Industry and team News

Shape the future of Twitter Spaces

  By Daniele and Adam Tornes  18 August  2021

  By Daniele and Adam Tornes

  18 August  2021

Developers are the original creators, sparking innovation to take Twitter further than we could possibly do on our own. When we launched our new Twitter API last year, we committed to bringing more of Twitter���s key features to our developer platform. Today, we’re introducing new Spaces endpoints so you can build tools, apps, and services to help people get more out of Twitter Spaces and shape the future of audio conversations. 

Listening to your feedback

Over the past several months, we’ve been hosting regular conversations with folks from our developer community, and people who use Spaces, so that we can understand what API functionality we should build first. One of the most requested features we heard is that you want functionality to help people discover interesting Spaces and set reminders. We also heard feedback that you’d like data to help Spaces Hosts understand their Space’s performance. We’re planning to launch API support for Spaces in phases, with discovery as our first focus area, and tools for Hosts as our next. 

What’s launching?

As part of today’s launch, all developers using the new Twitter API v2 will be able to look up live or scheduled Spaces using criteria like Spaces ID, user ID, or keyword. With the Spaces lookup and Spaces search endpoints, we hope to enable developers to build tools and solutions that help people on (and off) Twitter find interesting and relevant Spaces more easily. This will also benefit Spaces Hosts by making their conversations more discoverable and bringing more engaged listeners into their Spaces. And, with Spaces lookup, you can also begin to understand the public metadata and metrics associated with an active Space. You can read more details about these new features on our developer forum.

What’s next?

From numerous conversations over the last few months, we know there is a lot more that you want to be able to build with Spaces. We’re exploring functionality that will enable developers to build tools and solutions specifically for Spaces Hosts. For example, we are considering making certain metrics fields available via the API; enabling developers to build analytics dashboards and other performance measurement tools for Spaces Hosts. We’re also exploring a set of endpoints that will enable developers to help integrate the creation of reminders for upcoming Spaces into their tools, which would benefit participants and Hosts alike. You can stay up to date with what we have planned in our roadmap.

Getting started

If you’re interested in building the next great Spaces app or solution, you can get started with the Spaces endpoints today. Let us know what you’re working on by Tweeting with #TwitterAPI. We’re so excited to see what you build, and have no doubt it will change the way people use Spaces forever. 

Set a reminder to join us on Twitter Spaces August 18, 2021 at 12pm PT to talk about these new endpoints, and what’s next!