

Aggravate deals 1 damage to each creature target player controls. Each creature dealt damage this way attacks this turn if able.

TriusMalarky on Deck concept: indestructible

3 years ago

Oh jeebs. You can easily do some shenanigans by doubling everybody's damage. If only Fiery Emancipation applied to everyone... oh wait it doesn't matter.

Curse of the Nightly Hunt, Aggravate, Anthem of Rakdos, Chandra's Ignition :)

McToters on Torbran and the Burning Flames of Fire

4 years ago

Hey, cool deck! Some suggestions off the top of my head (most likely will come down to personal preference):

Inferno reckless and lots of damage

Rain of Embers cheap and effective

Aggravate interesting and different

Balefire Dragon 7cmc but can do work. Very one-sided

Pyromancer's Goggles for some added copying!

I realize you already have Furnace of Rath and Dictate of the Twin Gods but Gratuitous Violence seems like it would help you more instead of Quest for Pure Flame . Pure flame is cheaper cmc but I don’t see it being as effective.

Hope some of those help! +1

PixelAlex on

8 years ago

well if that is the case maybe you'll want to consider splashing or because there are some really good options.
First cards that force attacking: Alluring Siren, Chemister's Trick, Into the Fray, Aggravate, Courtly Provocateur, Heckling Fiends, Incite, Shipwreck Singer and most definitly Gideon, Battle-Forged and Rage Nimbus.
Also to maximize these effects i would recommend Slumbering Dragon, Hunter's Insight and maybe Lost in the Woods.

Also just a hint try to make some more detailed descriptions. It really helps with recomending cards.

MindSculptor66 on Everyone Else is Fighting Again...

8 years ago

Thanks, awalloftext!

Kazuul, Tyrant of the Cliffs, Oreskos Explorer, Tithe, and Mother of Runes should have been auto includes; I'm swapping out Boros Battleshaper, Soul's Attendant, Aggravate, and Mana Flare for them.

I'm not quite as sure about Grand Abolisher, given that Basandra, Battle Seraph already stops some spells, but I'll swap out Patron of the Kitsune and see how it goes. Rite of the Raging Storm had already caught my eye, and I was just waiting till I could get one.

I'd like to keep Lightning Bolt, but Lightning Helix can go for a Boros Charm.

While Oracle en-Vec certainly seems like a fun card, I don't really want to let my opponents choose what they'll attack with (I assume they can choose zero creatures for its ability?). Master Warcraft is not really what I'm looking for here; I'd prefer reusable taunt effects like Basandra, Battle Seraph + War's Toll .

awalloftext on Everyone Else is Fighting Again...

8 years ago

Love it! Any deck that can make full use of Assault Suit gets a big +1 from me.


Since you're Boros and have such a high average converted mana cost, I think you might want to look into a few more sources of ramp/mana fixing. Tithe, Burnished Hart, Oreskos Explorer, and/or Knight of the White Orchid will almost always be used to full effect. I think this deck wants to consistently hit its land drops to ensure it's got plenty of mana for Basandra.

Other cool cards for your theme:

Cards I would consider replacing:

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