Aether Gale

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Aether Gale


Return six target nonland permanents to their owner's hands.

thefiresoflurve on Typical Hinata is Typical

1 year ago

Okay, so cuts first: 1. all the "Diamond" series of mana rocks can go, they're kind of bad. The signets are good, they can stay.

  1. Paradoxical Outcome can go. It's not exactly what you want here since you don't have strong ETB themes.

  2. Keep Safe there are better counters.

  3. Decoy Gambit can go. Not really strong enough to warrant giving people the options.

  4. Sunbird's Invocation is a bit too expensive for what it does in this deck, IMO.

  5. Dualcaster Mage - this doesn't target (its ETB effect does the targeting), but if you want the copy effect, you can replace it later with something else, like Increasing Vengeance.

  6. Radiant Scrollwielder and Soulfire Grand Master - I saw exactly 4 cards that these even affect, probably not worth using with so little synergy. (and their abilities aren't the most useful here)

  7. Oona's Grace - not bad, but not worthy of the 100.

  8. Aether Gale - you have other cards that do what this is trying to do, but better.

You've also got what looks like multiples of a couple cards, which could help the count. Hope this helps! Let me know after you've made some edits and I'll help some more.

Devereauxx on

2 years ago

Just some advice: you don't really have that much interaction. There is only one piece of single target removal and one counterspell in the whole deck and they're both the one Drown in the Loch. The other interaction are all situational (Aether Gale needs 6 targets to resolve) and just bounce things not destroy them. Destroying would get the creatures in the graveyard for you to reanimate. Doom Blade, Go for the Throat, Pongify, Rapid Hybridization, all budget cards to destroy creatures. Also, how do you interact with a problem enchantment or an artifact? Feed the Swarm and Ravenform are both great new cards for UB to have at least one answer to non-creature permanents after they've hit the board. I don't like to use x/10 to discuss a deck but I think you may overestimate with a 5 since there's little to no actual interaction. Otherwise this is a cool list! Thanks for sharing it.

shmamby.tandenbaum on Just dump it in the SINK

4 years ago

I'd recommend adding at least one board wipe, obvi Cyclonic Rift is the best in these colors, but there are plenty of good options if you're not trying to spend all that money. Flood of Tears, Evacuation, Aether Gale, or AEtherize if you're in a meta with someone who likes to attack.

Beyond that I would just recommend adding dual lands to smooth things out. I playtested a bit, and I found myself struggling with having the right colors of mana with just basics. I'd start with adding Sulfur Falls, Hinterland Harbor and Rootbound Crag given the number of basics you're running. I'd also recommend the Pain lands Shivan Reef, Yavimaya Coast, and Karplusan Forest. Fabled Passage would also be good as the price has dropped as of this comment (though is still a little pricey), and maybe test adding Evolving Wilds and Terramorphic Expanse.

antacidbrn on Competitive EDH Mill

4 years ago

I updated the list to include Eater of the Dead. I removed Aether Gale for it. Overall, much better.

I could not find room for Keening Stone. I feel like if I cut any more creatures, tutors, combo pieces or toolbox cards to stay alive I will be watering down the deck.

kylar_ on Yennett is an odd sphinx

4 years ago

troca opportunity por Precognitive Perception , shrine of the forsaken gods eh ruim, dispatch precisa de um deck mais focado em artefato, 19 eh pouco pra consistentemente ter 3 no campo, callous oppressor parece horrivel kkkk, painful truths nao funciona se voce jogar de graca do yennett, troca por um Read the Bones ou Notion Rain ou Dream Cache , o resto parece bem decente, mas vou falar um monte de carta impar que eu gosto: Burnished Hart , Thief of Sanity , Prognostic Sphinx , Scheming Symmetry , Acquire , Aether Gale , Wave of Reckoning eh especialmente bom pq nao mata yennett e mata o resto, Time Wipe , Plague Wind , Generous Gift , Mortify , Gilded Lotus , Imprisoned in the Moon , Mind's Dilation

Valius on

4 years ago

Cards you could remove to make space for better synergistic ones are:

Mirko Vosk, Mind Drinker
Sire of Stagnation
Dreamborn Muse (I go back and forth on this but I still feel it’s worth taking out unless self mill is a strategy for you)
All your enchantments except Fraying Sanity
Aether Gale
Brainspoil ( Grisly Spectacle is better)
Dark Deal
Karn's Temporal Sundering
Intellectual Offering

If I was building this deck, that’s where I would start. Of course it’s your deck, and if anything is sentimental then by all means keep it in.

Valius on

4 years ago

Mirko Vosk isn’t all that great unless he can connect with the opponent. You’ll do more mill with your walls than you will with him. Replace him with Avatar of Woe

Sire of Stagnation isn’t really on theme here, and is expensive. You’re better off with Lord of the Void or Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger if you’re looking for an impactful creature, but I’d probably choose Geth, Lord of the Vault or Oona, Queen of the Fae since they’re more on flavor and are good mana sinks if needed.

You have very little spot removal, Hero's Downfall , Doomblade etc, so be careful there. Also, Black has access to Plague Wind In Garruk's Wake and even Mutilate , and you definitely should be running Cyclonic Rift over Aether Gale . Board wipes are important, and you’ll have the largest toughness to survive those “all creatures get -x/-x” effects, so make use of them - Toxic Deluge would probably be the absolute best.

There’s good equipment to increase toughness, like Slagwurm Armor and Accorder's Shield , and Illusionist's Bracers on a mortivor or nighthowler is potentially deadly.

Don’t forget about Laboratory Maniac , because you can mill yourself.

All those cards that mill opponents when you draw a card are taking away from other cards you need unless you’re drawing a ton of cards in a turn. Notion Thief and Teferi's Puzzle Box is the absolute best combo for dimir (imho) and pairs well with those cards, but a lack of Howling Mine like effects makes these cards less relevant to the mill from your walls. Memory Erosion will just do you more work.

Tutoring is important if you’re running combo, so don’t forget Diabolic Tutor or other expensive ones if you feel like buying them.

Bojuka Bog .

Dimir-doppleganger and Lazav, Dimir Mastermind are kind of must haves to make use of opponents’ big beefies and eldrazi (if any).

Biggest thing is just remember you’re trying to mill a billion at a time, not little bits here and there. If a card isn’t milling a ton, replace it with something else that’s more impactful. Combo pieces are nice, but without tutoring they’re unreliable.

Card I think are a MUST HAVE, though, are definitely Necrotic Ooze , Lazav, Dimir Mastermind , Cyclonic Rift , propoganda, Crawlspace , and Bloodchief Ascension . At least find space for those.

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