Angelic Arbiter

Creature — Angel


Each opponent who cast a spell this turn can't attack with creatures.

Each opponent who attacked with a creature this turn can't cast spells.

NV_1980 on Angels We Have Heard On High [PRIMER]

1 month ago

Great tribal deck, orcopollo! I've got one myself and I love it. In terms of affordable Angels, I've been able to make some great use of cards like:

  • Adarkar Valkyrie: excellent recursion utility; especially since she can attack (because of vigilance) AND use her recursion in the same turn.
  • Admonition Angel/Angel of Serenity: great mid-game exile tools and powerful combatants as well.
  • Angelic Arbiter: give your opponents a choice; spells or combat (but not both!).
  • Platinum Angel: as long as it lives, games will end up in your favor (eventually).

Hope this helps; happy building (and playing)!

NV_1980 on Angel tribal EDH

4 months ago

Fun Angel-tribal deck! I like how you've gone all in with this strategy :) I have some suggestions but I'm not sure how much you want to spend on this, so just let me know if I'm going over the top.

Let's start with your mana. Right now, you've got 31 lands and one ramp-artifact. This is really on the low side, consdering the average amount of mana you need to spend for most of your creatures. I'd really recommend some mana-rocks like Arcane Signet, Caged Sun, Gilded Lotus, Pearl Medallion and definitely Sol Ring. Some more ramp like Archaeomancer's Map, Land Tax and Weathered Wayfarer. Lastly, I know it's expensive, but if you can get a cheap Urza's Incubator somewhere, go for it; would be awesome in here. Any of these suggestions (and there are cheaper alternatives to most) would increase the speed of your deck.

Next, let's talk opportunities this deck offers to draw additional cards. You've got five options, of which three are repeatable (because they're permanents :)). Some additional ideas on this: Archivist of Oghma, Endless Atlas, Mind's Eye and Smuggler's Share. Like with the stuff mentioned for mana, all of these would increase your deck's pacing.

To strengthen your angelic forces, you could consider Adarkar Valkyrie (which is awesome at resurrecting any Angels you lost during combat or even better, an opponent's creature lost in battle!), Angelic Arbiter (cast or attack, your opponents must choose), Battle Angels of Tyr (expensive card but insanely powerful balance-bringers in case you're behind with card-draw, mana or life) and Platinum Angel (as long as it's got indestructible and hexproof, opponents will have a very hard time snatching victory from you).

In case you're looking for more ideas, here's my Angel tribal deck, enjoy!

Forkbeard on Lyra Dawnbringer: Seek & Destroy

2 years ago

Made a few tweaks...

In: Cosmos Elixir, Eiganjo, Seat of the Empire, Giada, Font of Hope, Starnheim Aspirant, Esper Sentinel & Mangara, the Diplomat

Out: Angelic Arbiter, Plains, Akroma, Angel of Wrath, Ghostly Prison, Gauntlet of Power & Norn's Annex

I still want to have a few bombs in the deck, but taking a couple of the high cost angels out in favour of draw options + a few more efficient but on theme pieces may help the game plan.

cows5467 on Runetail, and his immortal Angels.

3 years ago

This is such a cool deck. If you can find room I would consider adding in Angelic Arbiter . It's super underrated and really good at forcing your opponents to really think about their decisions.

TheVectornaut on blue/white Wifeys

3 years ago

Another U/W option that's both budget and beginner-friendly is flyers. By including a critical mass of evasive creatures, you can soar right past blockers for the win. Some cards that synergize with such a plan include Watcher of the Spheres . Empyrean Eagle , Skycat Sovereign , Jubilant Skybonder , and Sephara, Sky's Blade . Then, you can choose to either go wide or go tall. Wide means add more token production like Midnight Haunting and Migratory Route . Tall means add more bombs like sphinx ( Azor, the Lawbringer , Isperia, Supreme Judge , Unesh, Criosphinx Sovereign , etc.) or angels ( Angelic Arbiter , Avacyn, Angel of Hope , Lyra Dawnbringer , etc.). Not all of the aforementioned cards are budget but it's easy enough to find cheaper alternatives. If you're playing with a casual (legacy) card pool, EDHREC can be a useful resource for finding cards that fit within an archetype. 60-card decks generally want to be faster than their EDH counterparts, but that really depends on how competitive your meta is. Here's the page for Azorious Flying BTW: Azorious Flying Theme | EDHREC

Drcfan on Mono White Angels

3 years ago


  • Hm it doesnt seem to have a consistent plan nor a legit format. I would suggest to go for modern since it has a lot of cards in its pool and is the most common 60 cards format besides standard. I am an Angels Deck builder since 6 years, so i have a couple of suggestions. Of course that doesnt mean that you have to change something, i mean it is just a suggestion and all the mentioned cards wont fit anyway in a 60 cards deck. Try to make it more consistent if needed by playing 4-of or tutor effects.

  • Since you mentioned your friend plays burn, i will give you some cards that will make your winrate nearly 100% against burn. Burn has barely no chance against lifegain decks. Angels can be build in a lifegain way, which i am personally no fan of but many are, so here we go.

  • If you want to check out a non lifegain modern Angel deck, you can check out Devotion to White Angels.



Kind Regards Drcfan

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