Angel of Glory's Rise

Creature — Angel

When this enters the battlefield, exile all Zombies, then return all Human creature cards from your graveyard to the battlefield.

EDH 1 / 1
Bruna, the Fading Light feature for Glory´s Rise

Case42 on Smelly cat! What are they feeding you?

6 months ago

I would suggest adding in Fiend Hunter to combo with Angel of Glory's Rise.

You exile the Angel with Fiend Hunter, sacrifice your board to a sac outlet, making sure to sac Fiend Hunter last. When it leaves, the Angel comes back and brings all your humans back with it. Repeat until you win.

The combo can even be tutored out with Final Parting, putting Fiend Hunter in the graveyard and Angel of Glory's rise into your hand.

nbarry223 on None

1 year ago

There's plenty of brews I've come up with, which I've abandoned because they just weren't fast or consistent enough for the modern benchmarks.

Not every idea is something that can be used in the format. My most recent idea I had to throw out was a convoluted self-mill reanimator deck, using convoke on Narcomoeba for Endless Obedience to bring back Angel of Glory's Rise which finds Laboratory Maniac and some other human that draws (lots of options). While it technically was capable of meeting the 4 turn rule, it completely folded to hate, and too much of the "core" didn't do much beyond enabling the combo.

For those reasons, I've abandoned the idea until something new is printed that makes it seem more viable, then maybe I can revisit it. Point is, not every idea can do something in the format, and you need to be realistic about your expectations for your "stack of cardboard."

Speedster374 on Come at me bro!

1 year ago

I prefer Thalia's Lieutenant over Champion of the Parish as the additional mana is usually worth the ETB buff as a late game draw.

Hall of Triumph could be replaced by Path of Bravery or Spear of Heliod depending on your preferred playstyle.

Angel of Glory's Rise is a winner for Darien decks, currently it will resurrect 75% of your creatures (and the bonus zombie interaction is fun too). Sun Titan is also great repeatable resurrection, bringing back a current 64% of your permanent cards.

Mirror Entity is a cool card to think about, it adds to your human/soldier count and acts as a mana-sink late game to turn your army into buff dudes (either to attack with or survive damage-based removal such as Hour of Devastation)

TeyoSelflessProtector on Carole Baskin | Trynn + Silvar

2 years ago

I run a fairly similar deck, haven't put it on TappedOut yet tho. Just a few fun little suggestions that I use, mostly because my LGS is a bit boardwipe happy. Fiend Hunter + Angel of Glory's Rise go infinite. So infinite sacs to Silvar. Whisper, Blood Liturgist is nice for getting pieces back or cheating stuff into play. Gerrard, Weatherlight Hero can let you sac your entire board to Silvar in response to a board wipe. Of course, your list is much more competitive than mine is. Just a few fun little suggestions. Love the deck, and may you draw well.

TeyoSelflessProtector on Isshin: The Mettle of Men

2 years ago

You could also consider Gerrard, Weatherlight Hero, Reconnaissance, Angel of Glory's Rise, and Paladin Class. Makes for some boardwipe resistance, Recon is actually better than vigilance, and Angel of Glory's Rise actually loops with Fiend Hunter with a sac outlet. Lets you commit to your board state with extra reassurance that you don't have to worry about over-committing.

TeyoSelflessProtector on (47 - 29) Ronin

2 years ago

Since you're trying to keep it on theme, you probably don't want to run Etali instead of the Kami of Celebration. But Angel of Glory's Rise, Paladin Class, Duelist's Heritage and Reconnaissance are really fun. Just some stuff to consider. And Duelist's Heritage is fairly on brand for Samurai.

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