Animate Library

Enchantment — Aura

Enchant your library.

Enchanted library is an artifact creature on the battlefield with power and toughness each equal to the number of cards in it. It's still a library.

If enchanted library would leave the battlefield, exile Animate Library instead.

BirdieGirlie on Fun Book/Library Theme Deck

7 months ago

HIIIII OMFG I LOVE THIS SO MUCH!! I've been thinking of trying to build an Animate Library meme deck for myself the past couple weeks, only to find this!!!! Everything looks pretty good to me! Just wondering why, if they're your main wincons, you don't have full playsets of Grimoire of the Dead or Animate Library in the deck. I would/will probably do that building my own version.

Oh also now that I'm thinking about it, I feel like the deck is quite costed, so the ideal cost of Compulsive Research, discarding a land, feels bad lolz! I might run Divination, as suggested by HalbrechtHalbrecht instead. Though I understand wanting to discard a lot, for the Grimoire. Idk. I'm still new to all this!

I love the tight deck theming going on, but I'm way too competitive a person to not abandon some of it if I could make the deck better! Perhaps instead of Walking Archive, a pretty new card: Auton Soldier? Myriad would be disgusting!

If you really go the copy route (which was my own first thought for an Animate Library deck), Mechanized Production could be a cool tertiary wincon for this deck. Actually, wouldn't you have to choose between Grimoire support and MP support for either to actually work? Too much going on otherwise. Anyway, The Mycosynth Gardens, I think would allow you to copy the library creature just by tapping it? It has a CMC condition, but the library itself doesn't cost any mana, only the enchantment that made it into a creature does! So it would be a free copy!

I could go on and on about all the spells I've researched that would allow you to copy the library creature, but I digress! Adding enough of them is gonna make this deck much, much less budget, too. So I will conclude with: thank you so much for this deck list!!!! Have you gotten the chance to play it since you made it?? I'd love to know your experience with the deck!!!!

GenericToaster on Top 10 blue cards at …

3 years ago

May I suggest a rival for the S slot with Animate Library

FreedFox on Korvold Value Town 2.0

4 years ago

Thanks for the upvote and recommendation kpres!

I prefer Fires of Yavimaya in this instance because it can be used as an "emergency" sac outlet in that it can sacrifice itself at instant speed. Is the card draw and +1/+1 counter on Korvold, Fae-Cursed King worth it? I suppose it depends. I don't begrudge you preferring Rhythm of the Wild, for sure. You're right that making your creatures un-counterable can be huge in certain pods/metas.

One of the largely invalid reasons I don't like Rhythm of the Wild is, in an already pretty grindy deck, on MTGOnline the Rhythm Riot triggers would get old FAST if a card like Mycoloth sees your Upkeep step with enough counters on it. And there aren't as many times in this deck where it's to one's benefit to opt out of haste and go for the +1/+1 counter instead (not that you said that).

Often, if I do run Fires of Yavimaya, I'm running Rhythm of the Wild too. For this deck, though, the build is just too tight. I have no idea what I'd cut for the second "haste-granter". I have a similar sentiment towards Fling.


Speaking of Fling, you could conceivably knock one person out of the game with it but without copying it three times taking everyone out at once, I'd rather save the deck slot for something that grants a bit more synergy for consistency's sake.

Don't get me wrong, I love the card. I made an entire deck that's designed to Fling your library at all of your opponents simultaneously using the un-card Animate Library but I just don't feel like it's a silky smooth fit here. For the same surprise factor you might be better off with adding one of those Infect-granting sorceries (shudder).

This is the Animate Library decklist if your curious:


Again, thank you for your input and I hope that I answered your questions to your satisfaction!

Boza on Cards and Ideas From the …

6 years ago

I think none of the cards mentioned are really worth it - organ harvest is just not something black does nowadays; mise is way too powerful and wizards have been very carefl with balancng them after the Treasure Cruise fiasco; crow storm is a 10 on the storm scale, so i would say no. Timmy is just an Elvish Piper, Johnny is simply a tutor and there a ton of those that work for less than 8 mana, Spike is unprintable with its current ability.

Speaking about Unstable:

Grisulda, hosts and augments show that Wizards clearly enjoyed the meld mechanic, so I expect more of it.

Animate Library is a cool card that could very well be black bordered.

Earl of Squirrel could very well be a signal for more -link abilities, like manalink.

Tyrant-Thanatos on Animate Library and Phasing

6 years ago

Honestly it's essentially the same thing. We just have to remember that a card and the object it represents are two entirely separate things. If I control a Tarmogoyf and you cast a Reality Ripple on it, it's not as if the physical card itself doesn't exist, just the goyf that the card represents doesn't exist. In the case of Animate Library, just because the creature that your library is representing is phased out, doesn't mean the cards in your library are phased out. Cards don't phase, objects do, permanents, specifically. And because MTG cards don't refer to permanent cards that are on the battlefield, but rather the permanents themselves, this is something that in most practical application, makes no difference.

chosenone124 on Animate Library and Phasing

6 years ago

My opponent uses Animate Library on their library. I Reality Ripple it on my opponent's upkeep.

According to 702.25b If a permanent phases out, its status changes to phased out. Except for rules and effects that specifically mention phased-out permanents, a phased-out permanent is treated as though it does not exist.

Since rule 120.1 does not specifically mention phased-out permanents, does that mean my opponent cannot draw a card from their library and loses the game?

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