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Lead Generation

Accelerate your sales pipeline and drive revenue by engaging with prospects at every stage of the sales funnel.

Generate leads of prospects who engage on our platforms in a decision making mindset.

Generate curated lists of buyers that engage on our platforms.

Tech buyers are exposed to a constant stream of noise across channels, oftentimes creating confusion on how to find the solution that will meet their specific needs. 

Tech buyers trust Spiceworks Ziff Davis’ brands as a reliable source of information and advice on tech products and solutions. Buyers on our platforms can truly research their tech requirements, seek expert advice, and get reliable peer opinions when they engage with our content and tools to aid their decision making process.

Our lead generation solutions take a full-funnel approach to identifying in-market leads for your solution, delivering relevant content, and converting them with personalized communication and offers.

Content Syndication

Content Syndication

Build and expand your top-of-the-funnel pipeline with companies and contacts that meet your criteria.

By syndicating your content on trusted, industry-specific sites, you can target in-market buyers that are in the process of evaluating technology solutions and open to engaging with brands and companies. Content Syndication also allows you to uncover their areas of interest and provide a deeper look into their companies profile.

Expand your reach and get your content in front of the buying committee as they conduct their own research — even before your marketing and sales teams engage with them directly.

Intent-based Content Syndication

Build and expand top of your funnel pipeline with in-market buyers.

We pre-identify businesses showing intent to buy through our trusted first-party intent data, drawing from a pool of more than 500,000 businesses across 50 intent segments.

Targeted contacts are derived from a group of individuals within a business that have shown buying signals towards specific technology segments; wherein the prospect has demonstrated a desire to consume content either via telemarketing or downloading an asset. Intent Based Content Syndication also allows you to uncover their areas of interest and provide a deeper look into their companies profile.

Intent Based Content Syndication
SWZD typing on laptop


Accelerate sales conversations with the in-market contacts that have agreed to talk to your reps.

Includes curated questions and filtering criteria to pinpoint key decision-makers in the buying collective based on budget, internal influence, need for the product, and purchase timelines.

The ultimate aim is to generate leads that are more sales-ready by identifying buyers that are already further down the sales funnel. These are priority leads and if correctly nurtured, can deliver unparalleled conversion rates.

BANT Qualified Leads


Marketing verified leads that you can leverage to set appointments and drive sales opportunities.

With leads that are in-market and down the funnel, we prep them, prime them, and pass them on to you as potential customers. With BANT leads, we are able to prep them, prime them and pass them on to you as potential customers.

Our trained analysts work with you to navigate and fully understand your offering so they can have informed conversations with influencers and decision-makers. Our analysts then deliver pre-qualified leads based on answers to client centric/specific budget, authority, need and time questions, providing a seamless hand-off, directly to your sales team.

Custom Lead Program

Leverage trusted first-party data to focus on in-market buyers - from early researchers to sales qualified leads.

Opt for a customized solution if your business needs do not fit any of our pre-packaged solutions.

  • Highly custom solution, beyond the existing packaged offerings
  • Highly customizable data, targeting, and lead definition possibilities
  • Requires custom program scope 

Contact your SWZD representative for more details.

Custom Lead Program

Data Augmentation

Get deeper insights on the leads generated by unlocking and appending our range of Data Intelligence solutions.

  • SWZD Intent (Performance Package): Append a performance intent segment, intent segment score, key drivers, key focus, and vendor interest for the accounts activated as part of the campaign.
  • Company Intelligence: Appended business and technographics for accounts activated as part of the campaign. Enrich your leads with Company, Budget, and Techno Intelligence data.

SWZD Quality Check Promise

We deliver high quality leads that go through our guaranteed four step lead quality check.

Lead Generation Icons Privacy

Compliant with all privacy regulations that govern us. This includes opt-in consent.

Lead Generation Icons Verified Email

Confirmation of contact information includes verifying email address and telephone number.

Lead Generation Icons Filter

All campaign filters are verified to ensure that they match your pipeline needs.

Lead Generation Icons Reports

LinkedIn verification includes confirming contacts role/title and company.