
SWE DEI&B Resources

At SWE, we recognize the importance of diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging (DEI&B) in creating a strong and inclusive engineering and technology community. We are committed to providing resources and support to all women in engineering, including those who identify as LGBTQ+, people of color, individuals with disabilities, and those from different cultural and socioeconomic backgrounds. Through our DEI&B initiatives, we aim to create a more equitable and inclusive engineering profession for all. Explore our resources and join us in our mission to promote diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging in the fields of engineering and technology.

This resource page is specifically designed to provide resources along the categories within our Advocates for Empowerment (A4E) Program. To that end, A4E participants can use these links to access SWE actionable resources to address gender parity and equality gaps identified in their A4E report. Assistance or questions regarding these resources can be directed to Nicola Mohan (she/her), SWE Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Program Manager.

Accessibility for Larger Bodies

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Products

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging Moments

Pronouns 101

Pronouns 101 – Communications

STEM Reentry Task Force

SWE Advance Learning Center Developing the Mindset for Inclusive Leadership

SWE Advance Learning Center: Empowering Women at Work: Why and How to Sponsor Others

SWE Advance Learning: Creating Psychologically Safe Organizations

SWE Advance Learning: Difficult Conversations about Race & Gender: Building the Skills for Productive Engagement

SWE Advance Learning: Ethics & Compliance

SWE Advance Learning: Gender Inclusivity & Allyship

SWE Advance Learning: Getting the Job Done Sin Quemarte (Without Burnout)

SWE Advance Learning: Intersectionality and Women of Color in the Engineering Workplace

SWE Advance Learning: Latina Engineers: Changing What Engineers Look Like

SWE Advance Learning: Managing Burnout for Busy People

SWE Advance Learning: Managing Health While Working From Home

SWE Advance Learning: Navigating Successfully Through Workspaces Shaped by Subtle Bia

SWE Advance Learning: Neuroinclusion Training

SWE Advance Learning: People & Culture

SWE Advance Learning: Preventing Harassment & Discrimination

SWE Advance Learning: Social Media Privacy

SWE Advance Learning: What a Man Gotta Do? A Modern Look at Male Allyship

SWE Advance Learning: Women in Leadership: Delegation and Support

SWE Executive Leadership Program (eXXec)

SWE Magazine: Fall 2020: How do we Create Systemic Change? A Closer Look at Data

SWE Magazine: Spring 2020: Access Toward More Accessible Work Environments

SWE Magazine: State of Women in Engineering 2020: Dismantling The Glass Ceiling

SWE Magazine: State of Women in Engineering 2020: Dismantling The Glass Ceiling
Fixing the “Broken Rung” in the Ladder to Success

SWE Magazine: State of Women in Engineering 2020: Dismantling The Glass Ceiling
Women in Engineering Talent Pulse Report

SWE Magazine: State of Women in Engineering 2020: Dismantling The Glass Ceiling
Women in Engineering: A Review of the 2019 Literature

SWE Magazine: SWE Conference 2020: Practice Curiosity
Some Things Have Changed, Some Have Not: Revisiting SWE’s 1993 Survey of Engineers

SWE Podcast: Episode 112: “Good Guys” Supporting Women in the STEM Workplace

SWE Podcast: Episode 115: Men as Diversity Partners: Ken Fulmer, President & CEO of Urban Engineer

SWE YouTube: Latina Engineers: Changing what Engineers Look Like with Diana Iracheta, Founder of Latina

SWE YouTube: SWE Panel: Let’s Talk Allyship for Black Engineers and Technologists