

Gain control of target spell. You may choose new targets for it. (If that spell becomes a permanent, it enters the battlefield under your control.)

fluffyeel on Help make deck good

1 year ago

Unfortunately, to up the power level, some of the things I will recommend might be pricey (cost-wise), but I'm already seeing some places to improve.

carpecanum on You didn't say the magic word

1 year ago

Sublime Epiphany? Maybe Aethersnatch (not a counter but stealing is nice). The Voidmage Husher is the one i couldn't remember. Awesome card, even better with Baral getting card draw from it

Profet93 on Talrand, Drake Summoner

4 years ago


Aethersnatch - Too much mana to hold up at once

Redirect - Another misdirection is always good. Whats better than countering their removal than sending it back at them?

Another "free" spell is Commandeer - Note that this gets around "can't be countered" (same with aethersnatch). Also be aware of how many cards you will be discarding for these spells and might want to add more card draw dependent on your testing of the deck.

Croosader on Talrand, Drake Summoner

4 years ago

Profet93, Thwart is gold!. Also considering Aethersnatch and Redirect .

Gidgetimer on Stealing cards in EDH

4 years ago

So, I don't ever actually play Commandeer and was unfamiliar with its text. It was simply the first "gain control of a spell" card that I thought of. Change "... was not a spell that was Commandeer ed .." to "... was not a spell that was Aethersnatch ed..." in my previous reply.

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