Akoum Battlesinger

Creature — Human Berserker Ally


Whenever Akoum Battlesinger or another Ally enters the battlefield under your control, you may have Ally creatures you control get +1/+0 until end of turn.

TheOfficialCreator on Modern Allies 4-Whack

1 year ago

Icbrgr it really is! I love the kinds of effects that just stack and stack and Akoum Battlesinger is a good example of that.

It curves somewhat decently too. Turn 2 can sometimes be a pain though if I don't get the battlesinger.

GrimlockVIII on Representation: List of Tribal Support in Pauper

2 years ago

Aight, so here's some pauper tribal stuff you're missing out on.

Dinosaurs: Commune with Dinosaurs, Kinjalli's Caller, Pterodon Knight, Stampeding Horncrest, Sun-Crested Pterodon, Thrash of Raptors, and Knight of the Stampede.

Giants: Crush Underfoot, Elvish Handservant, Kithkin Greatheart, and Stinkdrinker Daredevil

Faeries: Spellstutter Sprite, Thieving Sprite, Faerie Trickery, Silvergill Douser, Boggart Sprite-Chaser, Violet Pall, and Latchkey Faerie

Wizards: Information Dealer, Ixidor's Will, Lavamancer's Skill, Stonybrook Banneret, Step Through, and Vedalken AEthermage

Warriors: Brighthearth Banneret, Expedition Champion, and Herald of Dromoka

Pirates: Buccaneer's Bravado, Fiery Cannonade, Headstrong Brute, and Sea Legs

Allies: Akoum Battlesinger, Bojuka Brigand, Graypelt Hunter, Halimar Excavator, Highland Berserker, Joraga Bard, Kalastria Healer, Makindi Patrol, Makindi Shieldmate, Nimana Sell-Sword, Ondu Champion, Oran-Rief Survivalist, Spawnbinder Mage, Tajuru Beastmaster, Tuktuk Grunts, Umara Raptor, and Zada's Commando

Also btw would you count the party mechanic from Zendikar Rising as semi-tribal support or nah?

Also you're missing Rogue and Elemental support, but some of said support overlaps with other tribes like Faeries, Goblins, and Warriors.

Also I'm leaving out Merfolk, Zombies, and Goblins cuz those are just a whole ass can of worms.

brosephur23 on Allies Shine

3 years ago

if you wanna make it more competitive, a card that i think would be good but not like oppressive for a casual environment might be Aether Vial. since you have effects like Kabira Evangel, dropping a creature on your opponents turn to protect from removal would be really good. and since you're mostly 2 drops it could work really well, but foil aether vials sounds like a nightmare to get a hold of.

you might also consider going into a third color since you have ally encampment. if you add Unclaimed Territory you'll have 8 any color land, so you might be able to add some other good allies like Jwari Shapeshifter or Akoum Battlesinger.

Hope you have fun getting back into the game!

TheDuggernaught on Triple A [Modern Version]

5 years ago

I would also suggest adding red if 3 colors is on the table. The speed that Akoum Battlesinger, and Reckless Bushwhacker; along with the added evasion that Firemantle Mage provide could really help. It also provides the ageless Lightning Bolt, and can provide some nice sideboard tech. I have also had luck with Claim//Fame.

As for the creatures you do have, I would absolutely up Hada Freeblade to 4. As someone who has played Allies since OG Zendikar, It is and always will be your best turn 1 play outside of Aether Vial (which should also be included if you do not want Collected Company or Hardened Scales. And it plays so nice with Ally Encampment!).

I would also play a full playset of Expedition Envoy. Yes it does not have any triggers itself -- but it is a mildly aggressive body that triggers all your other ally's abilities for one. In Allies, I like to think of it as a sorcery (that can be played with vial) that reads "put a 2/1 token into play. Trigger all of your creature's ETB abilities again." For one Mana? Now it suddenly becomes a busted card. In my experience, you want as many cheap ways to trigger your ally abilities, and Expedition Envoy does it. It also increases the number of hits you have on Orzhov Charm -- another card I have had a fair amount of success with as a 1-of.

I can also tell you that Drana, Liberator of Malakir + Kor Bladewhirl can be a bit of a non-bo at times as the +1/+1 counters will be placed on the other creatures after they do damage. The first strike damage is also not as effective on the offensive side if you already have evasion. I can see 1 or 2 bladewhirls as a neat combat trick on your opponent's turn with vial -- but the creature that will likely be untapped and can block, Kazandu Blademaster (which should also be an auto-include 4 of), already has first strike.

I see you also have some of what I refer to as the combo allies. These are Kalastria Healer, and Zulaport Cutthroat. I refer to them as this as without some enabler, they do not really do much. Now, you have in your sideboard their best enabler in Rally the Ancestors, but if you want to play a Rally the Ancestors, we are starting to look at a wildly different shell. To abuse Zulaport Cutthroat, we likely need some sacrifice engine. Kalastria Healer does not have quite the same constraints, but I feel there are often cards that do its job better. Need life gain? Go with Ondu Cleric. Want more aggression? Go Bojuka Brigand.

In conclusion, I would likely drop some number of Bladewhirls, Dranas, and maybe a Gideon. I would cut Join the Ranks, and Zulaport Cutthroat. I would also consider cutting Kalastria Healer -- but I can see some merit there in its ability to do damage and heal shrug off some damage. Especially if you do not feel like splashing another color. I would up Kazandu Blademaster to 4, add a playset of Expedition Envoy, up Aether Vial to 4, play with a Orzhov Charm or 2, and then play around with number of Bojuka Brigand and some Metallic Mimics. If you want to splash red, I would definitely add 4 Akoum Battlesinger, 3-4 Reckless Bushwhackers, and at least 1 Firemantle Mage.

For the record, I also do not like the idea of Vault of the Archangel. The mana can already be a little tight to cast non ally spells. No need to make it worse.

Gracco on Triple A [Modern Version]

5 years ago

Vault of the Archangel should be in the mana base somewhere as at least a 1-of. Other than that just in general Orzhov is not the most aggressive color combination. If you want to be aggressive consider going Mardu for Reckless Bushwhacker and Akoum Battlesinger. Cutting something like the Zulaport Cutthroat that is mostly a do nothing card in the list and the Gideons would make sense. Also I noticed the side board comment above. Good stuff there but I would like to mention that in an aggressive creature deck that is playing Black Nihil Spellbomb or Relic of Progenitus is the optimal grave hate since it lets you draw a card. Aether Vial should be at 4 without question.

Snivy__ on Ally Alley (UberTribal)

5 years ago

I think for additional win cons you could use either Halimar Excavator or Akoum Battlesinger. Excavator is good against Ensnaring Bridge when you don't have Hagra Diabolist.

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