
Workplace Groups

Organization Sponsored Memberships

SWE offers a variety of options for employers and organizations to purchase memberships in bulk for their employees. Some of these options include Corporate and Associate organizational membership. For more information, email SWE’s Strategic Partnerships department at [email protected].

SWE Resources

Employee Resource Groups

Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) are voluntary, employee-led groups that serve as a resource for members and organizations by fostering a diverse, inclusive workplace aligned with organizational mission, values, goals, business practices, and objectives. Other benefits include the development of future leaders, increased employee engagement, and expanded marketplace reach.

ERGs are organizations/clubs/affinity groups within a company that are often centered on a common interest (i.e., “Professional Women of Company ABC”).  Society of Women Engineers (SWE) membership is often not required to be part of an ERG, although many women in technology/engineering/leadership ERGs encourage their members to join SWE.

With a SWE ERG Affiliation, contacts for the group will have access to SWE’s Professional Development Training & Webinars to advance women in STEM, develop connections with like-minded individuals within and outside of the organization and increase the number of individuals supporting the mission to advance engineering and technology as a career for women.

Want more information? Email [email protected].

Employer Support

Many SWE members turn to their employers for financial relief of some of the costs associated with serving in a SWE leadership role. Download these resources to help you approach your employer to ask for their support and show them how being with SWE can be mutually beneficial!