Aerial Extortionist

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Aerial Extortionist

Creature — Bird Soldier


Whenever this enters the battlefield or deals combat damage to a player, exile up to one target nonland permanent. For as long as that card remains exiled, its owner may cast it.

Whenever another player casts a spell from anywhere other than their hand, draw a card.

TheBestMagicCard on Hokori, Dust Drinker - Prison/Stax/Value Creatures

4 months ago

I realized that the most powerful thing Hokori can do is totally lock opponents out of playing anything, as long as there a couple support cards, mostly Mishra's Helix, God-Pharaoh's Statue, and maybe Kismet and Loxodon Gatekeeper.

This is more powerful then hate bears, and like "you can't do something" cards, as well as other cost-increasing cards. If I can just prevent opponents from casting anything by leaving them no untapped lands ever, it doesn't matter if the have a board wipe, or an enter-the-battlefield effect, or graveyard recursion, because they just can't cast anything...

Even if I could keep people from casting things for a few turns, if they gradually build their mana back up and could cast a threat that one of my dinky-conditional-hatebears didn't affect, then that sucked for me... Way better to just try and lock them down outright and not ever give them the chance...

I've decided to take out some more conditional/reactive cards for some better threats, so that I can have some recourse if opponents manage to cast a threat, and to try to close the game out a little faster. The deck also needs card draw to help stay ahead of opponents, and not stall out. I'm also realizing that removal is very powerful in this deck. Usually a one-to-one trade off for targeted removal can be questionable, but in this deck it's a little different. If I Swords to Plowshares a creature that cost 5 mana to cast, my opponent might have been saving mana up for a few turns to cast that card, now I just spent 1 mana to nerf it, and ideally Hokori is in play so now they will have to wait several more turns to cast something else, so spot removal turns into huge tempo advantage also. Even better than one-for-one spot removal is board wipe, and repeatable removal.

I've switched in new cards that present threats, draw cards, and remove opponent's cards, they include: Battle Angels of Tyr, Aerial Extortionist, Mass Calcify, Unexplained Absence, Magus of the Tabernacle, Champions of Minas Tirith, and Archon of Coronation.

Trouble in Pairs seems like it could be powerful, but it is also reactionary and conditional upon opponent's doing something advantageous.

Last_Laugh on Let Him Cook

5 months ago

Aerial Extortionist will draw off Rocco doing his thing (as well as commanders, flashback, and other cast from grave stuff) while doubling as removal. Extra points for being able to remove anyone's stuff regardless of which player you actually hit.

Last_Laugh on

6 months ago

Ok, I have several suggestions for you. I'll try to break it down by category and keep it budget friendly.

Card Draw (load up on this effect, it's one of the decks biggest strengths): Aerial Extortionist doubles as annoying removal while drawing cards. Breena, the Demagogue draws cards and beefs up your dudes quick. Starscream, Power Hungry  Flip because the monarchy is pretty easy to take back and hold here and he's an artifact so he comes with a buddy. Tegwyll, Duke of Splendor is an anthem effect for faeries that draws cards. Bident of Thassa/Reconnaissance Mission will draw a LOT of cards here. Plumb the Forbidden I typically use in response to boardwipes so I have a grip full of cards to redeploy. Tocasia's Welcome is self explanatory. Robe of the Archmagi since Alela is a warlock.

Buffs/Counters: Anduril, Narsil Reforged's 2x +1+1 counters on everyone is nuts here. Skyhunter Strike Force will give everyone +3+3 just for attacking all 3 opponents. Nykthos Paragon is conveniently an enchantment and Alelas has lifelink built in (this thing is deceptively disgusting here). Flowering of the White Tree is another good anthem effect here.

Vault of the Archangel is expensive to activate but you typically don't need to. This affects combat in your favor just with the unspoken threat of potential activation. Hold up mana, be committed to using it if needed, and cast stuff on your 2nd main if you didn't activate it.

Feel free to check out my list for more ideas. Upvotes on any of my decks are appreciated. Alela's Aerodynamics: A Crash Course

Last_Laugh on Marisi's Goad Club

9 months ago

Bothersome Quasit and Bedlam allow you to goad unimpeded. Bedlam is a bit ballsy and has the potential to backfire but the quasit is worth its weight in gold here.

Vengeful Ancestor is a stud here.

Beloved Chaplain, Soltari Foot Soldier, Soltari Champion, Soltari Visionary, Spirit en-Dal, Spirit Mantle, and Champion of Lambholt will ensure you get through in combat to goad someone.

Authority of the Consuls in addition to Urabrask makes it so every hastey boy isn't sent your way and makes it impossible for your opponents to play fresh ungoaded blockers.

I've also had really good results out of 'deals combat damage to an opponent' effects due to a lack of blockers once a goad chain gets going. Stuff like Aerial Extortionist, Ancient Gold Dragon, and Scepter of Celebration.

A pet card of mine that's hilariously effective here is Kusari-Gama. It'll get your big boys through or wipe their board. Equip it to Soltari Guerrillas to ensure no one can block ANY of your creatures without immediate retaliation.

Anyways, feel free to check out my list for ideas. Upvotes on any of my decks are appreciated. Marisi the Pimp - (Combat) Trickin' Hoes

Last_Laugh on Naya's Art of War

10 months ago

Nice deck. I do have some suggestions for you though.

Loyal Apprentice's hastey flying tokens are great for goading.

Luminous Broodmoth puts in some work here and addresses the decks lack of flyers and being a removal magnet.

Dhalsim, Pliable Pacifist is a weaker Toski variant, but still draws plenty of cards.

Skyhunter Strike Force is a cheap way to get a +3+3 boost for all your attackers on an evasive creature.

Kusari-Gama dares your opponents to block. Pair it with Soltari Guerrillas for extra hilarity.

Urabrask the Hidden provides haste while shutting off your opponent's hasty boys (that always get sent Marisi's direction).

I've also had great results out of effects that need to connect with an opponent like Aerial Extortionist, Ancient Gold Dragon, Scepter of Celebration, and The Reaver Cleaver.

Feel free to check out my list for more ideas. Upvotes on any of my decks are appreciated. Marisi the Pimp - (Combat) Trickin' Hoes

Last_Laugh on Flying Tribal - Artifact & Enchantement - Token

11 months ago

I agree that card draw is what makes this guy tick. I personally run 23 draw effects (iirc) while staying on theme. Btw, Faerie Mastermind isn't in your card draw section.

Mystic Remora: This one is meta dependent and is a nice recursion target for Serra Paragon or Hall of Heliod's. Starscream, Power Hungry  Flip: this guy's damage from drawing cards while you're the monarch adds up. I also look at him as a 3 drop. Plumb the Forbidden: Instant speed and pseudo dodging counterspells makes this card. Typically used in response to boardwipes. Aerial Extortionist: Versatile removal and card draw on a flyer. This guy is annoying and its draw triggers from a lot of things like commanders, flashback, rebound, and play from exile effects etc.

Also, a few cards outside of draw engines that I've had good results out of. Divine Visitation: makes any future 1/1 tokens into real threats. Nykthos Paragon: isn't a flyer, but he's an enchantment so he triggers Alela and Alela conveniently has lifelink built in so you can reliably gets the counters from his trigger. It gets out of hand quickly.

Last_Laugh on THE FIRST RULE OF GOAD CLUB - Forced Combat

1 year ago

Battle Angels of Tyr have been amazing. Myriad getting around pillow forts and just going wide in the air has been great.

Bothersome Quasit is another Bedlam effect that doesn't backfire and still has utility when the game becomes 1v1. This card is stupidly good here.

Dhalsim, Pliable Pacifist isn't quite as good as Toski/Ohran but it's the same draw mechanic as Tymna (without life loss). I can't remember his in-universe name but he was just reprinted.

In a deck like this that's VERY reliant on its creatures, I can't suggest Luminous Broodmoth enough.

Spirit en-Dal will make sure someone gets through.

I've also had REALLY good results out of Scepter of Celebration / The Reaver Cleaver / Aerial Extortionist here thanks to a consistent lack of untapped dudes to block. The card draw on Extortionist draws off commanders, flashback, cast from exile, and all sorts of stuff... this dude is highly underrated.

Last_Laugh on Fae

1 year ago

I would recommend running a lot more draw engines... fortunately there's a LOT of budget(ish) friendly options in these colors.

Reconnaissance Mission, Bident of Thassa, and Coastal Piracy are some of your best options here. Skullclamp, Court of Grace, Plumb the Forbidden, Tocasia's Welcome, and Mystic Remora are all options that fit your theme. A few creatures that draw cards but are outside your tribe worth considering include Starscream, Power Hungry  Flip, Aerial Extortionist, and Welcoming Vampire.

I would also recommend making room for Azorius Signet, Talisman of Dominance, Talisman of Hierarchy, Talisman of Progress, Arcane Signet, and Fellwar Stone.

Feel free to check out my list for ideas. Upvotes on any of my decks are appreciated. Alela's Aerodynamics: A Crash Course

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