Arashi, the Sky Asunder

Legendary Creature — Spirit

, : This deals X damage to target creature with flying.

Channel, Discard Arashi: This deals X damage to each creature with flying.

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Flailing Drake
Leaping Lizard
Wing Storm
Kyscu Drake
Menagerie Liberator

seshiro_of_the_orochi on I hate birds

1 year ago

Thisis a masterpiece andpropablythe most hilarious use for Eutropia. Love it! I have two ideas for you:

First, to play another crappy card: Arashi, the Sky Asunder is spot remocal on the field and another wipe if need be.

Second, you could add in Arcanum Wings and Colossification to have an emergency win-button.

seshiro_of_the_orochi on What Pink Floyd and Dale Earnhardt have in common

1 year ago

Oh, and regarding air defense:

Bower Passage and Dense Canopy are basically two copies of the same card. Sandwurm Convergence is great defense against flying armies. Whiptongue Hydra isn't on theme, but a great card still. If you want something cheap, Arashi, the Sky Asunder is a cent card with two useful modes for your purpose. Finally, Scarecrow is old and weird and weak, but maybe you like it.

Slashdance on Forest Tribal, LoL

1 year ago

Thanks for the comment, SmirkyDog593. =)

For Mortarpod to work, it seems we'd need to also add haste. In order to equip it to a land, it would have to be a creature, in order to sacrifice it, it needs to be a creature, and in order for our commander to bring it back, the land has to be a creature. So, if we have a continuous effect that turns our lands into creatures to do all that, then come back into play with summoning sickness. Thus, we are unable to tap the new lands for mana to continue to equip Mortarpod and going near-infinite enough to kill everybody. Unless, of course, we initiate an infinite mana effect prior to do doing so, so there's a lot more moving pieces to get that concept working. Unless I'm wrong, lol.

Spitting Spider honestly doesn't excite me for the cost, and it absolutely requires our basic commander/enchantment combo in play in order for it to work. That's not necessarily bad, but if I were that concerned about flyers I'd rather the removal not be as conditional. I think I'd prefer a good old fashioned Hurricane or maybe Arashi, the Sky Asunder that's the same cost as the spider. Silklash Spider is pretty efficient, too.

I do like your suggestion of Perilous Forays, thank you!

I also like Nemata, Grove Guardian, but the cost is high. I know we can get a ton of mana, but it's at the expense of maybe not doing something else. I'll have to think on it, but I like it!

Evolutionary Leap is pretty great, yeah! Thanks!

Altar of Dementia was already in the Maybe pile, so I agree. ;)

seshiro_of_the_orochi on Card creation challenge

1 year ago

Grunn, Colossal Earthquaker

Legendary Creature - Ape Warrior


Whenever ~ blocks or becomes blocked by a creature, tap that creature and put a stun counter on it.

, : ~ deals X damage to each other creature without flying.

, : ~ deals X damage to each creature with flying.


This is obviously the next Gruul commander for the boardwipe tribal list, inspired by Jiwari, the Earth Aflame and Arashi, the Sky Asunder. Create a secondary commander for that deck.

The_Librarian on Grothama's Ruin

1 year ago

Thank you for taking the time to evaluate my deck, the words of praise and the solid feedback ReticleMouse! You make a good point, based on which I decided to take out a ramp spell for Arashi, the Sky Asunder, I prefer this as it’s creature I’m more likely to get it out when needed in mono-green.

Paikuhan on None

3 years ago

If I get attacked by a creature that has indestructible and I defend with a creature that has hexproof what happens? Let's just say it's a Dreadwurm that has had a landfall trigger attacking and I defend with an Arashi, the Sky Asunder with a Blossoming Defense

Paikuhan on Indestructible and hexproof

3 years ago

If I get attacked by a creature that has indestructible and I defend with a creature that has hexproof what happens? Let's just say it's a Dreadwurm that has had a landfall trigger attacking and I defend with an Arashi, the Sky Asunder with a Blossoming Defense

grievances on

4 years ago

Won my first 4 player game with this deck today - the haste actually won it for me as I tapped down flying blockers with Thundermaw Hellkite. So early successes right now! I think one area I might want to re-explore is more of a mass removal option like with Arashi, the Sky Asunder or Jiwari, the Earth Aflame. But I'm happy with my first few experiences.

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