Abhorrent Overlord

Creature — Demon


When Abhorrent Overlord enters the battlefield, put a number of 1/1 black Harpy creature tokens with flying onto the battlefield equal to your devotion to black. (Each in the mana costs of permanents you control counts toward your devotion to black.)

At the beginning of your upkeep, sacrifice a creature.

TheForsakenOne on K'rrik, Manipulator of Life (Totals)

3 months ago

This deck seems very .... confused. On one hand you have swamp synergies, on the other sacrifice synergies, and then you have weird cards like Elder Brain that don't fit into either. I'd suggest picking one of the two theme's and sticking to it.

Cards I would suggest cutting:

Withercrown (just not a good card)

Crypt Incursion (Too situational, its going to be dead a lot of the time)

Xathrid Gorgon (Too slow)

Visara the Dreadful (Removal magnet + too slow)

Consume Spirit (There are better mana sinks than this)

Corrupt (Needs too many swamps to be worth the mana)

Liliana's Shade (Also just not a good card)

Elder Brain (just a weird card in general and too inconsistent)

Cards I would suggest adding:

Abhorrent Overlord (Makes a buch of creatures for your sacrifice triggers)

Pontiff of Blight, Thrull Parasite, Basilica Screecher (More extort cards that synergize very well with K'rrik)

Exsanguinate (Better mana sink than consume spirit)

Nirkana Revenant (Another mana doubler for swamps)

Vein Ripper (Very good for this kind of deck, but it just came out and is currently pricey so I'd wait to buy this one)

Bitterblossom, Dreadhorde Invasion (make a creature every turn for your sacrifice outlets)

Viscera Seer the classic free sacrifice outlet. Also see Woe Strider

Ayara, First of Locthwain (Free creature with K'rrik out and pings opponents every time a black creature enters which usually happens a lot with sac decks)

Rocketman988 on Demon Till Your Dreams Come True

11 months ago

77hi77, it makes me so excited to hear that you've caught the Rakdos bug and that my decklist and primer has helped inspire you to make Rakdos your own! You've made my day. He's such an unconventional powerhouse, and it's fun to watch players' faces when they realize the game state has suddenly shifted against them dramatically.

Your comment got me thinking about how to best verbalize the theory behind the deck, and when I began typing my response, I realized I had a lot more to say on the topic of "how the deck doesn't fall behind" when it attacks with Rakdos than I thought I would. So instead of replying with a book of text in the comments here, I created a new section in the primer called "Rakdos Game Theory". If you give it a read through, it should help you understand how I've attempted to solve the issue of how to survive attacking that you commented about.

I'd love to hear more about the direction you're taking your deck, but if you're not ready to share yet, send me a link to your deck when you are! The basics of not falling behind when you attack with Rakdos are mana density, card efficiency, and resource denial. If you want to build Rakdos on a budget, you'll want effects that packs as much mana onto each permanent as possible. Think Gilded Lotus, Everflowing Chalice, Chromatic Orrery, Sceptre of Eternal Glory, Dreamstone Hedron, Nyx Lotus, Rakdos Carnarium, Everglades, Dormant Volcano, stuff like that. That way, sacrificing hurts less because the bulk of your mana stays on a single permanent. Token producers like Wand of Orcus and Abhorrent Overlord are also excellent so that you can sacrifice the free value permanents instead of critical resources. Finally, play symmetrical table hate pieces like Pox, Shadowgrange Archfiend, Tectonic Hellion, Death Cloud, Insurrection, and Curse of the Cabal to keep everyone low on resources like you are. If you can afford them, the trio of It That Betrays, Tergrid, God of Fright  Flip, and The Reaver Cleaver are in my opinion mandatory in any list that wants to prioritize attacking with Rakdos.

Noire_Samhain on Cheap cards for Kaalia

11 months ago

Since you mentioned you're pretty on a budget, most of these (at least according to my knowledge) are at or under a dollar.

For some cheap angels- Angel of Finality, Resplendent Marshal, Angel of the Ruins, and Angel of Serenity.

For some cheap dragons- Drakuseth, Maw of Flames, Terror of Mount Velus, Piru, the Volatile, and Glorybringer.

For demons- Infernal Sovereign, Dreadfeast Demon, Overseer of the Damned, Nightmare Shepherd, Abhorrent Overlord, and Indulgent Tormentor.

Jimmy3671 on Life Gain/Aristocats copy

1 year ago

Abhorrent Overlord might be a good way of getting a bunch of creatures to sack

king-saproling on The Newspaper

1 year ago

You might like these: Rasaad yn Bashir, Ghoulcaller Gisa, Lena, Selfless Champion, Pawn of Ulamog, Sifter of Skulls, Sling-Gang Lieutenant, Teysa, Orzhov Scion, Skullclamp, Endrek Sahr, Master Breeder, Woe Strider, Abhorrent Overlord, Rakshasa Gravecaller, Priest of Forgotten Gods, Tormod, the Desecrator, Adeline, Resplendent Cathar, Haazda Marshal

Personally I would cut these: Corrupt, Asphyxiate, Go-Shintai of Hidden Cruelty, Go-Shintai of Shared Purpose, Honden of Cleansing Fire, Honden of Night's Reach, Sanctum of Stone Fangs, Bogbrew Witch, Bubbling Cauldron, Festering Newt, Bloodsworn Squire, Blood Host, Staff of the Death Magus, Dead Weight, Mind Rot, Proclamation of Rebirth.

There are some other cards I would add and cut. Let me know if you're interested. Good luck!

Gleeock on Creature Donation Ideas

2 years ago

After a leaked commander came out I need some suggestions for good creatures to donate to opponents in . Details as follows: End step I get to give opponent my creature, goad it rest of game, give it +2/+2 counters, IMPORTANT creature cannot be sac'd. Lastly, whenever a creature I own but don't control attacks I draw a card.

So far, I have: 1. Demonic Taskmaster 2. Plague Reaver 3. Abhorrent Overlord 4. Consuming Aberration

legendofa on Blue Black Tokens

2 years ago

Depending on format, blinking something like Rakshasa Gravecaller or Abhorrent Overlord with Nephalia Smuggler could work. Zombie tribal fits the colors and has some good options like Endless Ranks of the Dead.

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