Ancestor's Prophet

Creature — Human Cleric

Tap five untapped Clerics you control: You gain 10 life.

Defied-27 on Finally dead? I don't think so! (Budget)

2 years ago

Cole_The_Coal Sadly Ancestor's Prophet is not modern legal, otherwise it would be a card you could consider. It‘s pretty high mana cost are a little problem though… if you are more into casual play you can run it though :)

Nagoragama on Orzhov Inquisition (WB Cleric Tribal)

3 years ago

Removed Ancestor's Prophet . It's a cleric tribal card, but I feel like the effect isn't powerful enough to justify its 5 CMC and tapping 5 clerics to activate.

I have added many of the new cleric tribal effects like Righteous Valkyrie and new powerful clerics like Yawgmoth, Thran Physician .

Gadianten on Orzhov Inquisition (WB Cleric Tribal)

3 years ago

I am glad to be seeing more cleric tribal decks starting to show up, it seems the solid increase in cleric legendary prints has really helped. In my own experiments with tribal clerics, Ayli, Eternal Pilgrim being my original cleric commander, have found that clerics excel in defense, resurrection and life gain but not offense compared to tribes like soldier and goblin tribal. That in mind I do have some recommendations to help maximize their potential.

Beat Sticks and offense: You have Doubtless One and Vile Deacon but don't forget to add Custodi Soulbinders and Mikaeus, the Lunarch to round out the heavy hitters. But there is more to offensive then just beat sticks, so I would consider Frontline Medic for no fear attacks and non cleric offensive aids like Reconnaissance, Dolmen Gate and Cover of Darkness to keep the clergy moving and Tymna earning her keep. From my experience in using Tymna you need evasion to keep drawing cards as trample is scarce in tribe. If you are feeling savage you can try Archangel of Thune and with the life gain available to the tribe it can get hilarious fast.

Card Draw: Most tribal decks I see have the same weakness and its card draw, even with Tymna the Weaver you can still get ground down to a halt, avoid that with some in tribe options to fuel the attack like Bygone Bishop, Custodi Lich, Twilight Prophet, Mangara, the Diplomat, Alms Collector, Yawgmoth, Thran Physician. Yawgmoth is a must have in my opinion as he removes the sting out of board wipes and allows removal if you really need it and can even discard one of your cards for reanimation abuse as well.

Defensive Options: Clerics probably have the best defenses out of all the tribes and at very low costs, some options I you should consider are Devoted Caretaker, Giver of Runes, Selfless Spirit and Songstitcher if fliers are a problem for you.

Tricks and Value Combos: An amusing combo I have played with before and found pretty funny was Hedron-Field Purists or Daunting Defender along with Pestilence. It can take a bit to assemble but is pretty funny when you do. Another value combo is Vito, Thorn of the Dusk Rose and Ancestor's Prophet.

Resurrection: To many options to list but I would recommend looking through the large amounts available and pack as many as you can in to increase endurance and grind opponents down. I can say from experience this can really clinch a victory.

ZendikariWol on

3 years ago

Ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora

Anyway, might I recommend Ashnod's Altar, Attrition, and Etchings of the Chosen? Ancestor's Prophet and Whipgrass Entangler may be cool tribal cards, as well.

abby315 on Clerics WIP

3 years ago

I definitely agree with GoblinElectromancer's suggestions - Clerics were given a lot of new tools to actually win the game in the new set, rather than be supporting characters. I think you need 4x Angel of Destiny, 4x Fiend Hunter, and 4x Cleric of Life's Bond as a good lifegain and removal core. I also recommend 4x Soul Warden.

Here are some other good Clerics in addition to the above that you should consider. In general, I think going a lifegain, rather than a damage prevention, route will be more successful for you. There's a reason they've moved away from damage prevention in white.
Auriok Champion
Ayli, Eternal Pilgrim
Bishop of Rebirth
Bygone Bishop
Edgewalker - but please don't buy any now, as they've spiked and will go back down.
Giver of Runes/Mother of Runes
Mangara, the Diplomat
Selfless Spirit

These cards I think are weak that you can definitely cut for new cards:
Daru Healer
Oriss, Samite Guardian
Pulsemage Advocate
Shieldmage Elder
Ancestor's Prophet
War Report

Gadianten on Orzhov Cleric Tribal EDH

5 years ago

I love cleric tribal, I realize this is a jank deck but with some focus it can also be effective. I think the first trick is to synergize with your command and find clerics that can be sacrificed for gains the second is to find ways to drain their health quickly so you can focus on the first.

The best way to life drain is probably with Exsanguinate, Debt to the Deathless, Torment of Hailfire or similar spells so that your commanders to hand ability can be utilized.

The next one is not quite so easy and needs tuning to make really good, but I would recommend clerics like Benevolent Bodyguard, Children of Korlis, Dark Supplicant with Scion of Darkness, Frontline Medic, Nova Cleric, Remorseful Cleric, Sanctum Guardian and Selfless Spirit for creatures that can be utilized well with your commander and as a bonus its flavorful to have fanatical priests dedicated to some grim god.

Generally useful clerics matter cards would be Edgewalker, Ancestor's Prophet, Battletide Alchemist, Rotlung Reanimator and Whipgrass Entangler.

A little combo for Starlit Sanctum is Daru Spiritualist + Shaman en-Kor to gain some arbitrarily high life total.

In tribe Card draw considerations are Tymna the Weaver, Bygone Bishop and Twilight Prophet.

I don't know if you will continue to develop this but I would like to see your take on it as you evolve it.

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