
Integrated Marketing Advisory Board

The Integrated Marketing Advisory Board (IMAB) advises the Society on communications focusing on public relations and social media. The IMAB is a resource for SWE groups on brand awareness and usage so that SWE’s image is consistent and leveraged for the benefit of SWE and all SWE members! Activities may include:

  • Proposing social media articles and marketing ideas to SWE’s Public Relations Team
  • Developing training and resources on how SWE groups can engage SWE members and increase their public presence, including developing their own integrated marketing plans
  • Advising SWE groups on proper usage of the SWE brand and consistent application of SWE’s social media policy

No formal experience in marketing or brand management is required to join the committee. You will have the opportunity to learn more about SWE’s brand management public relations and be a part of building SWE’s image with members and the general public!

Contact [email protected] for all questions/comments about the Integrated Marketing Advisory Board.

Documents and Resources


The Advisory Board is made up of a Chair and Chair-Elect selected via the annual call for leadership process and as many members as are necessary to support the committee’s activities. We seek a diversity of cultures, ages, industries, and geographies for our committee to ensure that we have good representation from society and make the most of our inclusive environment.

Each spring, SWE sends out a call for committee members, and that’s your chance to get involved with the Integrated Marketing Advisory Board. The Chair or Chair-Elect will contact interested parties to discuss their relevant interests and skills based on the SWE Leadership Competency Model and the needs of the committee. If you have strong ideas for increasing SWE’s presence through marketing, social media, and branding, this is the committee for you!

The IMAB is looking for SWE members who have a passion and interest for communication through websites, social media, and SWE branding topics. The SWE Leadership Competency Model can give some guidance, especially in Communication and Strategic Thinking. While we do not explicitly require any experience with branding or marketing, it is beneficial to have some familiarity with SWE’s online presence. Our mission is to be subject matter experts who can consult in other areas of SWE on these topics. Hence, experiences in brand marketing, social media usage, and strategic thinking are a great help.

The IMAB meets approximately one hour per month, with additional meetings for sub-team work and additional offline assignments as applicable. Depending on your individual availability and interest in one or more work streams, the time commitment may range from 1-10 hours per month.

The IMAB reports up through their SWE BoD liaison, similar to other SWE committees.