
Committees and Call for Judges/Reviewers

SWE Needs judges/reviewers for the following areas at this time:

Currently no judge/evaluator surveys are open. Please check back regularly for an opportunity to volunteer.

Purpose of Committees

The power of our committees and our volunteers is what moves SWE forward. Society committees are also a major aspect of our talent development pipeline process.

Consider volunteering with SWE as we have a variety of open roles and assignments. All members are welcome to apply.

FY25 Open Society Leadership Positions

FY25 Chair-Elect and Coordinator-Elect Application  (Open March 1 – April 1, 2024 at 11:59pm CT)

Committee Leadership Position Descriptions FY25

Application must be completed during a single session. FY25 Society Leadership and Nominating Committee Member Application Questions

Committee Leadership FAQ Video

Main Call for Committee Members request is April 1 – May 1, 2024. The application is available after that as well.

FY25 Committee Member Volunteer Application


Application must be completed during a single session. FY25 Committee Member Volunteer Application Questions

FY25 SWE Committees

Committees Chair
Affinity Group Cristy Guo
Audit Tiffany Nesbit
Awards & Recognition Sharon Rozzi
Bylaws Genevieve Kane
Curriculum Jennifer Lynch
Ethics Natalie (Hahn) Mallow
Finance Alexis Wasserman
Investment Sylvia Karlsson
Leadership Coaching Amy Gelsinger
Member Engagement Emily Walvoord
Mentoring Catherine Meyn
Nominating Marcella Vaicik
Pre-college Engagement and Support Committee Victoria Lee
Program Development Grants Anna Sparks
Scholarship Mary Beth Biddle
Teller Nkechi Akwari
Women in Academia Gisella Lamas
Boards, Councils & Task Forces Chair
Africa Advisory Board Enia Kakombu
Conference Advisory Board Rubianne Garcia
Editorial Board Emily Ongstad
Integrated Marketing Advisory Board Ele Chakraborty
Research Advisory Council Roberta Rincon
Senate Kristine E. Barnes
WE Local Advisory Board Sandra Mandawe Paglieroni
Coordinators Name of Coordinator
LDP Track Coordinators Amanda Stone (Beginner Track) and Jocelyn Bowman (Advanced Track)
SWE Rep to ABET Board Janet Brelin-Fornari