Almighty Brushwagg

Creature — Brushwagg


: Almighty Brushwagg gets +3/+3 until end of turn.

CommanderNeyo on Zacama and the big bois

1 year ago

+1 for having the Almighty Brushwagg

You might consider adding some sources of card draw, such as Garruk's Uprising and Colossal Majesty

MagicMarc on Laughed at the Brushwagg

3 years ago

Thank you, KITTYMANHunkGTI! I discovered the Almighty Brushwagg while looking for pumpable or X mana win conditions in the current Standard to use with the Mystic Reflection + Nyxbloom Ancient mana explosion. I read the flavor text on the card and "Died Unexpectedly" seemed perfect for the deck.

seshiro_of_the_orochi on Quest for weirdness

3 years ago

For Wings of Hubris: Lurrus of the Dream-Den for repeated unblockability?

Almighty Brushwagg for commander

mobizque on A.T.T. (Abusing Tiny Tramplers) Turn 3 Win

4 years ago

No Almighty Brushwagg? It's a strictly better badger!

Clashboy15 on Dr. Robotnik's Mean Weenie Machine

4 years ago

Cool Deck! +1

However, I do have some suggestions. Marleaf Pixie and Mana Geode don't seem like very good mana ramp cards. Arcane Signet, Firemind Vessel, Thran Dynamo, Worn Powerstone, Prismatic Lens, Gilded Lotus, Mind Stone, Coldsteel Heart, Fyndhorn Elves, Beastcaller Savant and Birds of Paradise are much better options. Also, defiant elves could be replaced, as it is just a 1/1 with trample. Another mana dork might be better, or if you do want a cheap creature with trample, Pelt Collector or Almighty Brushwagg are better.

UrzasUnderstudy on Syr Faren, the Smash

4 years ago

Are you generally playing 1v1 or multiplayer?

I love the fact that you found a place for Charging Badger who I have long suspected it was a much better card than it lets on to be. Have you seen his newest cousin, the Almighty Brushwagg?

Barbarian_Sun_Pope on Zirda Selesnya

4 years ago

Incubation Druid feels like it could be a nice bit of ramp here. The new Almighty Brushwagg also feels like it could get really out of hand. Zirda, the Dawnwaker looks like it would also really well with the "Level Up" mechanic, such as Joraga Treespeaker. If you're worried about getting enough creatures in hand, perhaps Lead the Stampede can refill your hand. Hope this helps.