cheaper than fetch lands, but if you ever do get the chance to pack some fetches in here, I think you could take one or two of those out and replace them with some more equipment or creatures that like them. You can also never go wrong with adding a Solemn Simulacrum.

I really like almost all of your nonland cards and can think of very few cards I'd want to swap for better alternatives, but I think some are pretty safe cuts if you're trying to trim down to 100 cards.

  • Some of your Living Weapon cards are really expensive and don't do much other than make an equipped creature, but their cost is so high that you should already have enough to trigger Jor by the time you can even cast them. Others just feel like they won't impact the board enough to warrant a spot in the 99. The ones that stick out to me are:

  • Mortarpod, which takes up a 2 drop spot and conflicts with casting Jor

  • Sickleslicer, which just feels a bit underwhelming
  • Skinwing, which feels exceptionally steeply priced, even for an equipment that grants flying
  • Strandwalker, which is also very steep

  • There are also some cards which I think either hurt more than they help or don't do you much at all:

  • Prophetic Prism doesn't offer you any ramp and takes up a 2-drop spot. As someone with a 2-drop commander, you want to minimize the amount of other 2CMC cards in the deck because they get really awkward, especially in the first four turns. Turn two you're forced to choose between playing your 2-drop and your commander, and then turn 3 you have to decide between whichever you didn't choose and whatever good 3-drops you may have access to. It fucks up your whole curve.

  • Shuko equips for free but basically does nothing else after that. The same is true for Leather Armor. It may or may not be worth it, up to you.
  • Invulnerability may be slightly overcosted with buyback and you may be better running retroactive protection like Norn's Annex or Ghostly Prison.
  • Keen-Eared Sentry may not do as much as it seems. Having Hexproof is nice and makes you feel safe, but I ran Aegis of the Gods in Azor for years and it almost never saved me from anything, not only because having hexproof isn't as strong as it seems but also because people will want to kill it very quickly if they do need to target you.
  • I love the amount of repeatable combat effects in this deck, but they are worse than nothing if you don't have a board state that can take advantage of it. Some of those slots may be better used on other equipment or cards that care about them. If I were to cut any, it'd probably be Relentless Assault because it's not repeatable like Akki Battle Squad, Aurelia, and Waves of Aggression. This may also apply to Response / Resurgence since you can't fetch it with Sunforger and it's other half isn't super great.
  • As wonderful as Lightning Greaves is for commander protection, it also prevents you from being able to attach any more auras or equipment to whichever creature it's attached to due to Shroud and I tend to not recommend it in Voltron decks. It's also a 2-drop. That one is just personal choice though.
  • You may have one or two too many cards that reduce the cost of your artifacts. Yours are all so cheap and you may find yourself better off having something that draws you cards or cares about equipment than a card that only helps if you're trying to cast expensive artifacts. Since it's easy to kill and doesn't do much else, Starnheim Courser may at least be worth a cut, if not also Jhoira's Familiar due to mana cost alone.
  • Quietus Spike and Scytheclaw have the same effect, which also isn't good enough to win the game on it's own since the damage cut happens after you deal damage, meaning you can literally never kill someone off of that trigger alone unless you leave them with exactly one life. Since Scytheclaw at least has Living Weapon, you may want to consider cutting Quietus Spike.
  • Sword of Feast and Famine is good, but it isn't insane. If you don't already have one it's probably not worth spending 50 bucks on.
  • The Ward you get from Amulet of Safekeeping in your Maybeboard might not be worth making all of your living weapon and Assemble the Legion tokens weaker.
  • I love Assemble the Legion so much. It is one of my favorite cards in Magic. It may be my favorite enchantment period. It is also balls ass slow, expensive to cast, and doesn't synergize with your strategy. That one is up to you. I'd run it just because I like it, but it'd be the first card I cut if I needed to trim some fat.
  • Mask of Immolation gives you an equipped creature, but it doesn't do much else for 2 mana. If it equipped for free it'd be different, but it's equip cost isn't cheap given how weak it's effect is. It's also a 2 drop.
  • Toggo, Goblin Weaponsmith is much better when you can throw his rocks, which you don't want to do in this deck because you want to keep them attached to things for Jor - meaning you're spending three mana for a guy who gives you one equipment that does nothing a turn.
  • Leonin Shikari isn't something I'd say you should take out immediately, but you should keep an eye on it during playtesting. If you find you aren't taking advantage of her ability enough, cut her and replace her with something that isn't a 2-drop.
  • Wrath of God may be better than Vanquish the Horde. That's just my opinion though.

All in all, what you keep and what you cut is up to you, this is just what sticks out to me personally. The closer you get to 100, the better. If you're able to cut it down to at least 104 or 105, try just playing without 4 or 5 of the cards you aren't sure about and playtest from there, then use those 4 or 5 as your maybeboard. Also this deck is really cool and I like it a lot.

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