Akoum Hellkite

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Akoum Hellkite

Creature — Dragon


Landfall — Whenever a land enters the battlefield under your control, Akoum Hellkite deals 1 damage to target creature, player or planeswalker. If that land is a Mountain, Akoum Hellkite deals 2 damage to that target instead.

GutterbonesMan on Axonil [Budget]: Most You Ever Lost On A Coin Toss

3 months ago

Thank you for the recs SufferFromEDHD!

I thought about Death Spark but wasn’t sure since this deck isn’t very creature heavy, might still try it out.

Release the Ants similar reason, relatively low CMC of this deck, might be worth considering though.

Lava Dart I like, just so hard to cut stuff at this point!

For Looming Spires and Teetering Peaks I avoid lands that come into play tapped, I also like that this deck is just all Mountains.

Akoum Hellkite is too expensive to play unfortunately for what I’m going for.

Cinder Pyromancer is another good maybe!

I had Defiler of Instinct originally but it mostly ended up sitting in my hand so I cut it.

Keldon Marauders is cool but I’m trying to keep more towards instants and sorceries.

Thanks again!

SufferFromEDHD on Axonil [Budget]: Most You Ever Lost On A Coin Toss

3 months ago

Death Spark finally found a home! Made for this God.

Release the Ants built in Buyback.

Lava Dart Gutshot #2

Looming Spires and Teetering Peaks to squeeze out a few extra points of damage.

Akoum Hellkite budget version of Valakut.

Cinder Pyromancer Budget version of Goblin Sharpshooter

Defiler of Instinct ramp and consistent damage.

Keldon Marauders a lot of damage for very little.

freddiefrick on

9 months ago

More dragons (I got distracted and couldn't stop thinking about it):

Other potentially useful mono red tools: Treasonous Ogre for excellent mana production, Heartless Hidetsugu to speed up the game, Impact Tremors for free damage with all these creatures, Dictate of the Twin Gods to speed up the game and surprise kill people after blocks are declared.

A hot take: if you wanted, you could swap the commander for Magda, Brazen Outlaw and split the deck into a bit of a Dwarf/Dragon tribal idea. She can tutor for Dragons and helps you create the mana to get them out, more of an engine in the command zone than Drakuseth's removal. Would need to swap some of the Dragons for Dwarves and refactor the theme a little, so it's really a different deck, but figured I'd suggest it.

debuf on infinite rats

1 year ago

ok, I just play against my friend with the dragon deck and I think it might need some more mana producers or cheap fear.

His commander is Atarka, World Render, and here are some cards that I now know are in his deck: Foe-Razer Regent, Furnace Whelp, Rapacious Dragon, Atarka Monument, Frontier Siege, Vandalblast, Sweltering Suns, Talisman of Impulse, Akoum Hellkite, Harbinger of the Hunt, Dream Pillager, Sol Ring, Dragonmaster Outcast, Dragonspeaker Shaman, Savage Ventmaw, Dragonlord's Servant, Tyrant's Familiar, Thunderbreak Regent, and Drakuseth, Maw of Flames.

legendofa on Landfall burn sources?

2 years ago

Apologies for the double post, but Gidgetimer's suggestions of Valakut, the Molten Pinnacle and Akoum Hellkite could also fit in the Nixilis Warp deck, but I personally haven't seen that.

Gidgetimer on Landfall burn sources?

2 years ago

Hey, welcome to the site. The Q&A section is for rules questions, I'm sure a moderator will come move it in a bit.

Valakut, the Molten Pinnacle would do something like that, it is normally used with Scapeshift though, not something that returns lands to the deck. Akoum Hellkite could also do something like you are describing, but I'm not sure if it was ever in a popular deck.

LandoLRodriguez on Earth, Windgrace, Fire

2 years ago

cavacinig Thanks, my Windgrace deck has evolved some over time and I plan on keeping it updated. Landfall is one of my favorite mechanics in Magic, so I've tried to create what I think of as a "landfall toolbox" with as many varying effects as possible, such as Caustic Crawler's unique -1/-1 ability. While Moraug, Fury of Akoum's ability is also unique to landfall, I've chosen not to include him. My general strategy is to sort of sit back until I have a totally overwhelming force and essentially only need to attack once. Moraug provides sort of a "win more" condition to me that doesn't seem necessary. That being said though, that's just my opinion and if you wanna swing multiple times per turn with Moraug, Go for it!

Titania, Protector of Argoth, on the other hand, I would highly recommend. I have to disagree with AscendedLandfalls and assert that Titania will prove valuable even without relying heavily on straight up land sac outlets like Zuran Orb or Squandered Resources. With Titania out there, one Evolving Wilds/Terramorphic Expanse + any Crucible of Worlds effect + multiple lands drops allowed in a turn = a whole bunch of chunky elementals per turn. I like getting value for lands coming and going, and behind The Gitrog Monster, Titania provides the best value for lands leaving.

As far as your other inclusions, you're gonna love Lotus Cobra. The mana generation he creates is insane. Grazing Gladehart is certainly expendable since you get the landfall life gain effect from both Retreat to Kazandu and Retreat to Hagra. As far as Ground Assault, it certainly can do a large amount of one time damage, but in my deck at least I rely on Akoum Hellkite for direct damage. Combine him with deathtouch from Retreat to Hagra and he becomes a removal machine! All this is to say that I'd put Ground Assault on the chopping block as well.

That's all for now I suppose, I hope this helps some and keep on brewing! LANDS MATTER!

LandoLRodriguez on [Primer] The Windfall Crucible: A Gitrog Tale

2 years ago

Changes, 31Oct2021:

-1 Zendikar's Roil, +1 Scute Swarm. Roil may crank out larger tokens, but Swarm has a chance to get simply silly with the amount of tokens it makes, plus it's less expensive. With the biggest drawback being that the Swarm will be easier for opponents to get rid of, it's still a better card in this slot.

-1 Worm Harvest, +1 Phylath, World Sculptor. I'd been on the fence about including Phylath for a while. With a few other sources for plants as well as Doubling Season and Ancient Greenwarden now in the deck, Phylath is a very real threat. Only 1 CMC slot higher than Worm Harvest as well. While I'd love to include more retrace cards in this deck, Worm Harvest just costs too much for a card that will only be good situationally. Phylath should be good every time he makes it on the battlefield.

-1 Centaur Vinecrasher, +1 Wrenn and Seven. Vinecrasher is pretty underwhelming. W+7 does everything I want this deck to do. This was a super easy call.

-1 Walking Ballista, +1 Druid Class. As I mentioned before, I want to include every extra land drop card available. So I needed to find a slot for Druid Class. Walking Ballista is probably good in every deck that exists, but I mostly wanted it in here for the way it interacts with Retreat to Hagra. Any turn I can get a land drop with RtH out, Ballista turns into a targeted removal machine at instant speed (especially fun during opponents' turns with a fetch land usage). I can get this same effect with Akoum Hellkite, however. So, while the Ballista will be missed, one more card that lets me drops more lands will win me more games in the end.

-1 Decimate, -1 Constant Mists, +1 Demonic Tutor, +1 Chord of Calling. Also as mentioned before, I wanted to find room for these tutors at some point. Thank you, Strixhaven Mystical Archives for providing me with a $4 Demonic Tutor. For this deck to really get going, it's imperative that I get both The Gitrog Monster and something with a Crucible of Worlds effect (also available on Ramunap Excavator and Ancient Greenwarden, of course) out there together. Adding these 2 along with the tutors I was already running should dramatically increase the number of games I can successfully get the engine humming. Plus they can help me pick and choose what else I might want from my landfall toolbox if I've already got things going. While it did pain me a bit to take out one of very few cards that can deal with enchantments in Decimate, its demanding targeting requirements and overall strategy of my deck made it expendable. Mists falls into the same boat strategy-wise; I love that I could keep it with a land sac (which itself can be very advantageous for me), but in a game with anything good happening for me, I should be able to deal with combat damage other ways, so Mists went on the block.

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