Appeal / Authority



Until end of turn, target creature gains trample and get +X/+X, where X is the number of creatures you control


Aftermath (Cast this spell only from your graveyard. Then exile it.)

Tap up to two target creatures your opponents control. Creatures you control gains vigilance until end of turn.

Fluggleshmuggits on Cube Eternal

1 year ago

Changelog 12/10/22

Original Dual lands are in
2 color man lands are in
upgrades in every color and almost every guild pair



Max_Hammer on These silly hoomans - Need Help

1 year ago

Well hello there! I had way too much time on my hands, so here’s this. By the way, it’s all ordered best to worst. (:

Pay less to play more.

  • Circle of Dreams Druid is going to drop loads of mana, assuming you can pay the three green.
  • Fallaji Wayfarer is going to give all of your stuff (including your commander) convoke! Not all, but a lot.
  • Hamza, Guardian of Arashin is going to make a lot of your creatures cost a lot less.
  • Herald of War makes all of your humans dirt cheap if he gets counters. But, oh, what’s that? This deck loves making counters for creatures? Perfect.
  • Nissa's Expedition is just Cultivate but it potentially costs a lot less.
  • Gaea's Cradle is perfect if you have a small fortune laying around and you’re in need of mana.
I need more! More!!!

  • Bennie Bracks, Zoologist every time you make a token? So every turn? Alright, sick.
  • Ulvenwald Mysteries lets you investigate the murder of your entire army. A board wipe kills this deck, but this (plus loads of mana) could help bring it back.
  • Season of Growth lets you scry a lot, letting you look for pretty much whatever and just pull it out.
No, you’re not allowed to have that! Because I said so! Exile it! Now!

  • Devouring Light, Conclave Tribunal, Hour of Reckoning are all removal spells but if you’re on a mana budget with a lot of 1/1’s.
  • Elspeth Tirel is a board wipe, if you manage to keep her around for long enough. If that’s not what you need, though, she’s got plenty of utility otherwise.
  • Coordinated Barrage, Kabira Takedown  Flip, and Outflank aren’t super powerful, but can destroy pretty much anything that comes your way. If it’s not hexproofed, shrouded, or indestructible, it will be killed.
  • Devout Chaplain says “The power of Christ compels you! Begone!” but this time it actually works.
  • Sanctuary Lockdown lets you say “Not this combat phase, Satan,” and if you have enough mana, you can do that again and again and again. Plus, if you decide you can’t, then it’s still a big boy.
  • Kamahl's Will will destroy just about anything in sight and can give you extra attacking force, if you can manage a way to keep all of your lands safe.
Gotta keep your stuff safe, yeah?

  • Loxodon Hierarch is going to save your deck (which is very sensitive to board wipes) from a board wipe, judy once. Use wisely.
  • Scapegoat won’t save your tokens, but it will save everyone else, commander included.
  • Kindred Boon can slowly but surely make literally every creature you own indestructible.
  • Ephemeral Shields is extra protection that can easily be pulled out of your back pocket.
  • Basri's Lieutenant isn’t going to save your deck, but it will buy you time or give you a chance next turn at a kill, if the board wiper was low.
Make all of your stuff bigger!

Make more stuff! The theme of these suggestions is Give me more, if you couldn’t have guessed.

Might of the Masses is always fun in a creature deck, one green for a massive “Fuck you” at instant speed is great. Now here’s a bunch of Might of the Masses style cards.

I was looking for cards with the keyword “Human” and a million Gideon cards came up, so here’s all of the Gideon Planeswalkers. None of them are bad, per se, but all Gideon cards are not made equal.

  • Gideon, the Oathsworn just happens to slip and give all of your creatures an absurd number of counters. Not to mention the big body (noticing a pattern yet?) and the one-sided board wipe! He’s got a weird face again, sadly, pass.
  • Gideon, Champion of Justice is a board wipe and a big, bad creature all wrapped into one. 7/10, he can dominate me.
  • Gideon Jura can goad and destroy stuff. Perfect for removal and instigating fights when you know you’ll win. Not to mention the big scary 6/6 lurking beneath. Also a weird face, pass.
  • Gideon of the Trials reads “Fuck your biggest creature, he’s not going to do anything, and also, as long as I’m around, fuck you more.” Nothing crazy, but can definitely make you public enemy #1 for having an effect like that. Pretty normal face, but that ability makes him a dick. 3.4/10
  • Kytheon, Hero of Akros  Flip is just some kid. Ignore him. This is a child, pass.
  • Gideon, Battle-Forged!? Where did you come from? Nothing super interesting here, but for one mana not bad. Weird face, pass.
  • Gideon, Martial Paragon can give buffs to all of your stuff, which is definitely not bad at all, and your opponents are automatically dead if he gets that ten ability off. That said, this Gideon can get it. 10/10.
  • Gideon Blackblade is eh. He’s okay. He can get it, though. 7/10.
  • Gideon, Ally of Zendikar can do some generic Gideon stuff. Make tokens, give buffs, be a 4/4. Eh. 6.7/10.
This is just stuff I couldn’t find a specific panel for, so yeah.

Your deck is pretty spotless, so unless some of these are direct upgrades or you know what you want to take out, then this is all I have for you here.

  • Thraben Doomsayer’s first ability can be easily beaten by other cards, and his second ability is mostly useless, since you’re pretty screwed at 5 HP either way.
  • Heron's Grace Champion Lifelink is cool, but not something you super need. It’d be worth it if it was permanent, but it’s not, so pass.
  • Maja, Bretagard Protector just feels a little expensive for such a lackluster ability, Idunno.
  • Barbarian_Sun_Pope on Walkers & Tokens (Need Better Name)

    3 years ago

    I think you can go down a copy of Gideon of the Trials for Gideon Jura (better protection) and remove Appeal / Authority. "Appeal" doesn't actually improve your board state and "Authority" doesn't do that much to protect your side of the field, and you really don't need the vigilance part of it because you have Ajani, the Greathearted. I think you can trade it for Ghostly Prison. Hope this helps.

    Gim on Kitty Cat Pioneer

    4 years ago

    You definitely need to bump Regal to 4. You wouldn't believe how important that card is. This may require you to play more lands. 23 worked for me back during Amonkhet block standard.

    As for suggestions, Heroic Intervention is a much better mass protection spell and Blossoming Defense is amazing single target protection spell that serves as a significant buff as well. Appeal / Authority is a great finisher with how many creatures this archetype is capable of putting on the field and is insanely effective if used on a Pouncer.

    If you're having trouble figuring out what to cut, Vanguard and Pridemate would be my first choices as lifegain isn't the most important thing to this type of deck and is mostly there just so we live long enough to actually play our big cards against fast aggro decks. If you have any spots left over at that point I would highly recommend Brimaz, King of Oreskos . Real monster of a card.

    For sideboard Prowling Serpopard is a priceless.

    Good luck!

    thesilentpyro on Colorful Footprints

    5 years ago

    I haven't fleshed out the description for the new list yet, but the general gist is it takes the ideas from this list and trims down the CMC (TappedOut doesn't do CMC for split cards correctly, so the number it reports is wrong), adds protection effects, efficient standalone token producers, efficient targeted clone spells, and tries to go instant speed where it can, and it removes the slow, narrow, and situational cards. In general, it's faster and more resilient with fewer dead cards and more potential to win out of nowhere.

    Notable removals from this deck:

    • Mentor effects: Talrand, Sky Summoner , Docent of Perfection  Flip, Metallurgic Summonings : Mentor effects are slow, removal magnets, and generally not as good as efficient standalone token producers (the same four mana for Talrand gets you five creatures immediately off Hunted Troll ) or clone spells. These three were cut because they're the most expensive, plus Talrand and Summonings don't have the same synergy with the added clone effects.
    • Targeted token makers: Adverse Conditions , AEther Mutation , Supplant Form : Expensive, replaced by cheaper clones like Quasiduplicate . Clones have additional synergy with Hunted creatures and the few ETB utility dudes ( Eternal Witness , Imperial Recruiter , Spellseeker ).
    • Wincons: Berserk , Confront the Unknown , Fiery Gambit , Willbreaker : Berserk and Confront have been replaced by Appeal / Authority , though Confront might still be better. Gambit is a 3-mana wincon that's annoying to resolve and still doesn't win through infinite life like LabMan does. It's been replaced by Kari Zev's Expertise , which is a wincon, untap/haste effect for Earthcraft, Cryptolith Rite, and Natural Affinity, and also has the insane ability to cast a spell from your hand for free for each creature, and each of those spells then gets copied as well. Willbreaker is painfully slow, requires you to cast another spell to actually do anything, and doesn't even give the haste/untap from red threaten effects. If the deck needs to pass the turn after it tries to go off, Willbreaker's likely going to get removed anyway.
    • Synergy: Isochron Scepter and Unsubstantiate : Too slow, and your cheap instants are redundant enough that you don't really need to be able to repeat a specific one. Plus, most of the time you'd want to put a cantrip on it, and Scepter actually increases the cost of those. These are slow win-more cards that look clever but don't actually end up doing much in practice because the deck is already plenty redundant.
    • Hexproof equipment: Swiftfoot Boots and Champion's Helm : Cut for Lightning Greaves . Shroud looks anti-synergistic, but the zero equip cost means you can move it over to a token on your turn when you're ready to do things and it can be used to give a mana army haste for Cryptolith Rite or Natural Affinity. If you need to protect Ink-Treader while actually going off, shroud is worse than hexproof, but generally you'll just wait to go off until you have a protection spell ready.
    • Cantrip: Shadow Rift : This was actually the hardest cut. Instant-speed targeted cantrips are what makes the deck tick, and for a while I had Refocus in. I eventually decided that the difference between 10 and 11 1-mana cantrips was negligible, and Shadow Rift is the worst one (it does literally nothing; everything having shadow is the same as nothing having shadow). All of the others have at least some utility or synergy.

    There's actually an infinite combo in the deck with Spellseeker + Earthcraft/Cryptolith Rite: With one of the rampchantments and Inktreader in play plus some mana to start, cast Spellseeker into Twinflame . Twinflame (radiated) copies Spellseeker and gets more hasty dudes to tap for mana. New Seeker gets Regrowth , which gets Twinflame back. Twinflame again gets you even more dudes, plus two new Spellseekers. One of those seekers gets Eladamri's Call into Eternal Witness , which gets Twinflame back, the other seeker getting a cantrip. The next Twinflame not only gets you four more seeker-tutors, it also gives you another Witness, which can get back Twinflame again, and further Twinning makes multiple Witnesses so you can get back your graveyard, all while drawing your deck through the cantrips you've seeker'd up and getting an infinite army of hasty dudes for attacking and mana (you're tapping two for Twinflame mana every iteration, but each cast doubles your army size).

    The most exciting single new card by far is Electrodominance . For a long time I had Savage Summoning in the list because instant speed is so important for combo decks, and this just replaced it. Dominance has the downside of not being able to cast Ink-Treader from the command zone, but it works on all spell types instead of just creatures, can be used as removal in a pinch, AND it's targeted, which means it has the Kari Zev's Expertise effect of casting a free spell for each creature on the field that then also get radiated. We play targeted indestructible effects for protection and Pongify anyways, so you're likely to not even reduce the creature count from the Dominance damage. EOT radiated Electrodominance for X=3 is generally game.

    Gidgetimer on Does Kicker count as part …

    5 years ago

    Thank you for explaining how split cards function CMC-wise. I had totally forgotten about them. Your Armed / Dangerous example doesn't track though. Were you trying to continue with Appeal / Authority and mislinked?

    Caerwyn on Does Kicker count as part …

    5 years ago

    Though this question has been answered, I wanted to make one correction to Gidgetimer's follow-up response on the off-chance anyone is reading this thread in the future. To clarify, it is not a substantive change to the answer to the question itself, but rather the dicta regarding cards with variable CMCs.

    There are actually two times a converted mana cost on a card can change. The first is spells with in the cost, such as those Gidgetimer mentioned. The second is split cards. These could be cards with Aftermath , cards with fuse , or generic split cards .

    While in any zone other than the stack (Library, hand, graveyard, exile, and ante--there are no split cards that can be on the battlefield or in the command zone), the CMC is equal to the total casting cost of the card. Using our three above-linked options: Appeal / Authority would have a CMC of 3 when in non-stack zones; Alive / Well would have a CMC of 5; and Assault / Battery would have a CMC of 5.

    When on the stack, the CMC is equal to the total cost of the sides being cast. For Armed / Dangerous , this will be either 1 or 2, depending on which portion is being cast. For Assault / Battery , his will be either 1 or 4, depending on the side being cast.

    It gets a bit funky with Fuse, as there are multiple options. Alive / Well will have a CMC of four if only Alive is cast, a CMC of 1 if only Well is cast, and a CMC of 5 if both halves are fused together.

    Anyway, sorry to post on a closed thread--I just wanted to make sure all the information was available.

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