Confusion in the Ranks


Whenever an artifact, creature, or enchantment enters the battlefield, its controller chooses target permanent another player controls that shares a type with it. Exchange control of those permanents.

Made_Compleat on It’s a Trap! [Norin Secret Commander]

8 months ago

I've got four words for you.

Confusion in the Ranks.

SufferFromEDHD on Mono Red Enchantments

9 months ago

I've been brewing this same concept along with mono green enchantment control the past few weeks. I really like what you have going here!

Goblin Chainwhirler and Syr Carah, the Bold seem out of place. Eidolon of the Great Revel and Forgeborn Oreads would be upgrades.

Risky Move and Confusion in the Ranks this janky combo finally has a home.

Grip of Chaos for more chaos.

No Valakut, the Molten Pinnacle???

Flame Fusillade is super secret tech!

skibulk on Confusion In The Ranks

9 months ago

Sol Ring might be a good alternative to Seething Song. If you play it before Confusion in the Ranks, you'll have +2 mana every turn. And if you play it after, it is a permanent you can exchange. Urza's Saga could help you get it, and can even make a token. Mirrex is a potential sub for Springjack Pasture. Also a single copy of Sokenzan, Crucible of Defiance wouldn't hurt. Imperial Recruiter can fetch Norin the Wary. Not sure if you'd rather have Norrin than anything else.

SufferFromEDHD on The Ruling Nightmare

10 months ago

Confusion in the Ranks is kind of awesome alongside that janky Risky Move!

Mana Crypt and Krark's Thumb are pricy but on theme.

1empyrean on Ragavan, Boatswain of the Dragon's Smile

2 years ago

I'll be adding Nalfeshnee as soon as possible. I've been looking for a good way to copy Glimpse of Tomorrow for a potential blowout with Confusion in the Ranks and this does the trick while still having good synergy with the deck in general.

1empyrean on Ragavan, Boatswain of the Dragon's Smile

2 years ago

Fat_old_guy, it's still being played, and I keep an eye out for new stuff (mostly new ways to make tokens). I haven't done updates since before Neon dynasty came out because that set had so many fun commanders to build around, but I might try Kami of Celebration for a bit. There's wiggle room to make changes and try new things, so don't feel like you have to stick to the list as is.

The only major changes I'm thinking about are to make room for Karn, the Great Creator and Mycosynth Lattice, but there's no real reason to make the change.

A minor change I may make is adding in a way to copy Glimpse of Tomorrow so that I can potentially do some busted things with Confusion in the Ranks, but this is a very low priority.

This deck is definitely worth trying out.

Gidgetimer on If you're building Chishiro, include …

2 years ago

Confusion in the Ranks doesn't let you trade enchantments and then return the aura to your hand. There is no way to get the activation on the stack under the trigger. When your aura enters the battlefield both Confusion in the Ranks and Chishiro, the Shattered Blade will trigger and you can put the abilities on the stack in the order of your choosing. Only after both triggers have been put on the stack will you receive priority and be able to activate the RTH ability. The creature switch still works and is amusing. You just can't mix triggers and activations in the manner you were wishing.

TypicalTimmy on If you're building Chishiro, include …

2 years ago

Confusion in the Ranks is brutal. Here's why.

Cast an aura that has a Return To Hand (RTH) ability.

The aura ETB.

You create a 2/2 Spirit token.

Now you need to manipulate the stack. Order them like this,

  • First: Activate the aura to RTH
  • Second: Exchange control of the enchantments
  • Third: Exchange control of the creatures

In top-down fashion, 3rd resolves first. You and your opponent exchange creatures. Great way to gain control of their Commander or combo piece

Next, enchantment swaps happen. They get your aura, you get their enchantment if they have one.

  • If nobody has an enchantment, the aura stays under your control.

Third, if the aura is under their control, your RTH activation resolves and it bounces back to you. You maintain control of their enchantment, but you keep yours ;)

  • Next

Even if they don't have an enchantment to swap, your RTH activation still resolves. RTH and re-cast.

You get another 2/2, who you swap out for one of theirs - again.

Take control of all their best creatures and give them a bunch of 2/2 chump blockers haha

This deck is stupid and I love it

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