Ancient Silver Dragon

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Ancient Silver Dragon

Creature — Elder Dragon


Whenever Ancient Silver Dragon deals combat damage to a player, roll a twenty sided die. Draw cards equal to the result. You have no maximum hand size for the rest of the game. (Remember that MTG spindowns are not well weight balanced, so please roll a die that isn't an MTG spindown.)

Azoth2099 on Boot Scootin' Booger - Felix Five Boots

2 months ago

This Sultai Commander is such a banger.

I'm seeing a lot of fantastic options here already like Thada Adel, Acquisitor, Grazilaxx, Illithid Scholar & Old Gnawbone! Right on.

What directions have you considered as far as the continued development of the list is concerned? Slimming down into a reanimator strategy so that you can more heavily leverage the real bangers like Old Gnawbone & Ancient Silver Dragon will make the deck way more flexible and consistent imho. You don't need to jam all of the triggers, just the right ones. This approach will also allow you to make more room for the essentials: ramp, draw & tutors!

lhetrick13 on Shinron's Dragon Hoard

7 months ago

ted1 - I like the decklist and the concept! Looks like you are running a decent amount of ramp and flicker with the hope of generating lots of dragon copies/tokens via effects from Miirym, Sentinel Worm, Panharmonicon, etc...

If I may ask some questions and/or provide some thoughts...I am surprised things like Dragon Tempest, Terror of the Peaks, and Ancient Silver Dragon were omitted. Dragon Tempest and Terror of the Peaks are just like Scourge of Valkas and fill a similar roll. If you can get out lots of dragons, Dragon Tempest and Scourge of Valkas are superior but Terror of the Peaks is basically targeted removal when you only can get out a few dragons before another board wipe.

Ancient Silver Dragon I feel like you would need in this deck as it allows no maximum hand size. Given the amount of draw this deck has with things like Elemental Bond and Kindred Discovery, having some stuff like that would be crucial...

I am a little surprised to see Goldspan Dragon. You are only running three dragons with treasure synergy with Ganax, Astral Hunter and Ancient Copper Dragon obviously having some serious treasure production ability in this deck. Just feels like this inclusion with the hope of getting it out with one of those two is low and you could do better by adding a dragon with a different role.

Personally, whenever I run a creature heavy deck, I always include two things: 1. protection for my boardstate and 2. something to bring back my creatures after a boardwipe. Nothing is worse than having your deck explode onto the field and then a Wrath of God get dropped and you blew your load early and have no way to really recover. I would encourage you to try to find some form of both of these and include it such as Deflecting Swat, plus it has a dragon for flair!!!

Lastly, Gratuitous Violence outclassed by Fiery it has some dragon flair with the fire :)

apowers77 on Five Color Dragon Punch

1 year ago

Most likely will be cutting some cards here soon and here's what I'll be adding:

Cut- Dragonborn Champion Dromoka, the Eternal Iymrith, Desert Doom Silumgar, the Drifting Death

Add- Lathliss, Dragon Queen Ancient Silver Dragon Goldspan Dragon Zurgo and Ojutai

Once I officially have all 4 I'll add them in at the same time.

Guerric on [Primer] Unleash the Dragon! *Updated*

1 year ago

Hi everyone! At long last I've updated the list with some of the ancient dragons that I think will work best in the deck list.

The first is, unsurprisingly, Ancient Silver Dragon. I've long wanted a good card draw piece on a stick for this deck, and this is the best we could have hoped for. It's unfortunate that it gives us no maximum hand size since it will be harder to discard dragons that way, but we'll take it anyway. We cut Spellbound Dragon for it. This card was always great utility since we could discard a dragon with it, and at least once it gave me enough commander damage to win the game. That being said, it's one of the weaker links in the deck so he's retired with honors.

The second is actually Ancient Gold Dragon. Kudos to AJohnney101 for pointing this out! It's not just good with Dragon Tempest. It's also good for our other cards that care about the number of dragons attacking, such as Kolaghan, the Storm's Fury who can easily kill a table with enough dragons on board, or to a lesser extend Dromoka, the Eternal. It can also wipe any board with Silumgar, the Drifting Death or add some 6/6s to the 1/1s with Utvara Hellkite. There's just a lot of combos and lines of play here that are really good. We'll cut Kairi, the Swirling Sky for it which isn't super great and certainly nowhere near as great as this.

Ancient Brass Dragon intrigued me initially, but at best it's a second copy of Teneb, the Harvester that doesn't take mana to activate, but which will whiff sometimes. Having a second copy of Teneb is considerable, but the risk of whiffing is as well, so I'm still on the fence.

Ancient Copper Dragon is also amazing and I wouldn't critique anyone adding that, but I think I'm good at the moment with Old Gnawbone and Savage Ventmaw for rampy dragons and am not at the present time investing a slot or money in it.

I also think AJohnney101's suggestion of Miirym, Sentinel Wyrm is intriguing. I can definitely see the value in making copies of not just Miirym but other dragons we want to reanimate, and there would be a lot of fun to be had with mass reanimation on this one. The ward is also not nothing, as this could also be played to nullify removal at Scion if someone holds up one for Path to Exile of can't otherwise pay to overcome the ward. I'll definitely keep this in mind!


Thanks for all the fabulous suggestions! My replies are mostly in the update list above. I also agree that late game we can usually run this deck just fine without Scion. He's a great tool to get us going, but we have lots of tricks to close out the game and a great toolbox.


I don't have Fellwar Stone because I am in green and don't really need many mana rocks. Rampant Growth and its many clones do most of my work here. I've only included Chromatic Lantern because of the incredible utility it provides to my mana base. I can see the case for Faithless Looting or as AJohnney101 suggested Amass the Components and the like. That being said, I in dislike in general one-off effects in a deck like this which often just aren't as useful as a piece that could give me repeat value, but that might be just me!


Thanks for the compliment! For the BG dragons see the update above

As usual, thanks for all of your valuable contributions to the deck and primer. They appreciated!

multimedia on Miirym Dragon Tribal Deck

1 year ago

Hey, well done so far for a first deck with a $500+ budget.

34 lands and only 9 reliable ramp sources is low for Dragons. The land count is fine, but only if you add more low mana cost ramp. Add more lands or add more ramp? Tempt with Discovery relies on opponents to be ramp and Thaumatic Compass  Flip relies on you controlling seven or more lands to be ramp. These aren't reliable as ramp and they cost too much mana for what you get.

In simplest terms there's two areas you want most with Miirym, ramp and Dragons. Ramp to first cast 6 mana Miirym and Dragons to cast after Miirym. Of course you want other areas too, but most important are these two. Consider expanding on ramp?

Nature's Lore, Farseek are more good two drop land ramp like Three Visits. Cursed Mirror is excellent with blink, if you blink the copied creature then that blinks Mirror which can then ETB as a copy of some other creature including an opponent's creature. You can also choose to have it just ETB as a mana rock which is needed for a combo.

Jade Orb of Dragonkind gives protection from targeted removal until your next turn for the Dragon you cast with it. This effect is helpful since paying a lot of mana to cast a Dragon to then have it killed is feels bad. Kiora, Behemoth Beckoner untap ability is versatile, any permanent you control, it's also repeatable draw when a Dragon ETB including a token.

There's 100+ of different Dragons you could play with a $500+ budget and having Old Gnawbone as a price point? Consider upgrading some Dragons?

These Dragons can be parts of wincon combos and they're made much better thanks to Miiryn copying them. All these Dragons don't break the bank and adding them can really increase the power level of your deck.

What's nice about these combos are they all use a Dragon. All the cards are good by themselves, but with the Dragon and/or Miirym they're much better. Tandem Lookout can be repeatable draw that can change creature it's bonded too. Bond to any creature you control before Miirym, then bond to Miirym and when you're ready bond to Niv-Mizzet. Bond to any Dragon who can do repeatable noncombat damage to opponents such as Scourge of Valkas for lots of draw.

Getting more value: ramp, draw or removal from Dragons can help gameplay. Steel Hellkite + Old Gnawbone/Savage Ventmaw mana can wreck especially when you have multiple Hellkites.

If you're interested I offer more advice in another comment. Would you like more advice?

Good luck with your deck.

WhiteEagle_12 on Satoru Umezawa, the green ninja

1 year ago

If you don't care about budget, a really cool card you could put in is Ancient Silver Dragon. That would be hilarious.

MTGBurgeoning on Scion of the Ur-Dragon: Every. Dragon. Ever.

2 years ago

Thank you for your great feedback! It's always appreciated. I did consider Eerie Ultimatum when it was previewed during Ikoria spoiler season. I eventually decided to leave it out of the 99 due to its tricky mana cost in a 5-color deck and, more persuasively, the fact that a suite of mass recursion spells already existed in the deck, like Living Death, Patriarch's Bidding and Rise of the Dark Realms. These spells, of course, return creatures to the battlefield, which Eerie Ultimatum does as well. However, with just 12 other non-land, non-creature permanents in the current 99 of this build, Eerie Ultimatum did not seem valuable enough to squeeze into the deck, and that is considering the potential mana ramp of recurring multiple fetch lands to the battlefield as well (no landfall triggers).

Miirym, Sentinel Wyrm's inclusion into this deck is inevitable. The moment a copy of her becomes available she will become a part of this deck and make it so much stronger. The same can be said for Ancient Copper Dragon, Ancient Silver Dragon and Ancient Gold Dragon. Moltensteel Dragon's presence in this deck is to combo with Skithiryx, the Blight Dragon or Dragon Tyrant for the purposes of one-shotting an opponent, usually a control player or blue mage at the table. Panharmonicon is an interesting card to consider. By my count, in the current 99 of this build, there are four Dragons (Bladewing the Risen, Lathliss, Dragon Queen, Scourge of Valkas, Terror of the Peaks), three enchantments (Garruk's Uprising, Dragon Tempest, Temur Ascendancy) and one artifact (Dragon's Hoard) that could benefit from the inclusion of Panharmonicon. That is a total of eight cards from the 99 (8.08%). That does not seem like a high enough percentage of cards to reconcile adding Panharmonicon to the deck. Yarok, the Desecrated would not approve.

Thank you for your comments and your recommendations! I appreciate them and am looking forward to upgrading this deck with several new cards from Commander Legends: Battle for Baldur's Gate!

Rhadamanthus on 32 Sustainable Spells to Burn Body Fat

2 years ago

I think leaning even more into the "utility" side of searching up dragons would be a good idea. I see you already have Knollspine Dragon in the Maybeboard, which I definitely agree with. I would also recommend Thunder Dragon and Bogardan Hellkite for removal (maybe even Lava-Field Overlord if you need more), as well as Hoarding Dragon to dig up your Thrumming Stone or Spellweaver Helix. Astral Dragon could also do some funny stuff in the right circumstances.

I feel like Dragon Tempest and Anger are only actually good with Ancient Copper Dragon and Ancient Silver Dragon. If you ever take those dragons out, then I think those haste enablers can also come out to make way for more useful cards.

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