Arcane Signet

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Arcane Signet


: Add one mana of any colour in your commander's colour identity.

DemonDragonJ on Selesnya's Voice

14 hours ago

Please forgive the triple post, but there is no logical reason to choose Selesnya Signet over Arcane Signet, unless you wish to avoid using such a cliched and common card.

doc_frank_18 on Nah Dude

1 week ago

Otherworldly Gaze OUT ---- Heroic Intervention IN...... Conduit of Worlds OUT ----- Negate IN..... Crucible of Worlds OUT ----- Counterspell IN..... Decanter of Endless Water OUT ----- Thought Vessel IN..... Aesi, Tyrant of Gyre Strait OUT ----- Arcane Signet IN..... Ramunap Excavator OUT ----- Talisman of Curiosity IN..... Life from the Loam OUT ----- Fabricate IN!!!!..... Scapeshift OUT ----- Sway of Illusion IN!!!!.....

Noire_Samhain on War of Worship

3 weeks ago

If there's one thing I'd suggest- you might like some ramp to do more in a turn. Some budget/semi-budget ideas are Marble Diamond, Heraldic Banner, Sol Ring, Arcane Signet, Commander's Sphere, Fellwar Stone, Mind Stone, Pristine Talisman, or Wayfarer's Bauble.

Profet93 on Empress Stealina

1 month ago


  1. Grafted Exoskeleton - What is the purpose of this?
  2. Puppet Strings - Do you have enough mana to reliably abuse this?
  3. Vedalken Shackles - One of my favorite artifacts for mono blue. But given you only run 15 islands, is this impactful?
  4. Terrain Generator - Same question as above
  5. Ramp - I have/had a mono blue theft deck. The issue is the high cmc of theft cards. Do you feel you might be better served by swapping some of the above cards with additional ramp pieces to more quickly use your commander as well as other theft spells?

On that above note....

Sky Diamond/Arcane Signet/Thought Vessel (?)/Mind Stone/Worn Powerstone

Master_J on Froggin Time!

1 month ago

OUT: Cultivator Colossus, Selvala, Heart of the Wilds, Fyndhorn Elves, Elves of Deep Shadow, Vampiric Tutor, Not Dead After All, Bala Ged Recovery  Flip, Demonic Tutor, Lightning Greaves, Greater Good

IN: Zopandrel, Hunger Dominus, Shakedown Heavy, Hunted Bonebrute, Tear Asunder, Nature's Claim, Culling Ritual, Nature's Lore, Arcane Signet, Unnatural Growth, Underground Mortuary

Trying to work out some kinks in this deck. I find myself without big boys to sac to the 'Rog sometimes. Also, upping the land count a little instead of using dorks that will die to Culling Ritual.

I may also come to regret pulling out the tutors, but I never know what to look for that will help me win immediately, so out they come for now.

Lup3rcal on Undead Monarch

1 month ago

Suggested cuts: Waste Not - enemy discard is a secondary strategy, and viable, but this is a card that is only a payoff for a secondary strategy. I think it may be dead enough that it doesn't warrant a slot.

Logic Knot - would be sweet if it was {U} less. As is, it's a strictly inferior counterspell that uses a valuable resource to be effective

Fervent Denial - 5 mana is a lot to hold up, 7 will almost never happen in a board-presence focused deck.

Dark Deal - wheels are decent here, but this Mind Rots yourself. Have 4 cards, cast this, end up with 2. The other wheels can benefit from enemy high card counts. This does disrupt opponents, but that's gonna draw some ire and you just binned half your resources. If you can withstand the ire you should be winning anyway. Something like Frantic Search would be better IMO.

Zombie Infestation - two cards plus one upfront is a steep price. I don't know that you have enough reanimation to need to dump your hand at instant speed when you already have Varina available.

Dismantling Blow - a glorified Disenchant 90% of the time. A 6 mana spell the rest of the time.

Suggestions not many at this stage. Gleaming Overseer is a consideration if you find yourself heavy into tokens. I'm a big fan of a few cards in your maybe list: Obsessive Search, and Kindred Discovery. Though the latter is slow.

Matzalantli is cute but I'd be wary of labelling it as ramp when assessing your manabase given it needs 7 mana to activate, and won't be online until at LEAST turn 5. It's defs more a Gilded Lotus than Arcane Signet

austintayshus on Wheels Wheels Wheels

1 month ago

looks like a fun list!

I might suggest a few more mana rocks. I'd recommend you have at least 10. Dimir Signet and Rakdos Signet and Izzet Signet would be good, as well as Arcane Signet and Everflowing Chalice and Mind Stone. Additionally, i'd recommend 2 cmc mana rocks over 3 cmc rocks any day.

Fevered Visions can also give you another 'everyone draws' effects.

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