
Corporate Social Responsibility

Donations & Individual Giving

By supporting SWE, you can make a strong statement about your commitment to our mission.

Grants & Foundational Support

Thank you to the supporters that directly support our K-12 Outreach and collegiate and professional programming. Supporting the Society of Women Engineers is a prominent way for grant-giving foundations to empower girls and women to achieve their full potential in careers as engineers and leaders. These foundations empower and advance more than 15,000 girls and women annually.

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Support Research

State of Women in Engineering – Special Research Issue
The State of Women in Engineering, SWE Magazine’s research issue, is both a limited print run and digital publication. Released each March, it includes the highly valued review of the previous year’s peer-reviewed social science literature on women in engineering and STEM —offering analysis and insight, plus an extensive bibliography. Drawing from recent findings, this publication covers the most-critical trends affecting the advancement of women in engineering.

It is available widely through SWE’s online magazine, on SWE’s research site; through the archives; and in the SWE store. The print magazine is distributed to all participants in SWE’s annual Congressional Visits event, and is the “leave behind” at all visits to individual members of the U.S. House of Representatives and the Senate.

Partnership benefits:

    • Logo placement on back cover of print versions, video placement on the digital version’s table of contents, and logo with clickable URL on SWE’s research website
    • A one-page acknowledgment in the edition
    • Partner logo/url in all member email that announces the issue is available
    • 250 printed copies for distribution at your organization
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