Ancient Greenwarden

Creature — Elemental


You may play lands from your graveyard.

If a land entering the battlefield causes a triggered ability you control to trigger, that ability triggers an additional time.

xxfreaknricanxx on How will this trigger with …

1 week ago

I have a scute swarm, ancient greenwarden and a Virtue of Knowledge in play.i play a single land to trigger land fall how many scute swarms of made for the first trigger. How would this trigger doe future runes with more scute swarms in the table.

Scute Swarm Ancient Greenwarden Virtue of Knowledge

fuster on Mana Flooding is a good thing?!?!?!

3 months ago

Profet93, Let's talk about these suggestions, because I have ran most of these cards in the past and just straight up cut them:

Yavimaya Hollow and Yavimaya, Cradle of Growth are definitely cards I've considered for a while, but I can't reasonably justify cutting any other lands for either of them. I don't feel like I really need the fixing that Cradle of Growth provides, and the only card I'd really want to protect with Hollow is my commander, and I already run plenty of counterspells to protect her anyway.

I don't run enough basic lands for the Eldraine castles to ETB untapped consistently, and I can't justify cutting any other utility land for either of them. Deserted Temple and Gaea's Cradle is such a good combo, but the temple doesn't help me much if I don't have Cradle out already, as there's nothing else in the deck it really synergizes with. Plus, that combo feels very win-more.

As far as your non-land suggestions, I have run Abundance, Snapcaster Mage, Splendid Reclaimation, Tireless Tracker, and Courser in this deck in the past and just ended up cutting them all. Abundance just proved to be too expensive at 4CMC, and I cut it for extra ramp because it would either be a dead card in my hand, or I'd cast it and constantly forget its trigger since I have a lot of other triggers going on too.

I cut Snapcaster Mage because I actually have an easier to tutor, more efficient (and repeatable!) way to recur my instants/sorceries in Mystic Sanctuary. In the context of this deck, Mystic Sanctuary is just straight up a better card for that purpose.

I cut Splendid Reclamation for Ancient Greenwarden because Reclaimation is a dead card if my graveyard is either empty or only has 1-2 lands, while Greenwarden adds consistency even if my graveyard is empty by giving me a blocker for fliers, as well as doubling my landfall triggers.

I cut Tireless Tracker pretty early in my deck's development because it was too slow, too easy to remove before I racked up clue tokens, and I almost never had the spare mana to crack clue tokens anyway.

I went with Dryad over Courser just because the extra land drop is just that valuable to me, and I prefer it over playing lands from the top and gaining life, both of which I can already do with other cards anyway. It being easier to cast and allowing my fetches and colorless utility lands to tap for any color I want is just icing on the cake.

I've never considered using Horn of Greed not just because it's symmetrical, but also because I have no other cards or synergies that can make Horn's effect one-sided aside from Narset.

Realistically the only card I actually do want to try out from your suggestions is Finale of Devastation, and even then, I'm not sure what to cut for it. Craterhoof would be the obvious choice, but it would cost an extra 4 mana if I want to close out a game Craterhoof style using this card.

Spells on Azusa, Lost but Seeking Cthulu [Primer]

1 year ago

First of all, welcome to the Azusa TappedOut community. :) We’re a small, but mighty bunch.

I see that Profet93 has already beaten me to the comments section! I would wholeheartedly back up everything he already suggested. You have a really cool build here - very heavy on the big Eldrazi, and lighter on the Landfall cards that most Azusa decks steer toward, which makes your list more unique.

If I may make a couple of additional suggestions:

  • I’ve found Mind's Eye to be a little slow, and I personally think Memory Jar is a better choice. It’s more explosive and one mana cheaper.

  • In a deck like this, Genesis Wave can absolutely crush your opponents. As you know, Azusa has no trouble making massive amounts of mana, so casting G-wave where X is 10+ isn’t a big ask.

  • Tooth and Nail is a total slam-dunk. Pay 9 mana, go get your two most favorite Eldrazi and put them on the battlefield. I’d play it over Shared Summons.

  • I know Profit already suggested this, but Field of the Dead is an army in a can. I’ve won so many games with this card, and it pairs very well with your existing strategy of playing fetches from the graveyard.

  • Personally, I’m a big fan of Ancient Greenwarden. It’s another lands from the graveyard effect that doubles your Landfall triggers and is easily tutored for.

  • Concordant Crossroads is a wicked haste-enabler that works for your opponents as well, but if you don’t like your Eldrazi sitting around for a turn, this would be my go-to option. Also, Lightning Greaves.

  • I’m sure I don’t need to tell you this, but Scute Swarm is such a busted card. You may not want to include this being that you’re going for Eldrazi over Landfall, but if you find yourself needing an extra wincon, Scute Swarm is absolutely capable of stealing games.

  • Dryad Arbor can be fetched, and also counts towards your creature count if you decide to include Gaea's Cradle.

That’s all I’ve got for now, but feel free to check out my Azusa build if you want some food for thought! Again, I think you’re off to a strong start with your list.

Necrosis24 on Titania, Protector of Argoth or …

1 year ago

For the people lazy like me:

I think it really depends on how you build the deck but from a general perspective I might say Titania, Voice of Gaea  Meld would be more midpower as she herself doesn’t pump out hella tokens. I do have a bias though I think she is the more fun commander to build. But you can always select weaker/stronger alternative cards to bring power level up/down.

As im writing this I think Titania, Voice of Gaea  Meld would actually be the stronger one. You could easily Pair her with Aetherflux Reservoir, Zuran Orb, World Shaper, Ancient Greenwarden. Not to mention her low cmc and with all the land tutors in green it won’t be hard to get Argoth, Sanctum of Nature  Meld. I might build this deck myself lol.

So I guess to answer the question Titania, Protector of Argoth would be the “weaker” version. But landsmatter in general is strong so really it isn’t hard to make either card broken.

shock7123 on Omnath Whole Lotta Lands

1 year ago

Finally, another 4c Omnath player!

Omnath, Locus of Creation is a fun commander that gives you access to the grand majority of all the landfall effects to ever come out in Magic. I will say, though, there are a few things you could add if you wanted to make this deck more competitive. Not sure if that was your plan or not, but here are some suggestions I would make:

Geode Rager can help keep your opponents off your back and swinging at each other, making it easier for you to win. As long as you have a couple landfall token generators out, it isn't too hard to win in a 1v1 situation with this commander.

Felidar Retreat + Kodama of the East Tree + Simic Growth Chamber is a combo that allows you to win the game with literal infinite landfall triggers and infinite tokens being created. You can sub out Simic Growth Chamber for any of the Ravnica bounce lands (of which you have access to 7 total in your colors, including Guildless Commons.) You can also swap out Felidar Retreat for any landfall token generator like Zendikar's Roil, Rampaging Baloths, heck, even Scute Swarm will work. You just need to create a token of some kind whenever a land enters the battlefield under your control.

Valakut Exploration is a great way to give yourself some temporary card advantage while also pinging your opponents for whatever you don't end up casting. Careful with this card, though, as if you don't cast whatever is exiled with it, you don't get it back.

Retreat to Coralhelm can let you tap down creatures you don't want attacking you or give you card selection via a ton of scry effects.

Nissa, Voice of Zendikar is a solid 3-drop walker that lets you get some chump blockers out early, pump any tokens you control, or gain a bunch of life and draw a bunch of cards.

Ancient Greenwarden is a solid effect. It lets you get your fetch lands out of your graveyard to find another land, easy two landfall triggers per turn with that. It also acts as a Panharmonicon for landfall, which is amazing in this deck. With just this, your commander, and a Myriad Landscape or Fabled Passage, you can gain 8 life and add 8 mana for free to your mana pool each turn.

Azusa, Lost but Seeking makes it so that you can consistently get three landfall triggers per turn with just a Ravnica bounce land in your hand. You may not grow the amount of lands in your deck, but it does allow you to get that 4 damage trigger off from your commander consistently.

Tireless Tracker and Tireless Provisioner are the GOAT in a landfall deck. All the treasures, food, or clues you could ever hope for.

Trench Behemoth is a solid value engine that lets you return lands to your hand to protect itself while also forcing a creature to attack whenever you get a landfall trigger. If you have enough tokens, you can take out their big threats if they decide to swing at you with it.

I love my Omnath deck, as I've had it since I pulled a foil version of him from a Zendikar Rising prerelease box. If you want other suggestions, I'm happy to help!

PrismMTG on The Island Awakened [[Primer]]

1 year ago


Super glad for such a detailed list of suggestions, I'll try my best to go down each one and give you my thoughts on them.

Abundance/Sylvan Library: Between the two, I'm leaning more towards Sylvan Library due to the synergies you outlined, but I am seriously considering both of them. From what playtesting I have done, I have more than enough ramp effects, but I lack in card draw in order to power how many cards the deck can churn through. What do you think about replacing Lotus Cobra with Sylvan Library and Colossal Majesty with Abundance? Sylvan Library makes a better 2 drop than Lotus Cobra considering how much ramp I have and you already outlined the problems with Colossal Majesty.

Field of the Dead was not included because I don't think I have enough variety in my landbase to reliably activate it. Even if I change half my forests to snow covered, I only have 9 different lands, that's including Field of the Dead. I just have way too many fetches meant to get double landfall triggers for it to be reliable IMO. Unless I'm leaving fetches uncracked on the battlefield, I don't think I'm going to reliably be able to get much value out of it. I'm excited to hear your thoughts on that because I don't think it is entirely out of the question yet.

Castle Garenbrig: I already outlined out I have enough ramp and am thinking about cutting some for card draw, plus pretty much all of my lands are playing around a landfall trigger system where I am consistently saccing them and playing them out of my graveyard one way or another. Castle Garenbrig doesn't play into that strategy at all and I don't believe I need the ramp, I have a fairly low curve as it is.

Yavimaya Hollow: Definitely a card I was considering, but I ended up keeping it off the list not because of anything game mechanic wise, but just price. I already feel like this deck is quite possibly my most powerful deck and my playgroup is very casual, and relatively budgeted. As time goes on, this is absolutely be included as new cards come out and I keep this updated, but as of right now, I think I would feel bad showing up with a deck worth of 1k and playing against my friend who consistently makes decks worth less than $100.

Finale of Devastation: I honestly prefer Triumph of the Hordes in this deck, I don't usually need to make my creatures all that much bigger to win, I need the damage they deal to do more for me. Trample is something I prioritize in other decks for the finishing power and Triumph of the Hordes is no different, as well as the Infect making it a clear finishing card. I'm not entirely sure what I would even find with Finale of Devastation. Cultivator Colossus and Ancient Greenwarden/Rampaging Baloths are my highest CMC cards and none of them are real game closers, just big hitters that have powerful synergistic effects with my game plan.

I'm actually going to touch on Greater Good and Jaheira's Respite together: Jaheira's Respite is a risk vs reward card in my eyes, as it swings from being a dead card to pulling out 5, 8, 10+ lands in a single turn. This is one of the cards that I already own, so no need to buy it somewhere and I plan on doing some playtesting with it in a live environment. If it doesn't give enough reward for the risks it poses, it is going to be swapped out for Greater Good. I don't have all that many creatures I want to sac to Greater Good but you're correct, the elemental tokens fill a perfect role in that.

Hope this explains some of my positions on your suggestions and I'm looking forward to your own thoughts on my reasoning for the choices

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