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BRUNA- I Swear I Don’t Run Enchantments Commander / EDH*
ghandio 6 23 7 3.8K
Dragons and Adventurers EDH
Misery is waiting at the gates of Armageddon Commander / EDH
SomaCruz 40 102 34 13K
Gas in the Tank, I'm Gonna Spank Commander / EDH
Chill_Casual 19 44 9 7K
The Necrobloom EDH
LeToast 2 3 114
G.I. Jo(dah) Commander / EDH
KibaAlpha 14 63 38 9.9K
Breena Counter Politics Commander / EDH
Crivaro 7 1.1K
Phage Commander / EDH
Ashling, Flame Dancer Commander / EDH
Icaruskid 2 16 3 869
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Rograkh the Voltron EDH
shikirohan 1 1 6
Gishath EDH EDH*
emem5656 1 1 19
Krenko EDH
rancidtuna 2 17
Fblthp's Cheerios EDH
GetZombified 2 3 17
Upgraded Neyali precon EDH
Ixhel EDH*
KaukoSeta 1 1 12
Xyris, Snake Charmer EDH
Jgiest 1 21
Frozen EDH
GideJan 1 32
Jurassic Park deck Casual
AkrimT33 1 5 36
The Necrobloom EDH
LeToast 2 3 114
Budget Snow Modern
husky9631 1 8 2 380
Rograkh the Voltron EDH
shikirohan 1 1 6
The Factory of Tomorrow, Today! EDH*
Muelton 2 4 6 778
Gishath EDH EDH*
emem5656 1 1 19
Krenko EDH
rancidtuna 2 17
Fblthp's Cheerios EDH
GetZombified 2 3 17
Upgraded Neyali precon EDH
Tyranid Upgrade EDH
bitis 2 5 38

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legendofa on Card creation challenge

39 minutes ago

Quennus, Metallurgeon

Legendary Artifact Creature - Vedalken Artificer

Modular 5

Other artifact creatures you control have modular 1.

Whenever you sacrifice an artifact, you gain 1 life. If it was a nontoken permanent, create a token copy of it, except it's a 0/0 creature in addition to its other types.


Pretty sure this isn't broken with anything. Partially inspired by Anikthea, Hand of Erebos, which exiles the cards it creature-izes, but I don't want this to interfere with encore.

Create a Goblin commander.

mahanhen on Mana Flooding is a good …

2 hours ago

Any thought of taking a few basics out and bring in a few Snow-Covered Island and Snow-Covered Forest in here for Field of the Dead? It’s fractions of a percentage point but I don’t see a downside.

rick132 on This Deck is a Little …

2 hours ago

seems like a run of the mill deck

wallisface on Encore Mechanic

4 hours ago

The restriction for each encored creature is only that they have to attack a specific opponent if able. If one is not able to, for any reason, then it can do what it wishes - it can attack another opponent or not at all

TheOfficialCreator on Why Does Xavier Sal Have …

4 hours ago

DemonDragonJ because Xavier was built as a value engine and not an outlet, the difference being that the exchange between his two abilities is meant to be more equal than it would be at instant speed.

I imagine they probably made this shift after the printing of Jan Jansen, Chaos Crafter and Zimone and Dina showed Wizards that their original notion of what this design space's gameplay would look like was off base. So they corrected it. (That's just my theory though)

TheOfficialCreator on Fblthp's Cheerios

4 hours ago

GetZombified Darksteel Plate stands out to me. Beyond that I'd probably say Cancel and maybe an Island or two.

Crow_Umbra on Slander Commander [Primer]

4 hours ago

My meta mostly leans aggro, Gleeock, so this could definitely help speed up games if anything lol. This deck is one of maybe 3-4 other different Goad commanders in the group. I generally enjoy cards like Descent into Avernus and Crescendo of War, which help put a clock on the table.

vic on (EDH) What happens if you …

5 hours ago


  1. I can't figure out what SBA stands for. Do you perhaps mean State Based Effect?

  2. What I was mainly getting at with my question was what happens to Rhys, not the Packmaster. I'm sure I could choose to champion Rhys and that that would satisfy the requirement to keep the Packmaster on the board.

But does Rhys stayed "championed"? I'm not sure if that counts the same as being killed or bounced. As I type this, I just now realize that championing is exiling, so yes, I guess it would go do the Command Zone, like if it got hit with a Path to Exile.

But that raises another question: what if (not that I'm likely to do this, but maybe in a different championing situation) I want to CHOOSE to let it get exiled in this instance, so that if Packmaster is removed, Rhys comes back into play. Am I allowed to do that?

K4nkato on Tinkerbell says “No”

5 hours ago

Weekly Results:

Kuldotha Red: ✅❌✅

Dimir Teachings: ✅✅

Elves: ❌❌

Ponza: ✅✅

Won every MU I’m favored in lol

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