Araumi of the Dead Tide

Creature — Merfolk Wizard

, Exile cards from your graveyard equal to the number of opponents you have: Target creature in your graveyard gains encore until end of turn. The encore cost is equal to the mana cost. (Exile the creature card and pay its mana cost: For each opponent, create a token copy that attacks that opponent this turn if able. They gain haste. Sacrifice them at the beginning of the next end step. Activate this ability only as a sorcery.)

builderboy7 on Encore Mechanic

1 hour ago

I've wondered about this since I was brewing an Araumi of the Dead Tide list. When I go to encore Massacre Wurm out of my graveyard and give trigger its second ability enough times to eliminate one of my opponents, can I then go to combat and attack with 2 Massacre Wurm's at one of my remaining opponents? Or can I only send one Massacre Wurm to each of my remaining opponents? I haven't looked too deeply into the nitty gritty of the encore mechanic but I would assume that I wouldn't be able to attack with 2 encored creatures at one opponent if one of my opponents died.

Crow_Umbra on Getta Teysa THIS!

1 month ago

Inkshield seems like it would be right at home here. I used to play Wake the Dead in my old Araumi of the Dead Tide deck, and I think I got some different mileage there since I'd use it to recur big blockers. Could also be worth considering some bodies that make multiple tokens at once or incrementally, like Chittering Witch or Illustrious Wanderglyph. Company Commander can also give you multiple sac fodder bodies, then anthem up folks if you turn them sideways.

Nice! Those will probably be some decent initial swaps. Since your curve is so low, maybe you could swap out Orzhov Signet or a land and still be fine.

Thank you! Vraska has been pretty fun to play. I was really excited for Marionette Apprentice and was glad to see you have it in here. The deck feels kinda like a rattlesnake as I set up some of my extra mana sources to steal stuff that dies & turn them into treasures.

Quick edit: Disciple of Perdition might be worth considering in one of your 2 drop slots, since it has the option for graveyard hate. Def a more meta specific choice.

Crow_Umbra on This is the Rhythm of the Knight

5 months ago

I used to play Cavalier of Night in an early version of an Araumi of the Dead Tide deck I used to play a couple of years ago. Being able to make Encored copies of Cavalier made for some fun value plays, so I definitely feel you losing some of that utility.

Idk if you're into foils much, but if you can get your hands on a foil Steel of the Godhead it looks lovely. I picked up a foil copy a year or two ago for cheap since it was marked as "damaged" but didn't notice much wrong with it. The Duel Deck Koth printing of Steel of the Godhead was one of the earliest parts of my collection. My best friend that got me into MtG gifted it to me.

wallisface on Do Ominous Roost triiger with …

5 months ago

No, the Ecnore ability granted by Araumi of the Dead Tide is an activated ability - you're not "casting" anything from the grave

CamraMaan on Timing question: dredge and draw/discard …

8 months ago

Say I have encored Merfolk Pupil with Araumi of the Dead Tide with three opponents, creating three token copies that each trigger on ETB, stacking three draw-then-discard triggers on the stack. I also have Golgari Thug in my graveyard. Can I dredge Goglari Thug, putting it into my hand, then discard it, as part of each draw/discard trigger...? Effectively dredging it and discarding it three times?


CamraMaan on Interaction between Araumi of the …

8 months ago

I know this will be a point of contention at the kitchen table, so some preemptive clarity on the matter is in order, plus I'm only 95% how it should turn out. Let's say Araumi of the Dead Tide let me encore Aphetto Alchemist and Seer of Stolen Sight. At the beginning of my end step they all go on the stack to be sacrificed in any order I want, and we'll say the Aphetto Alchemists are sacrificed first. My assumption is that each Seer of Stolen Sight will trigger separately for each creature sacrifice as it resolves on the stack. The other possibility is that since Seer of Stolen Sight says "one or more" it could be that they only trigger once (each), since all the creatures being sacrificed are leaving the battlefield "at the same time". I know a few of my friends will argue this. I would a month ago too. But now I'm pretty sure that as each creature sac resolves on the stack, each other creature triggers appropriately putting triggers on the stack, which resolve before the next encore sacrifice trigger resolves. So in this case, the "or more" portion won't make any difference. Correct...?


CamraMaan on Interaction between Araumi of the …

9 months ago

Sorry, I think I know the answer to this one, but I have to make sure, as it would be handy to include. When Araumi of the Dead Tide encores Undead Butler, and the tokens are sacrificed at the end of the turn, will they trigger the second portion of Undead Butler? My guess is that they have to be in the graveyard in order to be exiled afterward, and the tokens disappear upon hitting the grave, so it's a no-go, correct?

And I apologize about asking so many questions about Araumi... I'm building an Artisan (common and uncommon only) deck, so I have to get a little creative and also make sure I'm not running on false assumptions, as Araumi presents some interesting scenarios. But I appreciate the help as always!

CamraMaan on Interaction between Marauding Blight-Priest and …

9 months ago

I use Araumi of the Dead Tide to encore Marauding Blight-Priest and Zulaport Cutthroat (after untapping Araumi), and come to the end of the turn all the tokens get sacrificed. When the Zulaport Cutthroats see all the creatures dying they will trigger life gain for each one. Will the dying Marauding Blight-Priests still be alive to see that life gain and trigger more life loss, or will they already be gone?


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