Brave the Sands


Creatures you control have vigilance.

Each creature you control can block an additional creature.

Master_J on Attack Attack!

2 weeks ago

OUT: Faithless Looting, Thrill of Possibility, Anger

IN: Brave the Sands, Chivalric Alliance, Aurelia, the Law Above

Making a few minor changes. I generally don't like throwing cards away with no way to Reanimate them, so taking those out for other small enchantments that will hopefully help me longer term.

Then trading or haste with Anger for some evasive draw enabler.

DreadKhan on Tuvasa CEDH stax

1 month ago

What do you think of Estrid's Invocation in this list? Each upkeep it becomes whatever Enchantment is situationally best, that seems worth a look? It's really good if you've already got Sterling Grove or Greater Auramancy out, then your Enchantments are shrouded. Have you thought about something more spicy than Wrath of God in here? I was wondering about something like Single Combat, Promise of Loyalty, or even Winds of Abandon? There is always Cyclonic Rift, with Rule of Law out Rift is a truly backbreaking play in my limited experience. In my Stax deck I found Brave the Sands very useful, it can make it easy for my single large creature to attack with impunity, as well as block up to two creatures per combat (which is usually enough if you've got something like Stasis or Static Orb out).

I can't seem to figure it out on my own, but I'm guessing you have a good reason not to use All That Glitters in here? Not enough synergy perhaps/Tuvasa is usually big enough on her own?

Anyways cool list, cEDH Stax is tons of fun!

MartinEMcArthur on Dance of the Manse and …

2 months ago

Let’s say Encroaching Mycosynth is in my graveyard along with Brave the Sands and Faerie Seer, two nonartifact permanents. If I cast Dance of the Manse with X equal to 4, I’ll be able to return Encroaching Mycosynth, sure, but would I be able to also return the other two cards I mentioned? Would bringing back Encroaching Mycosynth immediately make the other cards in my graveyards artifacts, hence making them legal targets as long as they’re mana value is 4 or less?

DatShepTho on The Walls are closing in!!!

4 months ago

Two of my favourite Arcades Defenders support I recommend: Brave the Sands Hold the Gates

Defenders I recommend: Wall of Blossoms Wall of Omens Vine Trellis Sylvan Caryatid

You've got pretty much all of the good defenders, but I think the deck lacks a bit of ramp and the spot removal could be more efficient. Just the typical your Swords to Plowshares, Pongify and Beast Within style cards, maybe Darksteel Mutation if you're feeling mean.

Local_Hethen on Masako EDH

5 months ago

How about:

  1. Phyrexian Vindicator, solves flying and deters combat.

  2. Since you have Brave the Sands, you can use Defensive Formation to assign blocked damage how you choose.

  3. Some runner ups Boromir, Warden of the Tower, Aven Mindcensor, Ghostly Prison, Maze of Ith.

DreadKhan on Zur the Enchanter

10 months ago

Zur has access to a lot of ways to lock people, and some of them are fairly cheap. If you want a fairly slow but inexorable way to win games with Zur, you could try Court of Cunning and Solitary Confinement. Court will give you Monarch, and Solitary Confinement makes you pretty safe while you mill opponent's for 10 each upkeep. There are things like Greater Auramancy (which is getting reprinted I understand, it's a niche card that went a very long time without a reprint so who knows where the price will settle), and you can use any copy enchantment effect to speed up the mill plan, or to copy stuff like Phyrexian Arena to draw more cards. Those Copy Enchantment effects are also very good with stuff like Second Chance (which also loves Necropotence obviously), it's possible to set up infinite extra turns where you juggle Estrid's Invocation and another Copy Enchantment, both copying Estrid's Invocation. It's weird but extra turns are cool enough to be worth a bit of work I think.

If your deck can set up a strong pillowfort scenario then you might like Luminarch Ascension, getting a 4/4 flyer for 1W is really good value IMHO, and if nobody can target or attack you it's pretty hard to damage you, so it'll be online very quickly, at which point you have better creatures than most Green decks.

If you use Stasis, you might keep an eye on Black Market Connections, the two are very good together, especially if you use something like Brave the Sands as your Vigilance source, BMC both pays for Stasis, can draw a card each turn and can make you a 3/2, it's a huge amount of value on a Stasis board.

If you use All That Glitters it is pretty easy to make Zur big with Copy Enchantment effects duplicating All That Glitters. I find it's a surprisingly fast aggro option, and Zur can quickly end up a 1-shot. Ethereal Armor is another useful option.

This is just a personal preference, but I would either run more lands or run more 2 mana mana rocks (you could even do both, Zur is hard to get out early). If you run very few artifacts you should definitely run Energy Flux. If you run more lands you could have enough Basic lands that Back to Basics is worth a look. I had a deck that used both of them and Rule of Law as a way to oppress the board.

Hope you're having some fun games!

DreadKhan on Need help ruining a combo players day

1 year ago

Thorn of Amethyst, Glowrider, Sphere of Resistance, Vryn Wingmare, and Eidolon of Rhetoric all exist, but I'm guessing they didn't make the cut?

Retribution of the Meek might be a reasonable wipe with so many smaller creatures, ditto Elspeth, Sun's Champion. If a wipe is one sided it's not just resetting the board, not sure how many of these you're willing to run. Elspeth makes a small army, much better at blocking than the Samurai from Wanderer fwiw, but Wanderer is really strong too. Smothering Tithe is great with Stasis out, Brago, King Eternal might be fun too. If people are running obnoxious stuff, you could run Enlightened Tutor to find your Stasis/Tithe cards as needed, Muddle the Mixture can find both Stasis or Brave the Sands, while also being a counterspell. If you like Stasis, you could also try Static Orb, Meekstone, Crackdown or even Winter Orb/Rising Waters, not sure how hostile you want to be but Stasis is harsher than these. How often do you cast Approach of the Second Sun in here? I ask because there are a lot of tax effects, but if it's not trouble have you thought about running some tutors to find it? The best ones I can think of are Mystical Tutor, Personal Tutor, and Solve the Equation, they can also find other cards as needed, handy if you need removal, a wipe or a counter.

As for alternatives that can do similar things, you might look at either Zur the Enchanter or Hinata, Dawn-Crowned as alternatives that offer more offensive punch while still offering a solid route to shutting the table down. Zur can dig out enchantments like Rule of Law, Stasis (and Black Market Connections) and various ways to fairly quickly win the game, all while being able to hold up lots of mana for interaction, be it counters or removal. Hinata is another tax effect, but you get access to Red as well, and Red has some interesting additions to the Stax department, you'd definitely want Grand Arbiter in your Hinata deck, and you'd run most of the same cards, but you also have the option of running a bunch of cards that care about Hinata's discount, Hinata makes interaction better, especially if it has multiple targets, the annoying thing for both is that they're much harder to cast than Grand Arbiter, so you'd have to raise your budget to have the same consistency. The big problem with Zur is protecting him. If there are literally specific players you know are a problem you can run either Baral, Chief of Compliance or Talrand, Sky Summoner, Baral is better at playing 'Counter Everything' but Talrand can be just offensively good vs a specific player since he also is generating evasive bodies while interacting with that player's win attempts. The nice thing about he mono-Blue approach is you can just brutalize a player or two while letting the others play a smaller (but more normal) game.

Oh, if those players run specific colours (and nobody else likes them as much) there are old school colour hosers, cards like Karma can make life extremely hard. They exist for all colours, and they were so staggeringly unpopular that the developer stopped printing cards like it.

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