

SWE Awards Program

The Society of Women Engineers strives to advance and honor the contributions of women at all stages of their careers as well as recognize the successes of SWE members, individuals, allies, and employers who enhance the engineering profession through contributions to industry, education, and the community..

SWE Recognition Program

The Society of Women Engineers strives to advance and honor the contributions of women at all stages of their careers and recognize the successes of SWE members and individuals who enhance the engineering profession through contributions to the industry, education, and the community.

SWENext Awards

The Society of Women Engineers strives to recognize the successes of SWENext students, SWENext Clubs and SWE Sections, MALs, and Affiliates doing outreach in their local STEM community. We encourage everyone to participate that does exceptional work in developing students’ community and supporting students exploring engineering and other STEM fields.

Collegiate Competitions

Showcase your skills and imagination! SWE Collegiate Competitions include various challenging programs, projects, and special activities that build valuable hands-on experience while sharpening your leadership, technical, and problem-solving abilities. Please see below for an overview of the current competitions and to download submission packets.