Dragon Hatchling

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Dragon Hatchling

Creature — Dragon


: Dragon Hatchling gets +1/+0 until end of turn.

indieinside on

8 months ago

freddiefrick, we took out the Worldslayer combo along with Dragon Egg and Dragon Hatchling. Added the following -

Ancestral Anger, Dictate of the Twin Gods, Heartless Hidetsugu, Terror of Mount Velus

Thanks so much for the help.

freddiefrick on

8 months ago

indieinside I'm glad you found my suggestions helpful! Those two cards are very strong and will certainly speed up the game, if not win it outright. Here are some cards I might cut if I were you:

  • Brash Taunter: not a Dragon and rarely will be dealt damage. All your Dragons are scary enough blockers, too.

  • Dragon Egg: again, you have far more powerful blockers and a 2/2 that you can pump is just not good enough for 3 mana. It would be better to spend that mana in early turns getting ramp on the board.

  • Dragon Hatchling: same rationale as Dragon Egg.

  • Dragonmaster Outcast: OK in the late game, but it triggers on your upkeep so the Dragons you get will have summoning sickness. It takes a long time for this card to get going.

  • Doubling Cube: a very good card, but I'm not sure if you need it in this deck. Other ramp and cost reducers will probably achieve the same effect. Plus, playing this card may signal to other players that you're going to do a big combo, potentially putting a target on your head.

  • Worldslayer: probably don't need this. Your main wincon here is sending burn at opp face and turning your cards sideways.

Also, you might want to add cards like Ancestral Anger that give your Dragons trample. That card is especially good because it cantrips too. Hope this helps -- I'm eager to see the final version of the deck!

carpecanum on The Dragon's Hoard

1 year ago

Dragon Hatchling, Sword Coast Sailor

Ebony Horse and (more expensive) Maze of Ith because all you have to do is attack and then pull back something that was going to be smooshed by a blocker.

zachz on $50 BUDGET OGNIS

1 year ago

Yeah, you need firebreathing in this as a ready source of manadumps.

Creatures: - Flamekin Brawler - Dragon Egg - Dragon Hatchling - Chartooth Cougar - Everflame Eidolon - Immolating Souleater - Hellkite Overlord - Goblin Fire Fiend - Furnace Whelp - Molten Ravager - Tattermunge Witch

Enchantments: - Firebreathing - Captive Flame - Ghitu Firebreathing - Shiv's Embrace - Dragonrage (Instant, gives all creatures firebreathing)

carpecanum on Firkraag, Goad + Dragon Tribal

2 years ago

Bedlam, Illusionist's Gambit, Dragon Hatchling, Varchild, Betrayer of Kjeldor, Clout of the Dominus

Do tokens created by Myriad "have to attack" since they enter tapped and attacking? That would make myriad creatures and Blade of Selves useful in this deck.

ThePerilousRealm on A Thunder of Dragons

2 years ago

Nice deck. To make room for Pyre of Heroes and Dragon Hatchling, you might consider dropping Death by Dragons and Beledros Witherbloom.

Good luck!

Ammonzy on Modern Dragons

2 years ago


Cool. My first advice is finding a card or two that's a strong 1-drop. Ragavan, Nimble Pilferer I believe is the best choice for your deck as it gives card advantage + some ramp. You can also go with the hard ramp route by using Arbor Elf+Utopia Sprawl

For dragons to capitalize on, I would recommend guys like Goldspan Dragon or Terror of the Peaks or Obsidian Charmaw or Demanding Dragon. Dragonlord Kolaghan could be a fun 1-of card in the deck that serves as a game-closer. Smoldering Egg  Flip seems like a really good 2-drop in this deck. Manamorphose would compliment Smoldering Egg  Flip very well & give you card draw + mana fixing

Dragon Hatchling, Enduring Scalelord, and Orb of Dragonkind are terrible for modern & should be removed. Doomskar isnt that good for this deck and Earthquake is only good when we have lots of mana & dragons which we're probably in a winning position anyways.

I'd put Blood Moon in the mainboard as it gives you free wins against a lot of the meta. Replace Path to Exile with Prismatic Ending since you have the colors to exile a vast majority of stuff.

This deck may actually be better in & use a similar shell to the delver decks that use Murktide Regent but you obviously splash in more dragons to get your desired flavor.

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