Arcbound Overseer

Artifact Creature — Golem

At the beginning of your upkeep, put a +1/+1 counter on each creature with modular you control.

Modular 6 (This enters the battlefield with six +1/+1 counters on it. When it's put into a graveyard, you may put its +1/+1 counters on target artifact creature.)

legendofa on How many +1/+1 counters would …

1 year ago

If Ich-Tekik, Salvage Splicer is a Golem and an artifact dies, it would get two +1/+1 counters. In this case, if the ability was worded as "... and a +1/+1 counter on each other Golem you control." or something similar, it would only get one. Since there's no exclusionary phrase in the second part, it sees Ich-Tekik as a Golem and treats it appropriately. Compare to Arcbound Overseer's or Indulgent Aristocrat's similar wording.

ClockworkSwordfish on

1 year ago

Very cool build! I always found Nethroi to be the most interest of the big Mutate critters, and I hadn't thought of the combo with Scourge of the Skyclaves - very clever!

A while back I made a deck around Grenzo, Dungeon Warden that was also concerned with featuring lots of nasty critters with 2 or less power, particularly if they actually had a lot higher power than that once they were in play. Some other bruisers you can reanimate for free include Arcbound Overseer, Nighthowler, Noosegraf Mob and Sewer Nemesis - they might be worth considering! Archfiend's Vessel also feels like a shoo-in, only using up one point of power but leaving you with a huge flyer.

I found it was also handy to have little creatures who could impact the board upon arrival, namely via some handy removal. Bone Shredder, Big Game Hunter and Duplicant feel like superior choices, though there are plenty out there.

There are a couple other nasty low-power critters I'd recommend - Herald of Leshrac can really rule the board (though he draws a lot of fire) and Doom Weaver seems like a great opportunity to draw a lot of cards. I hope some of these ideas help!

TallyDanish on Ultimate Golem Army

3 years ago

First of all, your curve is high so you need way more mana acceleration, especially early game.

I'd recommend replacing 2-5 cards with cheap ramp like Rampant Growth, Three Visits, Mind Stone, Cultivate, Kodama's Reach and maybe Skyclave Relic.

Here are some other suggestions:

Camaraderie instead of War Report

Forsaken Monument instead of Golem's Heart

Conjurer's Closet instead of Dragon Mask

Throne of Geth instead of Energy Chamber

Inspiring Call instead of Sporeback Troll

Cathars' Crusade instead of Chief of the Foundry

Trading Post instead of Daring Archaeologist

Loyal Guardian instead of Arcbound Overseer

Kuldotha Forgemaster instead of Arcbound Bruiser

Ancient Stone Idol instead of Pardic Wanderer

Return of the Wildspeaker instead of Compost

Ugin, the Ineffable instead of The Wanderer

Buried Ruin, Dread Statuary, Gavony Township, Tomb of the Spirit Dragon, Krosan Verge, Blighted Woodland, Canopy Vista, Scattered Groves, Castle Garenbrig, Bala Ged Recovery  Flip instead of basic lands.

ClockworkSwordfish on

3 years ago

A good trick for getting more punch out of Gyrus is to run guys who have more power than their printed stats might indicate. For instance, Arcbound Overseer has 0 power when he's in the graveyard, but as soon as you return him, he's attacking for 6! Other examples include Clockwork Dragon, Drakestown Forgotten, Nighthowler, Sewer Nemesis, Thought Gorger, Ignition Team, Crovax the Cursed, Spike Hatcher, Naya Soulbeast and Workhorse. Your opponents will be surprised how often "2 or less" won't feel like it!

Other cards that fit your general strategy include Grenzo, Dungeon Warden and Unearth, which can return a lot of the same cards as Gyrus. You might also want more removal, such as Bone Shredder, Ravenous Baboons and Garza's Assassin. Good luck!

ClockworkSwordfish on Even in death I serve (Alesha EDH)

5 years ago

You have plenty of deadly utility creatures, which is great, but a wonderful trick is to bring back creatures who are "bigger" than their stats might suggest. A great example is Clockwork Dragon - so long as it's outside of play, including in the graveyard, it has zero power. But the second Alesha animates him, you suddenly have a 6/6 flyer. Other good options include Arcbound Overseer , Sewer Nemesis , Nighthowler and Herald of Leshrac .

shagreel on I will kill myself till you die

5 years ago

Section 1 Get +1/+1 counters other than attacking

Arcbound stuff by CMC (some are in other categories): Arcbound Worker, Arcbound Slith, Arcbound Stinger, Arcbound Crusher, Arcbound Hybrid, Arcbound Bruiser, Arcbound Fiend, Arcbound Lancer, Arcbound Overseer

Creature type based: Metallic Mimic

Just because it is an artifact: Steel Overseer

Creatures that already have counters:

Clock work creatures by CMC: Clockwork Beetle, Clockwork Condor, Clockwork Vorrac, Clockwork Hydra, Clockwork Dragon

Sacrifice outlets to consider:

  1. Culling Dais
  2. Demonmail Hauberk
  3. Blasting Station
  4. Metalwork Colossus
  5. Phyrexian Vault
  6. Spawning Pit
  7. Shivan Harvest
  8. Arcbound Ravager

Value / payoff cards Ramp Scion tokens:Eldrazi Skyspawner, Drowner of Hope, Incubator Drone

+1/+1 Ramp: Crystalline Crawler, Workhorse

Other cool Ramp Oblivion Sower, Pilgrim's Eye

Token time: Pentavus, Tetravus, Triskelavus

Draw: Matter Reshaper Solemn Simulacrum Filigree Familiar

Other: Control: Wizard Replica

Damage: Flayer Drone, Vulshok Replica, Pierce Strider

Gain Life: Peace Strider

Recur: Scrap Trawler, Myr Retriever, Arcbound Reclaimer

Cheating: Summoner's Egg

Other cards I like

Vela the Night-Clad She makes all your colorless permanents only blockable by an artifact

Scarecrone Recursion

Storm the Vault Mana ramp

Liquimetal Coating some of those creature that are not a artifact... now it is

Phyrexian Scriptures Kill all non-artifact creatures / also places a +1/+1 counter

scotchtapedsleeves on Heavy Metal Bears

6 years ago

I like how you're using the weenies from Sidar Kondo of Jamuraa alongside Silas Renn, Seeker Adept's ability!

A couple creatures that I could recommend are Arcbound Overseer for an extra fatty that buffs, Big Game Hunter for removal, Gonti, Lord of Luxury for stealing things, Ravos, Soultender for some recursion (though he might not be such a good idea because of the buff), and Alloy Myr for some fixing.

Keep in mind that artifact creatures count for Silas Renn, Seeker Adept's ability, so you could bring back some really powerful cards!

I'd recommend taking out these cards because their power is slightly too high Vendilion Clique (you can get better effects with sorceries), Thalia, Heretic Cathar (the other enchantments that do the same thing are much harder to remove), and Notion Thief (he seems good but I'd still drop him, you'd use his ability but you can get more draw off of other sources.)

Thats all for now! Good luck building!

scotchtapedsleeves on

6 years ago

Anger to give even your non-token creatures haste? Even just to let Santa use his ability the turn He enters. You have a couple of artifact creatures in here, so I'd suggest Arcbound Overseer, a favourite card of mine.

Thanks for commenting on the Looking to Help With Decks forum! Just ask me if you need any more help, and if you see something you like on my profile/decks, be sure to upvote and ask, and I can help you with it!

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