SwiftERM Hyper-personalisation for ecommerce email marketing
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The perfect style is simplicity

Advanced AI personalised product emails

On-brand, consistent and 100% automated

Email Styling and styesheet design, are an essential ingredient to the success of using fully autonomous predictive product selection software. It delivers by far the greatest accuracy, as AI/ML software identifies each consumer’s perpetually changing preferences, and capitalises on them immediately as they present themselves.


Each individual consumer’s choices are reflected in the content of every email produced for them. Every email uses your online content, reflecting your photography, your product description, your style. There are zero errors, deviations or omissions. The system uses SendGrid to despatch emails for consumer security and accuracy of delivery.

The name of your recipient is displayed within the salutation, as it is stored on your database, for example, ‘Hi David’.

The lead product will be the item displayed first, and this will reflect the highest buying intention of your customer.

This style sheet was the highest consistently performing version used over a 10-year period, across three blue-chip mail order companies.

The body copy of the lead product is the full description, which is not truncated, and displayed together with the price.

12 further products are shown as lineage only, along with price. This product selection also reflects the highest buying potential ranked in order.

As the retailer, you can amend the signature panel to suit your brand, and this can include extra contact information or more touch points, as required.

All images use the highest resolution for greatest clarity in HTML.

If the recipient is not able to open the HTML version, the email is sent in a plain text format.

The email subject line is always the title of the lead product.

The language used in each email is taken from your website to resonate with the recipient.

All emails have individual and collective tracking codes to capture browsing and sales data.

6 further products are displayed after the lead product. Each product has a short description and a price.

Selection of products is strictly by greatest buying likelihood.

A unique extra algorithm for 3 items that were most commonly bought by the customer appears in the selection above.

A link will be displayed allowing the recipient to adjust their subscription or opt-out.

A SwiftERM logo is included, which links to our website.

Trustpilot logo can be auto-added here, if applicable.

When you need more from your ecommerce marketing